Test 3 Flashcards
Categories of fruits
1. Berries A. General B. Pepo (melons and squashes) Melons: Watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew, Pumpkin, squashes (acorn, butternut), gourds ( bottle gourds, bittermelon, calabash) luffa) Cucumber C. Hesperidium (citrus) 2. Drupes (pits/ stone) Cherries Walnuts Peaches Almonds ( Part of the peach family) Apricots Pecans Dates These are just drupes in which we eat the plums seed inside instead of the fruit 3. Pomme (core) 4. Tropical 5. Dry
Mature vs Ripe
Fully developed and continues to ripen
Picked at its peak for texture and flavour and is ready to eat
- Picked before mature will not soften or have a good eating qualities
- The riper the fruit when it is picked, the shorter it’s shelf life will be
Where possible, growers will harvest mature but unripe fruit - This is not possible for all fruits
- Only some fruits continue to ripen after they have been picked
Ripening 4 main changes
- Aroma
- Sweetness
- Juiciness
- Texture
Different forms of fruits
- Canned
- Frozen/ I.Q.F (Individually Quick Frozen)
- Dried
Enzymatic browning
Chemical process which occurs in fruits and vegetables by the enzyme polyphenoloxidase which cause results in browning
Place in fridge slows down browning
Use lemon juice/ acid
Types of preserve
Sweet compotes
Candied citrus zests
Important ingredients before starting preserving
Fruit - always use the ripest freshest fruits
Pectin - causes fruits to gel
Acid - needed for gel formation
Sugar - preserves jellied fruits, helps form a gel and adds flavour
What is canning
- Method of preservation of food in which is processed and hermetically (completely air tight) sealed in containers e.g. glass
- Provides a typical shelf life of 1 -5 years
- Heating destroys microorganisms and the permanent sealing is to prevent re-infection
Boiling water canning
- Must for jams and jellies
- Forms seal
- Shelf stable product
- incorrect canning = BOTULISM
Indirect fermentation
Sponge, Pre-ferment , Starter
- Portion of total flour is fermented before mixing the dough
- Results in better flavour and leavening power
Sponge and dough method
- 2 steps reasons
- Give yeast a head start
- Improves flavours
- Lighter texture
2 types of pre-ferments
- Yeast (a.k.a yeast starters) uses commercial yeast
- Sourdough (a.k.a sourdough starter/ natural starter) made with wild yeast
Different starters = different results
Different types of yeast pre-ferments
- Poolish: thin yeast tarter equal parts flour and water + commercial yeast
- Biga: Italian term, pre-ferment stiff pre-ferment, made with 2X the quantity of yeast as poolish
- Levian - levure: French term, commercial yeast pre-ferment
- Pate fermentee (pre-fermented sourdough/ scrap dough): piece saved from previous batch
- Mix fermentation: straight dough, pre-ferment + frest yeast ( when scrape dough does not have enough yeast for the appropriate fermentation
Different types of pre-ferment: sourdough starter
Made with wild yeast and bacteria not commercial yeast
Benefits using pre-ferment/ starter
- Dough structure strengthened
- Superior flavour
- Keeping quality improves
- Overall production time reduced
- Rye flour offers some specific consideration: when using high proportion of rye flour necessary to acidify rye in order to stabilize the baking ability ( higher level enzymes than wheat flour)
- Greater volume
- Greater flexibility in production: sponge can be held longer
- Different starter = different results
What is sour dough
- No commercial yeast (wild yeast)
- Many use rye flour
- Initial fermentation takes 2 - 3 days
Sourdough Essential
- Starters can be kept for a long time
- Artisan breads fermented longer
- Sourdough fermented slower
What is invert sugar
- Boiled with acid undergoes a chemical change that cause sucrose (regular refined, disaccharide)to break down simple sugar (monosaccharides) dextrose and levulose
- Amount of sugar that’s inverted depends on the amount of acid present
- Equal parts dextrose and levulose is called INVERT SUGAR
- extremely hygroscopic (holds moisture very well) and resistant crystallization
- Produced commercial available as syrup
- Honey natural invert sugar