Test 3 Ch. 8-10 Flashcards
What is a banner, a cutline, a gutter?
Cutline- descriptions that identify or explain the contents of a photograph. Subheads, body copy , charts, graphs
Banner: the name of the newsletter should brand the publication for its audience.
Gutter- space between columns
What is the Z format in design?
When a reader reads from top to bottom, following the sentence till the end and moving to the next in a “Z” formation
In media relations what is a query letter?
Enticing an editor into reading your work
What is a Boilerplate Paragraph?
A paragraph at the end of a company news release that contains three questions: “who we are,” “what we do” and “where we operate” information about the history, purpose, and performance of a company or organization.
What is a fact sheet?
The fact sheet is a useful tool for both the public relations practitioner and the media. It gives reporters and editors a snapshot of an organization, event, product brand, or political candidacy. It gives reporters, editors and the public an overview of a particular subject. PR people typically produce a fact sheet to announce an event, a new product or a new issue.
What is the difference between a Backgrounder and a Position Paper?
Backgrounder: provides in-depth, objective reports about a particular topic. The info can present various sides of an issue. Produced from research. Can save reporters, board and committee members a large amount of time that they would have spent researching a subject.
Position paper: quite similar to a backgrounder, but it is not objective. If it is to present various sides, the author will jump to support a particular position. Analysis that presets opposing points of views, then pokes holes in the arguments, is inoculating information. This strategy can be used to shape arguments and influence opinions and attitudes.
What are Serif and San Serif fonts? Site examples
Serif: (decorative) pointed tails or strokes that finish a line. Marked by ascenders and descenders. Times and Garamond are common fonts. Use this for a body copy
San serif: fonts without strokes. Examples of this include Arial and Helvetica. Use this for cutlines
Does a VNR and PSA fill time or space?
What are Letters to the Editor? Op-Ed articles?
Letters to the Editor: writers offer opinions contrary to those expressed in editorials; and salute or praise actions or statements made concerning the length.
Op-Ed articles: short for “opposite the editorial page.” The editorial page a newspaper generally contains the opinions of that newspaper. The page typically opposite the editorial page also presents opposing or supporting views.
What is the “inoculating paragraph” of a Letter to the Editor or any other form of persuasive writing?
The sentence or paragraph, typically read in a column, letter to the editor or op-ed piece, presents an opposing view and then refutes it. This tactic aims to inoculate and weaken the other side’s best argument, thus strengthening the proponent’s positions. It is an excellent strategy for writing persuasively.
What is B-roll? Product placement? A vnr?
Product placement: placing products clearly in view in movies and television programs. The products pay a fee to appear. The Coke cups clearly visible on the desk of the judges for American idol are an example.
VNR: video news release; a complete video “package” or story that is ready for broadcast
B-roll: background video
What are examples of collateral materials?
Brochures, web content, print newsletters, fliers, or other handouts.
What makes for an ineffective news release?
Fail to pass a journalist’s test of newsworthiness.
What is reversed type?
Text or headline within blank background space in a photograph can draw a reader into the page.
Type produced over and that contrasts with a darkened field. In terms of black and white, professionals consider reversed type “white on black”
Which color is not part of CMYK? (Process color)
CMYK= cyan, magenta, yellow, and key(black)