TEST 3 Flashcards
What is well-being?
Well-being is a state of positive mental health.
Well-being can mean feeling whole, empowered, happy satisfied with life, fulfilled and engaged.
What is a traditional distinction made between well-being?
- Hedonic well-being: the pursuit of pleasure
- Eudaimonic well-being: Pursuit of one’s full potential
Having a psychological disorder or impairment does not mean you cannot also have a state of well-being…. T/F?
People who report higher well-being also report:
- Longer & more positive friendships & intimate partner relationships.
- Greater satisfaction with work and higher incomes
- Better physical health
- Lower likelihood of substance abuse
Well-being prospectively predicts higher success and achievement in a variety of important life outcomes. … T/F?
Reasons to invest in well-being?
- Well-being is a natural motivator:
• Intrinsic drive to feel happier & better.
• People who pursue well-being in one way (e.g., join a club or volunteer) are likely to experience additional unintentional benefits (e.g., make new friends or feel a new sense of purpose) which contributes to a continuing upward spiral. - Well-being improves physical health and longevity.
• People w/ higher well-being are more likely to use preventive services (take care of themselves and maximizes all aspects of their health) which helps them to be physically healthie and live longer. - Well-being is good for the economy.
• Boosts workplace functioning & academic performance.
• Higher well-being linked with greater creativity, better job performance, less conflict on the job, fewer missed work days.
• Higher well-being in university students predicted higher levels of academic success, health and life satisfaction. - Well-being promotes positive relationships.
• Related to more prosocial behaviour such as helping others & more positive parenting. - Well-being can be enhanced in relatively easy & inexpensive ways.
• Evidence-based effective strategies are low cost & practical.
o Expressing gratitude, being kind to others, envisioning a positive future. - Improving well-being may catalyze the success of other health promotion interventions.
• Well-being included in other prevention or intervention programs may accelerate the effects of these programs. - Well-being interventions may elicit a population-level shift in mental health.
• If a well-being intervention results in event a small improvement for those who participate, it could still be cost-effective and have a large scale value.
What is flourishing?
To be considered as “flourishing” you must rate yourself as high on at least one measure of hedonic well-being.
Positive affect
Regularly cheerful, interested in life, in good spirits, happy, calm and peaceful, full of life
Avowed quality of life
Mostly or highly satisfied with life overall or in domain of life.
What is included in psychological functioning?
- Self-acceptance: holds positive attitudes toward self, acknowledges, likes most parts of self, personality
- Personal growth: Seeks challenge, has insight into own potential, feels a sense of continued development.
- Purpose in life: Finds own life has a direction and meaning.
- Environmental mastery: Exercised ability to select, manage, and mold personal environs to suit needs.
- Autonomy: Is guided by own, socially accepted, internal standards and values.
- Positive relations with others: Has or can form, warm trusting personal relationships.
What is included in social functioning?
- Social acceptance: Holds positive attitudes toward, acknowledges and is accepting of human differences.
- Social actualization: Believes people, groups and society have potential and can evolve or grow positively.
- Social contribution: Sees own daily activities as useful to and valued by society and others.
- Social coherence: Integrated in society and social life and finds them meaningful and somewhat intelligible.
- Social integration: A sense of belonging to, and comfort and support from, a community.
Why is flourishing important?
Flourishing is important because individuals who are flourishing report:
o Lowest levels of perceived helplessness
o Highest levels of functional goals
o Highest levels of self-reported resilience
o Highest levels of intimacy
- Also report lowest levels of top 5 chronic physical conditions:
o Stomach problems, back problems, arthritis, high blood pressure, hay fever.
How does flourishing promote health?
Flourishing reports health because it is dichotomous approach to mental illness and does not identify how mental illness is related to chronic disease.
Intermediate/ moderate levels of mental health are different from mental illness as well as from flourishing.
Reducing diagnosed mental illness (e.g., depression) does not necessarily increase mental health.
How common is flourishing?
Keyes (2007) reported that fewer than 2 in 10 adults were flourishing (which included no episode of mental illness in the past year)