Test #6 Flashcards
What does GARBC stand for?
General Association of Regular Baptist Churches
What older organization did the GARBC replace?
The Baptist Bible Union (BBU).
What did Ketcham do in 1938 and why?
He changed the structure of the GARBC from a president to a counsel of 14 pastors. This lessened the centralization of control and would hopefully lessen allegations of being Ketcham’s group.
How did Ketcham and Van Osdel solve the crisis of whether or not GARBC would be a denomination?
They agreed upon the approval system in which the GARBC would endorse colleges, camps, and even publishing houses, but not run them.
How did Ketcham and Van Osdel solve the crisis of whether or not GARBC would be a denomination?
They agreed upon the approval system in which the GARBC would endorse colleges, camps, and even publishing houses, but not run them.
What significant GARBC agency has impacted churches across America?
Regular Baptist Press, 1952 (RBP)
Who started the Sword of the Lord periodical and soulwinning conferences?
John R. Rice
What was John R. Rice’s ministry that enabled him to network with other Fundamentalists around the country?
The deaf ranch of his brother Bill Rice (The Bill Rice Ranch)
The BBF (Baptist Bible Fellowship) was formed as a split from what organization?
J. Frank Norris’ World Baptist Fellowship in 1950
What college was started by the BBF, and where is it located?
Baptist Bible College of Springfield MO, 1950
Who helped Vick get into full-time ministry?
J. Frank Norris
Where did Vick pastor for 25 years, and what school did he lead?
Temple Baptist Church, Detroit MI, Bible Baptist Seminary, Fort Worth
Who was the leader of the Minnesota Baptists after the death of Riley?
Richard V. Clearwaters
What two schools was Clearwaters associated with?
Central Baptist Theological Seminary and Pillsbury Baptist Bible College
Who was the first president of Pillsbury, and in what ministry did this man make his main mark on Fundamentalism?
Monroe (Monk) Parker, Baptist World Mission