Test #4 Flashcards
Bible, the only rule of faith and practice
Regenerate and Immersed Church Membership
Autonomy of the Local Church
Priesthood of the Believer
S (1)
Soul Liberty
Immersion and the Lord’s Supper, the only Two Ordinances
S (2)
Separation of Church and state
S (3)
Separation Ethically and Ecclesiastically
What was William Carey’s job in England
school teacher and shoe cobbler
Where did Carey preach his famous sermon and what was it called?
The Northamptonshire Baptist Association Meeting. It was titled “Expect great things; attempt great things” based on Isaiah 54:2-3
Where were the two churches that Carey first pastored?
Moulton and Leicester
What was Carey’s burning desire?
world evangelism
What book did Carey publish and what was it about?
Inquiry into the Obligations of Christians to use means for the Conversion of the Heathen 1792. It taught that the Great Commission is still in effect for all believers.
What was the name of the missionary society that Carey and others started?
The Baptist Missionary Society
Who was the first General Secretary?
What did Fuller famously say to Carey regarding missions?
Descend into the well and we will hold the ropes.
Who went with Carey to India in 1793?
Thomas and his family
When was the first conversion?
After 7 years
Who was part of the Serampore trio?
Carey the Translator
Marshman the Educator
Ward the Printer/Preacher
How many languages did Carey translate the Bible into?
Over 40
What college was Carey a professor of Bengali at?
Fort William College
What was Carey’s nickname?
“Father of Modern Missions”
What was the leading Baptist organization in Britain in the 19th century?
The Baptist Missionary Society
Who was its first general secretary?
When was Spurgeon’s famous conversion?
Age 15
Was Spurgeon a Baptist?
Where did Spurgeon preach from ages 17-19 and what was his nickname?
Waterbeach. His nickname was “the boy preacher”.
After Waterbeach, where did Spurgeon pastor?
New Park Street Church
What was the name of the building that the New Park Street Church built?
The Metropolitan Tabernacle
What three things did Spurgeon start?
A pastor’s college, the Colportage Association (that sent young men across the British Isles to distribute Gospel literature) and the Stockwell orphanage
What did Susanna Spurgeon start?
the Book Fund
What was Spurgeon’s periodical called?
The Sword and Trowel
What was the Downgrade Controversy about?
The Downgrade Controversey was over liberalism that was creeping into the Baptist Union. Spurgeon spoke out against it, and eventually left with only a handful following him.
What was Spurgeon’s nickname?
“The Prince of Preachers”
What revival transformed American culture about the turn of the 19th century?
The Second Great Awakening
What was the difference between the circuit-riding method of the Methodists and the farmer-preacher model of the Baptists?
Most of the time, Baptist settlers would choose the most knowledgeable layman among them. Methodist preachers sent out trained preachers to ride circuits.
What was Adoniram Judson before he converted to Baptist?
What board did Adoniram help start?
American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions
What was the Triennial convention?
It is what the General Convention of the Baptist Denomination in the U.S. for Foreign Missions became known as. It started as a result of Luther Rice’s return to America to encourage missions.
What country was the foremost missionary sending country by 1900?
How did Furman and Wayland differ in their view of the purpose of the Triennial Convention?
As first president of the Triennial Convention, Furman tried to make it a true convention. From 1814 to 1825, the Convention managed foreign missions, home missions, and educational efforts.
The northern Baptists were fearful of these efforts, believing that the convention approach would undermine local church autonomy.
Know key information about the founding of the Southern Baptist Convention. [Possible essay]
A group of Southern Baptist churches left the Triennial convention because it stopped supporting various organizations like Columbian College and home missions. Eventually most Southern Baptists left the Triennial Convention because they felt like they didn’t have a say. Because of Northerners not sending slave owners to the mission field, they formed the Southern Baptists.
What were the three Northern societies that dominated Northern Baptist church life in the 19th century?
American Baptist Missionary Union, American Baptist Home Missions Society, American Baptist Publication Societies.
After the Southern Baptists split off in 1845, what was the new name of the Triennial Convention in the North?
The American Baptist Missionary Union
- What were four reasons for Anti-missionary Baptist churches?
No representation on mission boards
Unpaid pastors
Church autonomy
What is Landmarkism, and who were the three principal proponents of it in the 19th century?
(1) Baptist churches are the only true churches.
(2) Removing ancient landmarks (Proverbs 22:28; Job 24:2) refers to abandoning the distinctiveness of the Baptist witness and joining hands with people in other denominations.
(3) They practiced closed communion – the Lord’s Table should be open only to members of the particular local body.
(4) They rejected all pulpit sharing. At this time in American history, most Protestants were evangelicals and preached the gospel. Pulpit sharing and union meetings on special occasions were extremely common. Landmarkers argued that Methodists, Presbyterians, Disciples, etc. were not true churches, and, therefore, no fellowship with them was admissible.
(5) Baptists are the original Christians, and there have been Baptist churches throughout church history under various names, such as Donatists, Waldensians, Lollards, and Anabaptists.
J. R. Graves, J. M. Pendleton, and A. C. Dayton
What is the National Baptist Convention and when, approximately, did it begin?
- After the Civil War, African Americans were unwilling to accept this secondary status in the churches. With help from the northern Baptist churches, African Americans began organizing their own state conventions and mission-sending agencies. In particular between 1860 and 1890, they founded a foreign missions society, a home missions society, and an education society.
- In 1895 these three societies merged to create the National Baptist Convention of the United States of America.
- Twenty years later, a power struggle between the president of the convention and the head of the publishing arm led to schism. The National Baptist Convention of America was founded.
It began in roughly 1895
Who founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and led in the conflict over civil rights for African-Americans?
Martin Luther King, Jr.
How was Alexander Carson converted?
He was a Presbyterian pastor who was converted while trying to refute believer baptism
What book did Alexander Carson write?
Baptism in Its Mode and Subjects Considered
What was MacLaren’s nickname and why?
“MacLaren of Manchester” because of his meticulous exposition of Scripture
T/F MacLaren stood with Spurgeon during the Downgrade controversy
What is McCoy’s nickame?
“The Apostle to the Indians”
What was McCoy’s relation to the Indians?
The Triennial Convention commissioned him to evangelize the indians in indiana and illinois. He later established churches in Indiana, Illinois, and southern Michigan. He argued for Indian rights before congress but then they came up with the reservation system.
What book did McCoy write?
History of Indian Affairs
Where was John Mason Peck a missionary to?
What were his nicknames?
“Missionary to the West” and “the man with 20 hands”
How did Luther Rice convert to the Baptist view?
He studied Baptism apart from Judson and realized the Baptists were right.
What was Furman the leader of?
the southern baptist churches
Furman was the first president of what?
The Triennial convention
Did Wayland believe in the autonomy of local churches?
What was the model Wayland used to preserve the autonoomy of the local churches?
The society model
What did Campbell believe was necessary for salvation? What was this belief called?
faith+repentance+baptism, Campbellism