Test Flashcards
Which has the king under the law and taxes with consent of Great Council?
Manga Carta
When was MC signed?
June 15, 1215
Which has taxes approved by parliament
Due process of law
No quartering of soldiers w/out consent
Petition of Rights
When was Petition of Rights signed?
1628 after kings demanded to rule under divine right
Which has no man above the law
No taxes without consent
English Bill of rights
When was The English Bill of Rights signed?
Which has the need for govt
Pledged loyalty to the King
Mayflower Compact
Which has consent of governed
Limited govt
Social contract
Principles of the Mayflower Compact
British system: Henry the Great
Prefaced his law with 10 Commandments
Ruled with council of nobles/clergy
Henry ll
System of Royal courts
Trial by jury
*replaced trial by ordeal
Simon de Montfort
Allowed rep. To sit on Great Council
1st step toward rep. Govt
Edward l
Divided Council into houses
- House of Lords/House of Commons
American System: Types of Colonies :
King in control appoints governor
Land given by the king to a person to pay off debt
Pennsylvania and Maryland
Self governing
Jamestown, Plymouth
*all became Royal colonies
Legislator became bicameral two houses except mass
Early attempts at Unity: New England Confederation
Common enemy Indians
Threat gone, unity dissolved
Which proposed by Ben Franklin, supported by British
Threat came from the French and Indians
Proposal- manage Indian affairs, pass laws, raise taxes
Albany Plan of Union
Successful Attempts: Stamp Act Congress
Discussed Parliaments action
Pledged loyalty to the king
Denounced the tax “no taxation without representation “
1st Continental Congress
Called in response to the Intolerable Acts
Pledged loyalty to the king
Boycott of British good- refused to but British made goods
Et up new meeting
2nd Continental Congress
Met in Philadelphia May 10, 1775
All colonies were represented
Made George Washington commander of Continental Army
Sent Olive Branch petition
*asked king to represent them in parliament
British Response
King declared war
Parliament passed Prohibitory Act
“removed colonies from kings protection”
What are some things English brought to America
Language, law system, respect for scriptures
What did Sir William Blackstone recognize
The idea of natural law/ revealed law
What are natural law and revealed law
Natural: freedom, idea that man is created
Revealed: given by God