test 3 Flashcards
Name the three pillars of sustainable development; indicate three major economic and social challenges to achieving sustainable development; explain why and how these economic and social challenges undermine the goals of sustainable development. Be specific (3)
- Economic development
- Social development
- Environmental protection
2 economic: capitalism and exploiting natural resources and labor to produce profit (widening the gap between the rich and poor)
2 social: racism and patriarchy (equality between men and women/wage differentiability
Indicate the principle of sustainability; the decade in which it emerged and three specific concerns that triggered the emergence of the sustainability paradigm (3)
Principle: our survival and well-being depends - directly or indirectly - on our natural environment
Emergence - 1980s:
Concerns: ÷population growth, economic growth and consumption of resources
Explain in detail the characteristics as well as environmental benefits/outcomes of both the transportation and green space elements of Curitiba’s model of sustainability. (3)
a bus rapid system
characteristics; integrated public transportation network, Buses have their own lane, reliable and convenient/affordable. Pollution decreased drastically because people chose busing instead of cars and less usage of gas.
green space
characteristics; converted asphalt and concrete services to green space (grass), retain recessive water and control flooding/management, “green city” of Brazil because it has the most green space per square footage
benefits; reducing urban and producing oxygen in city.
Briefly explain how recycling in Curitiba’s model of sustainability is incorporating/mutually reinforcing the three pillars of sustainability. Be specific (2)
economy: created jobs
social: help previously unemployed people get out of poverty
environment: garbage is recycled
Both the geography and level of global energy consumption have changed over the last several decades, and are projected to further change. Explain what is meant by the “changing geography” and the main reason/driver behind this particular change. (2)
changing geography: recently most global energy consumption has/will be tied to developing countries rather than the north or developed countries
reason: rapid economic growth in developing countries which depends on consuming energy; needing energy which explains the increased the use
Indicate why mountaintop removal emerged since the late 1970’s, ex what is the main rationale for adopting this mining strategy; and locate MTR practices geographically. (2)
why: more economical for companies because explosives are used rather than using labor/labor costs are cut (not labor intensive)
geographically located at: Appalachia region
Based on the MTR movie and our class discussion, explain in detail what constitutes environmental injustice in the movie. Discuss by focusing on the distributional inequity dynamics associated with coal mining/ their location and effects vs “cheap” electricity/location and effects. (2)
MTR is cheap because it requires les human labor, but that comes at the cost of negative environmental and health effects. The injustice comes in the form of the coal mining industry keeping the economic development stunted and therefore forcing the communities to depends on coal, and keeping the area poor.
Based on the Havana, Cuba video; explain in detail the two geographical dynamics and associated consequences that prompted urban food growing in Havana; and indicate how and why the food is grown throughout the city. (2)
prompted: Soviet Union collapsed so since cuba was a communist country it was dependent on its needs from the soviet union. People faced starvation and were forced to grow foods organically because they could no longer get pesticides from the soviet union.
How does Havana’s approach to urban food growing incorporate the three pillars of sustainability? Explain in detail and be specific. (3)
In 1993 the city government of Belo Horizonte declared that food was a basic right of citizenship. Based on the video and class discussion indicate what problems prompted this action; the goal of the initiative; the particular approach of the initiative- provide more detail; and its results and the cost. (4)
problems: widespread poverty and hunger specifically among children
goal: totally eradicate Hungar
how/approach: people are fed in school, resturants, etc, food is made affordable because it is so heavily subsidized by the government (healthy, nutritious food)
results: wiped out hunger
cost: 2% of budget improved health and stopped hunger
Explain in detail the TWO main aspects and the critique/explanation of urban entrepreneurial initiatives in the global south that the author offers in the required reading.
The slums of the global South are a key frontier for contemporary urban entrepreneurialism since there are untapped markets. This is seen as growth areas for new markets (spatial fix)
Indicate and briefly explain the three major reasons that support an increased push/benefit to switch our energy sources from fossil fuels to renewable energy. (3)
- finite supply of fossil fuels
- environmental destruction and pollution
- climate change
Explain the negative environmental and social consequences associated with the production of bioethanol and palm oil. Be specific. (2)
- (E)biodiversity - A large amount of arable land is required to grow crops. This could see some natural habitats destroyed including rainforests.
- (S)The food V fuel debate - There is concern that due to the lucrative prices of bioethanol some farmers may sacrifice food crops for biofuel production which will increase food prices around the world.
Indicate two renewable energy sources that contribute the most to Samso Island’s energy supply (1)
Windpower and Biomass
List four most dominant consequences of climate change in Philadelphia. (2)