Test 4: 44-48 Flashcards
Risk management tools include MURDA/MURDAC:
Management control system Underwriting and claims control Reinsurance Diversification Alternative risk transfer ART
Reasons for reinsurance (SAD LIFES):
Smoothing of results Avoid large losses - Single/aggregated events or claims Diversification Limit exposure to risk Increase capacity to accept risk Financial assistance Expertise Services (Operational/Strategic)
Reasons for ART include (DESCARTES):
Exploits risk as opportunity
Solvency management, sources of capital - CatBond
Cheaper than other types of cover
Available when other cover might be unavailable
Results stabilized (Smoothing of results)
Tax advantages
Effective provision of risk management
Security of payment greater
Examples of ART contracts include (PISSI)
Post loss funding Insurance derivatives Securitisation (Catastrophe bonds) Swaps Integrated risk covers
Managing options and guarantees (DOLI):
Derivatives purchased OTC
Option pricing methods - stochastic model
Liability hedging
Management control systems (DOLA):
Data recording
- Data of insured risk factors held
- Cannot change risk exposure - ensures adequate
provisions have been made for the risks retained
Options and guarantees
- Liability hedging (e.g. matching, immunisation,
- Option pricing methods
- Anti-selection risk
Liability monitoring RACCo
- Risk aggregation prevented
- Ability to take on new business assessed
- Will the business mix allow cross subsidizing?
- Cost of reinsurance reduced
Accounting and auditing
- Ensures adequate provisions made for risk
- premiums are collected
- Reassurance of the company’s financial position
Why is capital needed?
Individuals: CuS
Companies: CLOFFS
Providers of financial services and products: REG CUSHION
Cushion against unexpected events. Car breakdown.
Saving for future
Cushion against fluctuation trade volumes and other events
Liquidity issues due to difference in timing of revenue and cost
Opportunities - mergers and acquisitions
Finance expansion
Finance work in progress and stock
Start-up capital
Regulatory requirement to demonstrate solvency - provision above best estimate
Expenses of new product launch (product development, administration systems)
Cashflows timing management
Unexpected experience cushion
Smooth accounts (e.g. catastrophe equalisation reserve, dividends distribution and bonuses)
Help demonstrate financial strength (and attract new business)
Investment and pricing freedom (mismatching reserve and loss leaders )
Opportunities; Mergers &Acquisitions, new ventures etc
Need to achieve strategic aims/ New business strain
Capital management tools include:
Banking products (also Business written) FiCL
- Liquidity facilities
- Contingent capital, provided when needed - similar to
post loss funding
- Financing at group level: Distributing funds to products
Reinsurance (financial) to exploit capital/solvency/tax
regulation arbitrage
Internal restructuring: FAVS VaCS
Derivatives - hedge risk
Equity capital - (parent, rights issue, new market issue)
Securitisation and subordinated debt
Other courses of action may include
- Closing to new business: which will reduce the level of new business strain on the capital because of a reduction in:
* initial expenses
* The need to establish cautious levels of
regulatory capital when new business is written
* will cause diseconomies of scale in long run
* will reduce future profits
- Change types of business underwritten
Internal restructuring FAIR VaCS
Funds merged
Assets changed
Increase matching position
Replace admissible assets
Valuation rate of interest used to discount liabilities
could be based on assets. A switch in assets may
change the valuation rate of interest.
Valuation basis weakened -Not usually permitted by regulation
Change L valuation
Surplus distribution deferred (less bonuses and dividends)
Three pillars of Solvency II:
A quantification of risk exposures and capital requirements
A supervisory regime
Disclosure requirements
Reasons for monitoring experience:
Part of ACC
Actual experience of a provider monitored to check:
- If the method and assumptions adopted for financing
the benefits continue to be appropriate
- If not - changes made to achieve the desired level of
Update assumptions as to future experience (for pricing, reserving etc)
Monitor any adverse trends in experience to take corrective actions
Provide management information`
to monitor
Investment performance and strategy investigated
Effectiveness of management control systems in place
OP = Investment returns + Premiums - Expenses - Commission - change in reserves
Merits of PR
Quota share: SHeRiL PC
Surplus: FHAM
PR Quota share \+ Simple to administrate \+ Reciprocal Business encouraged \+ Helps to diversify risk \+ Larger portfolios of risk written
- The same Proportion of each risk is ceded regardless of size and volatility
- It does not Cap the cost of very large claims
PR Surplus
+Flexible, useful in achieving a well-balanced portfolio of risk
+Helps insurer to spread risk / Heterogeneous risks can be insured with this agreement
+Allows insurers to accept large risks
-More complex administration compared to share quote due to proportions changing for each risk
Merits of XoL reinsurance:
+Caps losses, so can take on large risks
+Protects against individual/aggregate large claims
+Efficient use of capital (less provisions)
+Stabilises technical results
+Helps stabilise profits
- Premiums are expensive
- XL premiums may occasionally be far greater than pure risk premium due to underwriting cycle
- General poor claims experience not protected against
Benefits of holding significant amounts of free capital:
Freedom: Investment, Strategic and from regulator
Can use as a Marketing advantage
Protects against volatility and allows you to take on more
Enables to write large amounts of new business
Enables to write more risky products
Reduces risk aversion
Reasons for underwriting include:
Special risks offered special terms (change premium/benefit, apply exclusions or refuse) DARE
Anti-selection avoided:
- Taking out cover when you know your risk is higher than what the premium allows for
Financial underwriting to avoid overinsurance
Ensure experience matches expectations
Risk classification; all risks rated fairly and identified properly - homogenous groups
Ensure provider charges a fair premium for the risk that it is taking