Test 3 Flashcards
Who wrote the book of John?
What was John known as?
The disciple whom Jesus loved
What was John’s occupation?
Who was John’s brother?
Whom did John follow before he followed Jesus?
John the Baptist
Who was John writing to?
General Audience
Which word does John emphasize in the book of John?
“the world”
When was the book of John written?
A.D. 90
What is the theme of John?
Jesus Christ the Son of God
What are some of the oldest manuscripts found?
out of John
What is John’s key verse?
“But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, THE SON OF GOD; and that believing ye might have life through his name.”
–John 20:31
What are the Key Chapters of the book of John?
1–The Word is the Light, Life, & Lamb 4–The Woman at the Well 16–Christ Promises the Holy Spirit 17–Christ's Intercessory Prayer 19–The Crucifixion
How many times was the word believe used in the book of John?
How many times was the word life used in the book of John?
How many times was the word sign/miracle used in the book of John?
How many times was the word witness/testimony used in the book of John?
How many times was the word receive used in the book of John?
How many miracles are in the book of John?
How many I AM statements are in the book of John?
Which disciple is not mentioned in the book of John?
John taught Polycarp, Polycarp taught Iranaues. Who does Iranaues claim wrote the book of John?
What are the distinctive features of John?
A) is Distinctive from the rest of the synoptic Gospels
B) Includes fewer historical details
C) ‘s Record is more reflective (theological)
D) Emphasizes interviews. (27 in the book, most of which only found in John)
E) Emphasizes discourses
F) Centers much of the book around Jesus’ visits to Jerusalem
G) Stresses the deity and humanity of Christ together.
John is __% unique.
Compare Synoptics vs. John: Time covered
Syn: 57 days
John: 20 days
Compare Synoptics vs. John: Area of ministry
Syn: Galilee
John: Judea
Compare Synoptics vs. John: Stress Christ as…
Syn: Human
John: Divine
Compare Synoptics vs. John: Focuses on Christ’s…
Syn: Works
John: Words
Compare Synoptics vs. John: Teaching method
Syn: Parables (none in John)
John: Discourses
What are the key historical events not mentioned in John?
Jesus’ birth
Temptation of Christ
How many years had past when John started to write the book of John?
Jesus is either…
Liar or
(You have to choose one–you can’t be neutral with Jesus)
What is the hypostatic union?
Jesus is 100% God and 100% Man
What are the I AM statements?
1) Bread of Life
2) Light of the Word
3) Door
4) Good Shepherd
5) Resurrection in Life
6) Way, Truth, and Life
7) True Vine
What does I AM express?
Transcendence means _____.
Not limited by time
Eternality means _____.
Always was and always is
What does self-sufficiency mean?
God is dependent on no one
How do we know Jesus is God?
His miracles
Fulfillment of prophecy
He claims to be God
What is the outline of John?
A. Christ and Individuals (1-4)
B. Christ and the Multitudes (5-12)
C. Christ and the Disciples (13-17)
D. Christ and His Passion (18-21)
What is the prologue?
He is... The Word God The Creator The Only Begotten
Jesus’ first miracle was _____.
Water to wine (chapter 2)
What is a firkin?
9 gal.
What happened in Chapter 2 (Christ the Creator)?
Water to Wine
Cleanses the Temple
What happened in Chapter 3 (Christ the Savior)?
Jesus and Nicodemus
John the Baptist’s ministry
What happened in Chapter 4 (Christ the Water of Life)?
Woman a the Well
Second Miracle: Healed child from difference
What happened in Chapter 5 (Christ the Judge)?
Third Miracle: Healing @ Pool of Bethesda
Who were the 4 witnesses to Christ?
John the Baptist
Christ’s Miracles
God the Father
What happened in Chapter 6 (Christ the Bread of Life)?
Feeding of 5000
Walking on Water
First I AM statement (Bread of Life)
Departure of Disciples
What happened in Chapter 7 (Christ the Divider)?
Jesus’ brothers reject him
The nation is divided over him
What happened in Chapters 8-9 (Christ the Light of the World)?
Second I AM statement (Light of the World)
Woman taken into adultery
Healing of a man born blind
What happened in Chapter 10 (Christ the Good Shepherd)?
Third and Fourth I AM statement (The Door and Good Shepherd)
What happened in Chapter 11 (Christ the Resurrection and Life)?
Fifth I AM statement (Resurrection and Life)
Raising of Lazarus
Conspiracy to kill Jesus
What happened in Chapter 12 (Christ the Center of Attention)?
Triumphal entry into Jerusalem
What happened in Chapter 13 (Christ the Servant)?
Jesus washes disciples feet
Fortelling of Peter’s denial
What happened in Chapter 14 (Christ the Comforter)?
Sixth I AM statement (Way, Truth, and the Life)
What happened in Chapter 15-16 (Christ the Vine)?
Seventh (Final) I AM statement (True Vine)
What happened in Chapter 17 (Christ the Intercessor)?
Longest prayer in the Bible A Prayer for... > Glorification > Preservation (protection) > Sanctification > Habitation
Chapters 18-21 (Christ and His passion)
Passion Week
What are the Key Chapters of Luke?
4 Jesus’ Temptation
15 Parables of the Lost Sheep, Coin, and Son
16 Rich Man and Lazarus
23 Christ’s Death and Burial
24 Emmaus Road/Great Commission/Ascension