test 4ish Flashcards
After bunker hill, the colonists wrote a petition to London for peace with 2 conditions?
autonomy, stay with British empire
Petition called common sense was written by?
Thomas Paine
Washington’s wife was related to what civil war general?
Robert E. Lee
How many colonist were killed at Lexington?
Name NY fort taken by colonists without firing a shot?
Fort Ticonderoga
Name the first british general who was fired after the battle at ticonderoga.
General Gage
Who nominated washington in the continental congress to become general?
John Adams
After Gage was fired 3 generals replaced him
Howe, Cinton, Bergoin
What pamplet did Thomas Paine write?
Common Sense
What fort did washington get his cannons from?
Fort Ticonderoga
How many loyalists were taken with the British when they left Boston. (soldiers too)
1000 loyalist; 7000 soldiers
What colonial leader did Benedict Arnold run into that is in charge of the green mountain boys?
Ethan Allan
Name of the colonial soldier who first though about attacking fort Ticonderoga?
Benedict Arnold
When the British arrived in NY harbor, they arrive with 130 ships and with how many soldiers?
25,000 soldiers
When Benedict Arnold was born, his family was phosphorus. How did they lose their fortune?
Drank it away
When Washington was in Cambridge they were stuck and needed artillery. How long did it take for the artillery to arrive?
2 months
Petitoin that asked for peace
Olive Branch Petition
When the British took fort Ticonderoga during the French and Indian war, they lost a lot of soldiers. How many?
2,000 soldiers
In what city was the shot heard around the world?
Name of the proclomation that British asked the slaves to come fight with them for freedom?
Dunmore Proclomation
Name of colonial group that took over fort Ticonderoga?
Green Mountain Boys
How many miles did the British march under fire from concord to boston?
16 miles; 20 hours
Name of Washington’s plantation that he inherits from his brother in law?
Mount Vernan
After the second attack at bunker hill, the colonist retreated why?
No ammunition