Test 3 Flashcards
Why does Hera punish Echo?
Because Echo distracted Hera to prevent the goddess from discovering Zeus’ infidelities with Echo’s nymph friends
Ovid says that Echo does not approach Narcissus directly because “her nature denies it.” Which of the following is the best interpretation for what this means?
- Echo is afraid of Hera
- Echo is a tree nymph, and is forbidden from speaking to a water nymph
- Echo is shy, and she can only repeat what others say
- Echo is a nymph and is not allowed to romantically pursue a human
T/F: Narcissus does not recognize that he is in love with his own reflection.
Which of the following is the best interpretation for why Icarus flies too high?
- He thinks that he knows better than his father, and that flying higher won’t be dangerous
- He is trying to fly to the palace of the Sun/Helios
- He is being careless and is caught up in his surroundings
- He is trying to fly higher than his father
T/F: The sad fate of Orpheus and Eurydice is foreshadowed by several omens before the wedding.
How does Eurydice die?
- She eats a poison pear
- She dies of old age
- She is bitten by a snake
- She is killed by a maenad
She is bitten by a snake
What does Orpheus offer Persephone and Hades in exchange for Eurydice returned to life?
- He offers to build a temple and sacrifice 50 bulls annually in their honor
- Nothing
- He will exchange his life for Eurydice’s
- He will immortalize the underworld in a famous song
Aphrodite/Cytherea, helps Hippomenes by giving him:
- A magic potion to make him run very fast
- Golden apples
- The kingdom of Lycia
- Three wishes
There is textual evidence in Ovid’s tale of Atalanta and Hippomenes that:
-Atalanta won the race, not Hippomenes
-Aphrodite cast a spell over Atalanta to make her fall in love with Hippomenes.
-Atalanta fell in love with Hippomenes before the race, and may have deliberately allowed herself to lose.
Atalanta knew that Hippomenes was destined to be her husband.
What is Atalanta famous for
Her speed and her beauty
Narcissus and Echo
Daedalus and Icarus
Orpheus and Eurydice
Story of Atalanta are all written by who
Narcissus and Echo run down
- the nymph Liriope is raped by the river-god Cephisus and got her pregnant
- Liriope gave birth to the child called Narcissus
- Liriope asked Tireseus if her son will live to be old and he said yes as long as he doesn’t know himself
- Narcissus grew up to be a very attractive man who was desired by many
- Echo saw him in the woods and she was punished by Juno to never be able to speak first and speak the last few words of the many spoken by others
- —-Juno did this to her
- Narcissus rejected Echo and she went a hid until her skin got all shriveled and the only thing that was left of her was her bones
- Narcissus fell in love with his own reflection and he just sits there all depressed until he eventually dies and goes to the underworld and even there he is still staring at himself at the river of the Styx
- A flower grew in his place
Deadalus and Icarus
- Deadalus was the architect that built the labyrinth that the Minotaur (Minos’ son) was kept in
- Minos kept Deadalus and his son (icarus) captive but he figures out that he can escape by the air
- Deadalus collects feathers and builds wings for himself and his son
- He tells his son not to fly too high or else the sun will melt the wax that holds his wings together and he will die and then he says don’t fly too low or else the moisture from the ocean will ruin your wings
- Icarus gets cocky and starts doing all these tricks and ends up flying too close to the sun so his wings melt and he plumets into the sea
- His dad rescues his corpse and then buries him on some island.
The story of Orpheus and Eurydice
- Orpheus and Eurydice just got married
- Eurydice was walking in the grass when she got bit by a snake in her ankle and went to the underworld
- Orpheus plays his lyre for Hades and they cry and feel bad for him
- Zeus told Orpheus that he could lead her away and that he had to walk in front of her and never look back until he had left or else they would never be together
- Orpheus was afraid that Eurydice was falling behind and so he turned around and boom she gone
- Orpheus tried to go back but the ferryman wouldn’t even let him cross the Styx
- Orpheus was depressed and so he started raping little boys because he didn’t want to be with any other women
- Orpheus gets killed by the Maenads who were mad at him because he wouldn’t sleep with them and then Orpheus’s spirit was rejoined with Eurydice
The story of Atalanta and Hippomones
- Atalanta was an incredibly fast runner who could beat any man who challenged her
- One day she went and asked an oracle who she should marry
- The oracle said she shouldn’t get married and that should would ignore this very advice
- She decided to host a running contest and whoever could beat her could marry her and whoever didn’t win would die
- Hippomones thought that he could beat her
- Hippomones prayed to Venus (aphrodite) to help him win she gave him golden apples
- Hippomones and Atalanta are neck and neck for most of the race bc Atalanta feels bad that he will have to die and so she runs slower and then she runs ahead
- Hippomones uses the golden apples to distract Atalanta and ends up beating her and getting her as his wife
- Hippomones forgot to thank Aphrodite for helping him and so she got mad and plotted revenge on him.
- They passed by the temple of Cybele who made Hippomones all the sudden feel like he needed to have sex with Atalanta so they did and then Cybele turned them into lions and then attached them to her chariot
Story of Leda and the Swan
Leda (princess of sparta), is Helens mom. Zeus fell in love with Leda and impregnated her (in the form of a swan). She also got pregnant at the same time by her mortal husband. Leda lays eggs and Helen is born of a golden egg. Leda also gives birth to castor and polls (one is the son of the mortal husband and the other is the son of Zeus).
Who is Helens mom? dad?
Leda, Zeus
Who is referred to as the prettiest woman alive?
