Test 3 (Ch. 7) Flashcards
What is The “I” in human relations psychology?
the individual
What is Object Relations psychology based on?
the intrapsychic experience of early relationships with others
type of psychology that is a perspective for understanding personality developed by scholars working out of the Stone Center at Wellesley College
She explored the processes of separation and individuals by which the child emergeslfrom a symbiotic, or intimate, fusion with the mother and assumes individual characteristics
Margaret Mahler
she initiated shift in emphasis away from studying innate biological instincts and toward relations between people
Melanie Klein
characterized by an exaggerated sense of self-importance and self-involvment, behaviors that hide a fragile sense of self worth
Narcissistic Personality
Otto Kernberg focused on what disorder?
Borderline Personality Disorder
a serious mental illness characterized by instability and displaying fiver or more specific clinical features
Borderline Personality Disorder
she says that developing strong relationships is important in developing self; women are more tied to interpersonal relationships than men and the pscyhe develops differently in men and women
Nancy Chadrow
the basic origins of growth and development
a way of relating and sharing in which all participants are fully participating
the break that is experienced when a person can’t engage in mutually empathetic and empowering relationships
within the pscyhe of individual self
between psyches or persons
group of women who have developed a new collaborative theory of human development within relationships
Stone Center Group
Prior to separation-individuation, there are two “forerunner phases” ____________ and normal symbiosis, in which the infant’s ego develops from a state of absolutely primary narcissism to a recognition of an external world. At this time there is no real separation of self from mother, but developments may occur that promote or impede the subsequent individuation process
normal autism
Heinz Kohut said that children need to be ________—to have their talk and their accomplishments ackowledged, accepted, and praised
The _________ of the object image into opposites in the internal world of fantasy permits children to treat the internalized object as clearly good or bad while continuing to trust and love the actual external person who is an intricate combination of both.
in object relations therapy, separating an object image into opposites
Object relations theorists emphasize:
the intrapsychic experience of relationships with others.
Relational-cultural theorist emphasize:
the interpsychic experience of relationships, or the connections and disconnections that occur between people in relationships
In object relations theory,an ______ is the aim of relational needs in human development
Human Relations
- Women are raised differently so they think differently
- Personality is developed by reacting to relationships
- Challenges “I” of other personality theories
- Very external
- Can’t have a concept of self without a concept of others
- Broken into 2 groups: Object Relations and Relational/Cultural
says that your personality is a connection or disconnection; you either connect with someone or not; personality is based on the connections or disconnections you have in life
Relational/Cultural theory
Which psychologist put play into psychoanalysis with kids?
Melanie Klein
Believed you learn about yourself through relationships with others especially your mom and splitting is deciding people into good and bad (we tend to make people all good or all bad)
Melanie Klein
Margaret Mahler said that separation begins at ____ months
Individuation leads to establishment of self-concept at age ____
Father of Narcisstic Personality Disorder and said it was developed between 4 months and 3 years of age
Henry Kohut
Borderline Personality Disorder has 5 characteristics:
turbulent relationships fear of abandonment lack of control of emotions self-mutilation suicidal tendencies
Borderline Personality Disorder is caused by ______. Because of early relationships with parents, child is aggressive, envy driven and hates.
What is the biggest personality problem?
What are the 3 characteristics of a disconnected family?
secrecy, parental inaccessibility, and parentification (children grow up too soon)
What is the purpose of Human Relations therapy?
creating new, mutual, empathetic connections
Relational/Cultural theory
- challenges the “I” theories
- trying to promote cooperation, giving and nurturing as equal to autonomy, logic and power
- for healthy development, affiliations and relationships are essential
- ability to make and keep relationships is a women’s source of their sense of self-worth
In order for people to connect you must have:
empathy and mutuality
Human beings seek ________ (doesn’t have to be with humans)
_______ _______ theorists look at how people develop intraspychic patterns of living out of their early relationships with significant others, particularly their mothers.
Object relations
Who introduced the concept of splitting and emphasized the interaction of unconscious fantasies and real experiences in the development of children’s object relations?
Melanie Klein
Who explored the processes of separation-individuation?
Margaret Mahler
the child emerges from a symbiotic fusion with the mother and develops individual characteristics
Who constructed a sequence of stages through which the ego passes in the process of becoming and individual?
Margaret Mahler
Who identified the process of cyclically?
Nancy Chodorow
produces daughters with the desire and capacity to mother but sons whose nurturing abilities are limited and repressed
___________ prevents people from engaging in mutually empathic relationships.