Test 3: Fun Phrases Flashcards
Lit: well eat will, Eng: I will eat wel
잘 먹 겠습니다
Lit: well ate did, Eng: I ate well
잘 먹었습니다
Lit: water some give please, Eng: Can I get some water?
물 좀 주세요
Lit: first eat will, Eng: I will go ahead and start eating
먼저 먹 겠습니다
Lit: dinner when do?, Eng: When will we be eating?
식사 언제 합니까
Lit: rice more give shall?, Eng: Do you want more to eat?
밥 더 드릴까요
Lit: it became. thank you, Eng: No thanks. I’m full
됐어요. 감사합니다
Lit: dinner table legs break will, Eng: I think the legs on this table are going to collapse
상다리가 부러지 겠내요
Korean to English
잘 먹 겠습니다
Lit: well eat will, Eng: I will eat wel
Korean to English
잘 먹었습니다
Lit: well ate did, Eng: I ate well
Korean to English
물 좀 주세요
Lit: water some give please, Eng: Can I get some water?
Korean to English
먼저 먹 겠습니다
Lit: first eat will, Eng: I will go ahead and start eating
Korean to English
식사 언제 합니까
Lit: dinner when do?, Eng: When will we be eating?
Korean to English
밥 더 드릴까요
Lit: rice more give shall?, Eng: Do you want more to eat?
Korean to English
됐어요. 감사합니다
Lit: it became. thank you, Eng: No thanks. I’m full
Korean to English
상다리가 부러지 겠내요
Lit: dinner table legs break will, Eng: I think the legs on this table are going to collapse