Test 5 Flashcards
After the fall of Roman Empire, what three areas were powerful?
Byzantine empire (east)
Latin western world
How did the franks control the Latin western world after the fall of the Roman Empire?
Franks come, bring order (Merovington family, Clovis I), expand Frankish empire. Kingdom is split between heirs, but if no kids, land goes back to brother, kingdom goes back together.
Clovis I had right hand man: Charles “the hammer” Martel. Ppl called him “mayor of palace.” Hammer wrote note to pope: said person w title has no power, person without title has power =problem. Pope helped hammer take over Frankish empire. Hammer had son Pepe the Short, who had son Charlemagne the Great!
Who was Charlemagne the Great, and what did he accomplish?
Ruler of the Frankish empire. He…
- improved writing
- had forceful impact
- empire was small in pop and wealth compare to regimes of Islamic world
- palace at Aachen was little more than a large house set in countryside
- represented warrior class
- his empire controlled much of Western Europe
- he ruled for over 40 years and travelled extensively on campaigns of plunder and conquest
- wanted to recreate original Roman Empire
How did Charlemagne become the holy roman emperor?
Charlemagne talked to pope Leo III. Leo didn’t like Lombard people. Talked Charlemagne into sacking/taking over Lombards as a favor bc Cs fam owed Leo. Leo crowned Charlemagne holy roman emperor on Christmas Day in 800 CE. Charlemagne become rule of both the empire and church connected. C gave Leo city of Rome (that’s how papal state-Vatican-was created).
What was slavery like in Europe?
- slaves were backbone of some armies
- most of Frankish/roman trade was based on slavery
- most of victims were Slavic ppl (from Eastern Europe)
Who was Augustine of Hippo?
- originally from North Africa
- at 19 he knew how to read/write Latin, Greek, and Arabic
- after school he went to Milan to study under theologians
- some ppl call him one of spiritual founders of Catholic Church
- wrote book called “city of God”
There are two types of men: men who follow God, and lustful men. Every man needs guidance, so he should get it from the church.
What were the monasteries (and monasticism) of Europe like?
- St. Benedict brought monasteries to Europe
- first monastery was in Egypt
- appealed to deep sense that those whose lives were not normal could best mediate
- laypersons could continue their lives as warriors (received prayer, after war, can heal there)
- it represented an otherworldly alternative to the warrior societies of the time
- it suited the missionary tendencies of Christianity particularly well
What were monks and nuns like in Europe?
- word monk come from “monos”=to be alone
- not married
- shaved head
- nuns were in convents
- they preserved history
What were the Vikings like?
- ships: light, shallow deck, could go in open ocean
- plundered/destroyed
- assimilated into defeated societies
- from Scandinavia
- 900-1000 CE travelled all over, opened a trading link between the Baltic and Kiev, creating a commercial avenue from Scandanavia to Baghdad
- didn’t stay long in North America
- walls kept them out of Constantinople
- some Vikings (rid group) settled in Russian lands (Kiev) ➡️see next question
Who was Iaroslav the Wise
- 4th son of Vladmir the grand prince
- got friends from Byzantine empire, killed 3 brother
- created connection between Byzantine empire and Russia
- made life better for peasants, made legal custom system (peasants can be knighted, marry nobles, and own land)
- wanted Kiev to be like Constantinople
- called himself Czar- was political and religious figure
- had Sophia cathedral built (took ideas from Hagia Sophia)
How was Greek Orthodox Christianity created?
After Charlemagne was crowned holy roman emperor, pope Nicholas wanted Photius I to be gone from head of church (in east, Greek) so he could put friend as head. Photius got his emperor to put him back in seat. For a time, east and west had lukewarm relations.
Then, pope Leo ix sent letter to Michael I Cerularius, said M wasn’t following rules/doctrines of church bc he had pictures/icons of Jesus. Also, who was head of church? Leo excommunicated M, and M excommunicated Leo, but Leo died first. Church was spilt permanently
Catholic Latin church: Rome= WEST Latin, Pope Nicholas I was patriarch of Rome
Greek Orthodox: EAST Constantinople= Greek, Photius I was patriarch of Constantinople
What is Feudalism?
A political and economic system between the poor and wealthy.
King: get men for army from nobles
Nobles(vassals): back up King, give him money from peasant taxes.
Knights: protect people and towns, have code of chivalry.
Peasants(serfs): live off land, work
What was the (Latin west) Catholic Church like from 1000-1300 CE?
- Catholicism became a faith for the peasant population
- parish churches appeared in all but the most remote regions
- church must approve marriage, give marriage license
- graveyards around churches were only places where good Christians were to be buried
- the church controlled the private lives of the laity to an even greater extent
- church encouraged education for people not becoming priests, especially bible learning. Other subjects were also taught: Grammar, math, Latin, Homer
- universities and cathedrals were an element that was crucial to the creation of Europe’s christian identity
Notre Dame de Paris
(Also university in Bologna)
Who was St. Francis of Assisi (1182-1226)?
