Test 3 Flashcards
Role Overload
role demands that exceed one’s available time and/or energy
Interrole Conflict
Incompatible demands stemming from two or more roles
Scarcity hypothesis
Excessive role responsibilities deplete the individual’s limited supply of time and energy, which can lead to stress
Who experiences role strain?
Those with children experience the greatest strain
Work interfering with family
- Number of hours
- long commutes
- workload
- level of importance in job
Family interfering with work
- marital status
- Number of children
- Level of importance of family roles
- lack of family support
Family-work coordination benefits
- higher self-esteem
- better physical health
- greater respect from others
- greater economic security
Enhancement hypothesis
each additional role provides a new source of self-esteem, social approval, social status, and other benefits
When you had a bad day and your kid is extra loving (negative buffered by the positive)
Effects of mothers’ employment on children
- quality of childcare
- mothers seen as more competent when employed
- maternal employment and non-maternal care are not harmful
- effects on emotion and behavior
- effects on gender-role attitudes
- effects on cognitive development (more social)
Is employment of women related to divorces of unhappy marriages?
What percentage of marriages end in divorce in the US?
40% to 50%
How much more likely are women to live in poverty after divorce than men?
What are the essential differences perspective in gender comparisons?
- Genetic
- Hormonal
- Brain structure
What are the social constructionist perspective in gender comparisons?
- social roles: men are providers; women, nurturers
- Social settings: particularly important when investigating personality and social constructs
- Status and power: people with power are given certain privileges
- Media Messages: women are used in more condescending ways
When are gender differences usually largest?
When other people are present
What were the results of the Visual-spatial ability test?
Men scored significantly higher than women
- brain imaging revealed that men process information differently
Behavior that is intended to hurt someone, either physically or verbally
- influenced by biology and environment
What gender displays higher levels of aggression?
What gender displays higher level of relational desires?
- linked to the need to be popular
What percent of men commit violent crimes? Why?
- 73%
- Y chromosomes, age and testosterone
Operational definitions:
how we define aggression impacts findings in gender differences
- ex: workplace bullying vs violence
Prosocial behavior
voluntary behavior intended to benefit someone else
- being easily influenced or not
- females are typically influenced easier than males
a measure of a persons emotional reaction to stimulus
- females are generally more emotional than males due to social beliefs
A need for admiration and a relative lack of empathy. Linked to both negative and positive outcomes
Moral Reasoning
The process in which people try to determine what is right or wrong
What is the stereotype and research on talkativeness?
Stereotype: women talk more than men
Research: men talk more than women, speak more frequently and speak for longer
Affiliative interruption
show interest and affirm what the other is saying
- greater in females than males
Intrusive Interruption
To usurp the floor and control the conversation
- greater in males than females
What is the style of female speech?
More emotional, polite, soothing, indirect, tentative
What is the style of male speech?
more direct, goal-oriented, abrupt
- use I more often
What comprises the history of gender differences in intelligence?
- brain size
- differences in specific regions
- physically abilities
- mental testing
- belief in innate differences
Is there a gender difference in cognitive tasks?
Is there a gender difference in intelligence and creativity?
What are the language skill differences in gender?
- girls are more vocal and verbally skilled
- appears early in childhood
What happens when girls start school compared to boys?
- girls begin performing on bar with boys
- by adolescence girls start to slip and continue to slide down
- by college women do not go into majors that have technical and quantitative skills
What did women do in the Colonial era for work?
- seamstress
- boarding house mistress
- a few were doctors and lawyers
What were the jobs women performed in the 1900’s
Three main occupations were teachers (not higher education), factory workers and household servants
What were the jobs in WW1
300,000 served in Army/Navy as nurses, secretaries and typists
How many women entered the workforce in WWII
6 million
What percentage of men and women are in the US workforce?
- 52.4% are men
- 47.6% are women (2005)
- 49.8% (2010)
How many women are employed in the US? (percentage)
What occupations hold the lowest percentage of women?
- construction
- installation
- maintenance
- repair
What occupations hold the highest percentage of women
- health care
- office and administrative work
- teaching
- caring for young children
Equal Pay Act
- 1963
- Prevents different wages for employees of opposite sex if they are performing equal work and under similar working conditions
Civil Rights Act
- 1964
- Enforced by EEOC
- sex
- pregnancy
- sexual harassment
Family Medical Leave Act
allows 12 week unpaid leave for care of infant etc
What doesn’t the Federal Government protect?
- sexual orientation
- weight
- attractiveness
- caregiver status
What percentage of women make up CEO’s?
Access Discrimination
Discrimination in hiring; barriers to advancement
Treatment Discrimination
- salary
- sexual harassment
Glass Ceiling
Invisible but powerful barriers that prevent women from advancing beyond a certain level
Concrete ceiling
ethnic minority women
Sticky Flood
women have little or no job ladder, or path, to higher positions
Maternal Wall
women get less desirable assignments, lower salaries, and more limited advancement opportunities once they become mothers
Glass escalator
men who seem to be fast-tracked to higher level jobs, often seen in female dominated occupations
- 97% of school superintendents are male
What barriers hinder women’s advancement?
- limited mentors and social network
- discrimination
- stereotypes
Person-centered Explanations
female socialization discourage pursuit of these “unfeminine jobs”
Situation Centered explanations
access/treatment discrimination
Transformational Leaders
set high standards and serve as role models by mentoring and empowering their subordinates
- typically a characteristic of women leaders
- linked to higher ratings of effectiveness
Transactional Leaders
Clarify workers’ responsibilities, monitor their work, reward them for meeting objectives, correct their mistakes
- more characteristic of men leaders
take little responsibility for managing
How many cents per dollar do women make?
80 cents per one dollar a man makes
Pay equity
pay policies based on workers’ worth, not their gender or ethnicity
Affirmative action
positive steps taken by employing agency to ensure that workplace provides equal opportunity for all
Non-preferential treatment
training, recruiting, removal of practices
Preferential treatment
giving “extra points” due to group membership, not common and not popular
What does TAMU’s affirmative action statement claim?
- affirmative action does not mean lowering standards of excellence or hiring unqualified persons
- will make good faith efforts
- making positive steps to remove discriminatory barriers
What all male tradition ended in 2015 at TAMU?
The first female corps commander
What percent of women are the primary or sole providers?
What percent of couples are dual earning?
In dual earning families, women still do the majority of the house work
Assuming you and your partner both hold full-time; equally time-consuming jobs, how do you think you will divide childcare responsibilities?
Assuming you and your partner both hold full-time; equally time-consuming jobs, how do you think you will divide household chores?
The second shift (novel)
- studied 50 couples over 8 years (1980-88) and how they divide household tasks
- observes that men and women come into marriage with expectations defined by gender roles
- concluded that a woman’s first shift (paid job) is often devalued and leads to rationalization that she should be primarily responsible for her second shift (household duties)
What are the US federal policies on parental leave?
- no paid maternity leave
- family medical leave at
What is employment seen as for women? men?
Women: employment is seen as an addition to family role
Men: employment is seen as part of the family role
Indra Nooyi
- CEO of pepsico for 12 years
- felt like she wasnt always a good mother or CEO
- did her best
How many women are currently CEO’s of fortune 500 companies?
Women’s employment is related to divorce of unhappy marriages. (T/F)
Are mothers see as more competent when employed? (T/F)