Test 3 (Nine-Weeks Exam) Flashcards
a raccoon family moves into an oven
“Animal Friends of Kildee House”
a pilgrim seeks a way to remove his burden
“Christian’s Journey to the Cross”
a group of Pilgrims crosses the Atlantic
Of Plymouth Plantation
a cat named Gordon Thompson learns to respect Davie
“No Place for a Hawk”
a boy and his dogs hunt raccoons
“Where the Red Fern Grows”
a sheep named Wanda obeys her master’s commands
“Lead Not Forth, O Little Shepherd”
a son repents of his youthful actions
“Dr. Johnson and His Father”
a father’s driving keeps his family on edge
“Pierce Arrow”
a band of pilgrims moves to the West
“The Kansas Emigrants”
a dog questions his master
“Friend or Foe”
author of “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi”
Rudyard Kipling
Things Dwight L. Moody did
became an evangelist
started a Bible institute
began a large church in Chicago
the secret between Pierre and Joseph was that Pierre was what?
What did Katrin want for graduation?
pink dresser set
In “I Meet the Sheriff” the young boy accidentally killed what?
“Keeping House” was written by whom?
Laura Ingalls Wilder
author of “After Twenty Years”
O. Henry
Caddie and her brothers played tricks on their cousins. What was her name?
What creature is described in “A Narrow Fellow in the Grass”?
What was the name of the beaver in “Traveling with a Beaver”?
In “Shepherd’s Song,” the speaker desires more what?
Between leaving England and coming to America, the Pilgrims lived where?
in Leyden
According to “The Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers,” the Pilgrims came to America so that they might have freedom to do what?
worship God
“Christian’s Journey to the Cross” is part of a longer work called what?
Pilgrim’s Progress
shows sudden or strong feeling
exclamatory sentence
ends with an exclamation point
exclamatory sentence
makes a statement
declarative sentence
ends with a period
declarative sentence
asks a question
interrogative sentence
ends with a question mark
interrogative sentence
gives a command or makes a request
imperative sentence
ends with a period or exclamation point
imperative sentence
definition of exclamatory sentence
shows sudden or strong feeling
definition of declarative sentence
makes a statement
definition of interrogative sentence
asks a question
definition of imperative sentence
gives a command or makes a request
The introduction of a written book report should include what?
title and author
which section of a book report contains a summary of the book?
the body
what is stated first in the summary of a written book report?
the conflict
the points are states as words or phrases in what kind of outline?
topical outline
kinds of information about a book contained in the library catalog
publication date
number of pages
When can the titles Reverend and Honorable be abbreviated?
with a full (first and last) name
When is it appropriate to abbreviate social titles (such as Mr., Mrs., and Dr.)?
when used before a name
Where does the abbreviation B.C. come in relation to the year?
after it
in nonscientific writing, generally spell out all numbers of how many words?
one or two
which names of numbered streets are written out?
those under one hundred
the type of reference work that contains summary articles on a wide range of subjects
an atlas is made up primarily of what?
a brief composition that states the main ideas of a longer piece of writing