He preached that European believers should weep, confess sins to their local priest, and strive to become better Christians.
Who was St. Thomas Aquinas?
- summa contra Gentiles (summary of christian belief against non-Christians)
- conflict between faith/reason
- human/natural laws
- reason/logic
- 5 things prove God is real
How did the christian kingdom spread?
- Through the crusades*
- churches that split came back together for a short time bc of crusades
- islam (seliquk Turks) knock at door of Constantinople. C calls Latin church and Pope Urban II for help
- fighting Knights then go to the Middle East and “free”Jerusalem from islam
- Knights are guaranteed that if they die, they will go to heaven bc war is holy
How do each of the 1st four crusades play out?
First crusade (1095-1099 CE):
- count Robert of Flanders - count Raymond of Toulouse - count Godfrey of Bouilon - Peter the Hermit - ransacked Constantinople on way to Jerusalem - defeat Turks at Jerusalem
Second Crusade(1147-1149):
-Turks come back(caused 2nd crusade)
- King Louis vi of France
- emperor Conrad III of Germany
DONT LIKE EACHOTHER, don’t make it to Jerusalem
Third crusade:
- emperor Frederick I (barbosa) DROWNS
- King Philip II (Augusta) GOES BACK HOME
R and P don’t like eachother, are step brothers
Fourth Crusade(1201-1204 CE):
-Constantinople is sacked by venetians
What was the result of the crusades?
- most Knights returned home after capturing Jerusalem, leaving it poorly defended
- the Christian forces were stretched thin and had poor supply lines
- the long term effect of the crusades was to harden Muslim feelings against the millions of northwestern Christians
- the society of the crusader states remained more open to women (w men at war, had to work)
- after 8th crusade, pope decodes rome, not Jerusalem, is holiest place
- Iberia, Spain = caliphate⬇️
Reconquista(1061) Capture Toledo Conquer Seville Conquer Sicily RECONQUISTA ADDED MORE THAN 100 THOUSAND SQUARE MILES TO CHRISTIAN EMPIRE
What was the Islamic world like in 1000-1300 CE?
Europe is in dark age, but Islamic world is flourishing
- it was an era of great population growth, rising wealth, and social transformations
- it was an age of conflict, carnage, and colonization
- contact and exchange among societies reinforced distinct cultural identities within cultures
- trade began to shift from land-based routes to sea-based routes (faster, safer)
What were some revolutions in sea travel during 1000-1300 CE?
- ships are able to carry vastly greater quantities of merchandise than people or animals
- the Chinese invention of the needle compass and better maps
- merchants switchings from land routes to sea routes to take advantage of cheaper transportation costs
What were some Egyptian anchorage cities? (Rest stops, trading hubs)
- Cairo
- Alexandria
SUB SAHARAN TRADE (Ghana, Mali, Songhai): gold and salt for horses and metals
Many other places on trans-Saharan trade route
What was the Islamic legal system like?
- no usury (loans w outrageous interest rates)
- cut pieces of body off for different offenses
- rules helped create favorable trading environment
Chinese anchorage?
- state officials registered, examined, and taxed cargo on ships
- Quanzhou was imp trading port
- China became mix of cultures
Malaysian anchorage?
- trade in port of malacca
- Java
- islam is main religion
What was the second greatest Islamic country?
Indian Anchorge?
Who was Ibn Rushd?
- he was known as Averroës in the western world
- he had a profound knowledge of Aristotle (translated book from Greek to Arabic)
- believed that proper forms of reasoning had to be entrusted to the educated class
- his thinking heavily influenced even christian thinkers, like Thomas Aquinas
What was the political structure of the Islamic world like in 1000-13000 CE?
People of Islam remained politically fractured (90% Sunni, 10% Shiites)
Shiites split into different sections:
- dancing whirling dervishes
- mystical beliefs
- mass conversion from Christianity
- founded and spread by Jala al-Din Rumi
What was the most important commodity in the Islamic world?
In other places, ppl became slaves through war at first, then chattel slavery emerged (don’t have to be war prisoners)
In Islamic world, ppl of other religions often became slaves, could get unslaved by becoming Muslim
In the trans-Saharan and Indian Ocean slave trade, Slavs served as sailors and dock workers and could obtain positions of high authority in the military.
How did the Islamic world deal with large non-Muslim populations?
- Dhimma system made the Islamic cities hospitable for traders from around the world
- Jizya= a special tax paid by non-Muslims that granted them religious toleration
What did India become a hub for?
It became hub for commerce/business, and cultural diversity
What were the Rajasthan and Hindu temple like?
