Test 6 & 7 Flashcards
Which of the following did the Romans borrow from the Etruscans?
Controlled the Roman monarchy during the seventh and sixth centuries B.C.
The Etruscans
Rome became a republic when
the patricians overthrew the Etruscan king
Ploboian gricvanes in the very carty Roman republic included al of the floving EXCEPT
the granting of citizenship to non-Romans
The patron-client relationship that existed between patrician and plebeian in early Rome involved
According to legend, what two brothers founded Rome?
Remus and Romulus
What were the two main social classes in Ancient Rome?
patricians and plebeians
What did the Romans call the Mediterranean Sea?
Mare Nostrum
What is the Latin word for “father”?
Name two civilizations that could be found on the Italian peninsula.
Greeks and phonecians
What was the most powerful governmental body in the early Roman Republic? (300 members that were appointed for life)
What was the symbol (object) that represented the king’s authority?
What power could Tribunes exercise against unjust acts?
What was the name of the Roman law written down and hung in the Roman Forum?
Twelve Tables
How long did a counsel hold his office?
One year term
Name the Etruscan king expelled from Rome in 509 BC.
Rome was established on what river?
The mountains which run down the middle of the Italian Peninsula are the
“All roads lead to___________”
Which people group passed Greek traditions and culture onto the Romans?
Who was the first king of Rome?
What year was Romulus’ reign established?
753 BC
The beginning of the city of Rome was considered the League of _______ Hills.
________ is a number of families with a common ancestor
_________is a number of clans united by common beliefs and living in a particular region.
In what year was the Etruscan monarchy overthrown?
Rome would often be “ruled” by one man. Why did they refuse to refer to that man as a king?
He was an awful person
Who gained power by threatening to leave the army?
________ were regulations passed by the Council. These regulations (at first) were only binding on the plebeians.
_________ passed in the Tribal Assembly were now binding on all
debtor______was abolished
______ between social classes was now allowed
In trying to eliminate the class distinction of noble versus commoner, a new class distinction developed-________VS_________
rich vs poor
In what two ways could a Roman province fulfill their obligation to pay tribute?
Grain and money
How did Rome change naval fighting?
Used a plank to board ships with an army instead of the “ram and sink” method
The three wars between the Romans and the Carthaginians were known as…
Punic wars
What animal was the “tank” of ancient warfare?
What is a “Pyrrhic Victory?”
a victory where the losses are higher than the gains
By 265 BC, Rome controlled the Italian Peninsula. Which of these is not a positive about their rule?
Complete Independence
Which of these is not a fact that is important to the Third Punic War?
Rome begs Carthage to defend them
Rome begs Carthage to defend them What invading people were convinced to leave Rome, being paid 1000 lbs. in gold?
Whose mother country was Phoenicia? They had the best navy and an intense rivalry with Rome based on fear and jealousy
Who did Greece appeal to for help against Roman conquest?
Who was the brilliant Carthaginian leader that attempted to defeat Rome by marching over the Alps from Spain?
Who “begged” the people to take action against Carthage? His speeches did much to cause the third Punic War.
Who defeated Hannibal at the Battle of Zama in 202BC. This defeat ended the 2nd Punic War
Over what island was the first Punic War fought?
What battle signaled the close of the second Punic War?
Which mountain range did the Romans believe could not be traversed in the winter months?
Which battle during the 2nd Punic War saw Roman casualties reach 60,000?
The 2nd Punic War started due to Carthage extending its control into ______________
Citizen farmer :
Economic and military backbone of Rome
Tiberius Gracchus / Gaius Gracchus:
Two brother that wanted to divide “public lands” amongst the poor (used twice)
Octavian/ Mark Antony:
Two men who avenged Caesar’s death (used twice)
Publicans :
Tax collectors
First Civil War :
Rivalry between the Tribal Assembly and the Senate
Second Civil War :
Caused by disagreements among the First Triumvirate
Third Civil War :
Between Mark Antony and Octavian
Marius :
created the “professional” army
First Triumvirate :
Caesar, Crassus, Pompey
Crassus :
“the money”
Pompey :
Supported by the Senate; killed in Egypt
Julius Caesar :
Had the favor of the common people in the First
Sulla :
Victor of the First Civil War
Cleopatra :
Pharaoh of Egypt; married Caesar and Mark Antony
- Octavian’s political genius was revealed through his :
reconciliation of military
The text states that Rome’s greatest legacy to the West was :
The Roman Empire was said to have ended when :
German officers placed a German on the throne in Rome
Cicero’s statement….
The work of the Galen :
was preserved after the fall of the Roman Empire by Arab scholars
The significance of Octavian’s willingness to give up his powers in 27 B.C. rests in :
his belief that it created legitimacy
The text notes that Vespasian strengthened discipline in the Roman army by :
stationing troops away
Virgil’s epic the Aeneid was written because :
Augustus commissioned it
Who was the Roman emperor whose Meditations were an eloquent expression of Stoicism :
Marcus Aurelius
Octavian’s preferred title, princes, means :
first citizen
During the fifth century A.D., which tribe made inroads in Roman North Africa? :
Quintilian’s ideas on education :
emphasized the making of good citizens as an important goal for the instructor.
The bloody civil war, execution of two emperors, and the suicide of a third, in the mid-first century A.D. :
led to the rule of Vespasian.
Which of the following statements concerning the fall of Rome is accurate? :
Multiple forces operated concurrently to bring about the fall.
The Hebrew revolt under Hadrian :
led to the Romans renaming Judea às Syria Palestina.
Which of the following is true of Roman marriage in the first o centuries AD.? :
Marriage was considered a sacred civic duty.
Livia is one of the most famous Roman women because she :
was Augustus’ dynamic and outspoken wife.
- The greatest Roman defeat since Canna, the batile of Adrianople, was precipitated most directly by :
mistreatment of the Visigoths by Roman officials.
- The granting of citizenship to nearly all free men in the Empire in AD. undermined the Roman military because :
provincials no longer had to join the army to attain Citizenship
Which of the following statements best describes Roman popular tastes in entertainment? :
Over the centuries bloody spectacles became increasingly brutal and bizarre.
How did the Roman elite handle the problem of poverty? :
The Roman elite bought off the urban poor by providing free bread and entertainment
The term Pax Romana applies best to :
what Romans called “the Time of Happiness.”
The text refers to which of the following as “perhaps the most dangerous sign for the future” of Rome during the Pax Romana? :
spiritual paralysis
Who was the last of the great Stoics? :
Marcus Aurelius
During the Pax Romana, Roman rule :
led to unrest in Gaul.
The Roman Empire was saved from the third-century crisis most directly by the :
efforts of two emperors: Diocletian and Constantine.
Which of the following is NOT true of the Roman population decline? :
The reduction of population greatly eased the problematic land hunger faced by peasants.
Nerva initiated a period of competent government by :
initiating an adoptive system of imperial succession.
The reign of Augustus :
demonstrates Augustus’ belief that his power was a public trust delegated to him by the Roman people.
During the Pax Romana, slaves :
were increasingly protected from cruel treatment by their masters.