The split between the Hindu Rajas and Islamic Turks (from Afghanistan) located in India created fighting.
Who were some Turkish warlords?
- mahmud of Ghazna: conquers northern part of India, tolerated ppl of other religions but taxed them
- Muhammand Ghuri: was next ruler, did similar things as previous one
What was the Delhi Sultanate?
- created by Turks
- they constructed grand mosques and libraries to establish their image as promoters of Islamic culture
What was Asia like in 1000-1300 CE?
After Tang Dynasty collapsed in China, Zhao Kuangyin (was mitsry General in tang China) created the Song Dynasty (960-1270 CE.
- had Mandate of Heaven
- expanded examination system(civil service), giving scholars more authority than aristocrats
- Brought Confucianism back
What was the the Song empire/dynasty like?
- empire had abt 120 mill ppl
- centralized bureaucracy
- created more maps during dynasty(land and sea)
- major trading port was quanzhao
- standard navy (100-600 ships)
- peasants got more land
- started using paper money (fly cash)
What was manufacturing like in song China?
- first production of gunpowder
- may have started first industrialism
- improvement of porcelain production (lighter, more beautiful, designs)
- substantial iron production
- production of vast amounts of clothing made from a variety of fibers
- increased/improved metalworks
Who was Wang Anshi?
- came from minor group/village of 100,000
- 18,000 ppl from village took test, abt 800 passed including Wang
- got emperor to listen
- became leader through Mandate of Heaven (old leader lost it)
What things did Wang Anshi change?
- state published many books, medical texts, and calendars
- private publishers published Confucian classics, philosophical treatises, and works on history
- wang said every citizen should be able to read/write
- gave large annual payment to some ppl who lived on the borderlands of the empire in order to maintain peace
- the song were relatively weak militarily, despite some of their tech advantages
- print more money
What was Japan like in 1000-1300 CE?
Hein period: period where Japan turns away from China/korea, becomes distinctly unique
Women became imp, wrote stories. We don’t know much abt peasants durin this time
Who was Lady Murasaki Shikibu?
- wrote the tale of Genji abt Japan
- sat with brother durin tutoring after mom dies, starts reading/writing illegally (women aren’t allowed)
- father narrow her to imp governor, giv dies, her father gets into government
- she began writing about edicate (courtesy, bowing, polite)
- some say she wrote first novel
Who was Minamoto-no-yoritomo?
- overthrew Japanese emperor to become ruler
- initiated rise of the samurai
- everything has order and you must e loyal to noble lord/master
- curran btwn husband and wife rooms
What was chinese political and cultural power like in 1300 CE?
- a declining aristocracy
- ambitious samurai
- the imperial family
- powerful provincial landowners
What was Southeast Asia like in 1000-1300 CE?
Cambodia began to develop under Khmer:
- borrowing things from China, India
- water reserves
- pop grew
- used milit force to expand empire
- capital was Angkor Wat
Who were the Mongols?
- kinship/fam was imp
- nomadic ppl
- vicious warrior society
- built up empire quickly
- lived in tents
- military skills: expert horseman
What was the role of the Mongol woman?
- childbearing/rearing
- take care of animals
- also sometime took part in battles
Who was Chinggis (Ghengis) Khan?
- Mongol ruler
- got married at 19
- killed dad and brother?
- first wife got kidnapped, married again
- got Mongols together and conquered ppl
Mongolian conquest?
- the need for new grazing land
- the desire to create more wealth through the taxation of settled areas
- the desire for manufactured products
- Mongols eventually conquered song China (Ghengiss grandson): song tried to pay off Mongols, but didn’t work
- Mongols started using gunpowder
- Mongols spread Black Death across world
Who was Kubilai Khan?
- Mongol ruler
- he allowed the Chinese elite to continue to govern local affairs
- married Into different societies so he didn’t have to fight
- was ruling when Mongols defeated China, Korea, part of Vietnam, and other parts of Asia
- tolerated different ppl/religions
Who was Marco Polo?
- Venetian
- travelled w two brothers, spread news around world (told ppl abt Mongols)
- wrote book called “the travels”
- some say he brought noodles to venice and Italy
Who was Ibn Baltuta?
- Muslim traveller/scholar
- travelled around world for three years
- spread/wrote about ideas/news
How did the Mongols rule?
- willingness to incorporate some of the ways of conquered ppl
- land/empire began to split:
Kubilai took China, India, and Southeast Asia
Hulagu took Iraq, Iran, and Syria
Who was Hulagu Khan?
- Mongol ruler
- bad man, killed many ppl
- took over Baghdad through seige and slaughtered 200,000 ppl
- took over Damascus (Syria)
- moved on to Egypt, but was defeated
- couldn’t conquer Japan bc typhoon destroyed Mongol fleet