Who are the parents of Achilles?
Thetis and Peleus
What is the prophecy attached to Thetis
That one day her son will overpower his father.
Zeus and Thetis
Zeus was in love with Thetis but once he found out about the prophecy Zeus tell Peleus to get her and marry her because he is a mortal and no one will care if his son ends up overpowering him.
How does Peleus end up getting Thetis to marry him
Basically Peleus tries to capture Thetis but she keeps shapeshifting into various animals so he can’t manage to capture her. Finally someone tells him hat ht should wait until she’s asleep and then tie her up so she can’t shape shift. Once Thetis realizes that she is tied up she gives in and says fine it must be meant to be that we get married
How is Achilles great?
In the context of war
What did Thetis do to her baby (Achilles) to make it indestructible?
Dip him in the River Styx (a river in hell) but she held him by his heel so that part of him did not get dipped known as his “Achilles heel,” which is how he ended up dying
Who is Chiron
A centaur who trained Achilles to be the greatest warrior in all of Greece.
Chiron is very noble and philosophical
*He also was the one who trained Jason
Wedding of Thetis and Peleus
- All the gods were invited except for discord
- Discord got really mad about not being invited
- Discord got really salty so she threw and apple onto the table that said “To the most beautiful..”
Who are the goddesses who start fighting over the golden apple that Discord threw on the table
Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite
Who do the goddesses pick to decide who is the winner of the golden apple
Judgement of Paris
- Paris is the price of troy
- After the goddesses decide that they want a mortal (paris) to decide who is going to win Hermes leads all of them to him
- There they all offer different gifts (even though they weren’t supposed to and Paris ends up picking a winner)
What did Athena offer to Paris
To be the wisest and best general in Greece
What did Hera offer to Paris
To make him the king of Greece…to be the king of everything
What did Aphrodite offer to Paris
The most beautiful woman
Who does Paris end up picking and what is the problem with his choice
Paris ends up picking Aphroite but the problem is that the most beautiful woman is Helen and she’s already married (to Menelaus)
How does Helen’s husband get picked
How does this start the trojan war
A bunch of kings show up wanting to marry Helen. Everyone put their name in a hat who wants to marry Helen. (Helens parents wanted her to get married so she would be safe because Theseus kidnapped her one time). The kings that show up decide that the group of them that don’t get picked will help the husband if something ever happens to Helen.
*Since Aphrodite told Paris(he came from troy) that he could have the most beautiful woman as his wife he shows up and ends up getting Helen to fall in love with him. Helen and Paris then run away to be together. Menelaus finds out what happened and ask the kings who didn’t get picked (greeks) to help him fight the trojans
- The older brother of Menelaus
- Ends up being the leader of the Greek army
Why does Agamemnon want to help Menelaus
Agamemnon wants to help Menelaus destroy troy so that he can be in charge of some trade routes and then become rich
How does Odysseus try to get out of going to Troy?
Odysseus decides that if he acts crazy they won’t make him go to fight in a war.
Odysseus starts doing all sorts of crazy stuff like trying to plow a beach so that he can plant lettuce etc etc
A messenger who went to get him was warned that he might try and pull a fast one/do something sneaky
Messenger pulls a gamble and takes Odysseus’ newborn baby (Telemachus) and lays him in front of the plow. He does this because if Odysseus is truly crazy he will run over his baby.
Odysseus fails the crazy test and ends up having to go to war
What is Odysseus normally described
Clever, cunning
What is the Illiad about
Story of about 2 weeks of the 10 year war at Troy
-Pretty much deals with the rage of Achilles rather than the actual war (honor/who is entitled to more honor?)
What type of literature is the Illiad
- Epic poem written by Homer
- First word = “rage”
Rage of Achilles
- Greeks steal the daughter of Apollo’s priest (Crisayus)
- Daughter was then given to Agamemnon as a war prize
- Apollo spreads disease all over greece
- Everyone tries to get Agamemnon to try and give up Crisayus but he thinks that if he does he will have less winnings than everyone else
- Achilles tells Agamemnon to chill out and just give her up because people are dying
- Agamemnon says fine ill give her up but in return for your wife (achilles’)
- Achilles gets very mad
- Hera and Athena have to keep Achilles from killing Agamemnon
- Achilles gets really fed up and says he isn’t fighting in the war anymore and storms off
Who has to intervene to keep Achilles from killing Agamemnon
Hera and Athena
Achilles and Patroclus
Achilles lover, Patroclus says we need to fight in this war, so he dresses up like Achilles (the leader of Trojan army) and ends up coming into contact with Hector, who kills him
Who kills Achilles’ lover Patroclus?
Hector (Menelaus’ older bro)
How does Achilles respond to the death of his lover
- Achilles kills hector
- Achilles takes body of Hector and ties it to his chariot and drives around for everyone to see
- Priam (king of Troy and dad of Hector) comes to Achilles to ask for his son’s body.
- Achilles and Priam bond and establish and temporary truce so Greece can treat their dead people and so Trojans can do the same
**imp. to properly bury the body so the spirit can go to the underworld successfully
How does Achilles die
- Achilles dies by getting shot by Paris
- Pairs ends up getting killed
- Odysseus ends up in charge
Trojan Horse
- Odysseus’ idea
- Horse is a sacred animal of Poseidon
- —Greeks want the Trojans to think that they left that as a offering to Poseidon for a safe trip home
- Greeks hiding in the hallowed out horse, come out in the middle of the night and kill everyone and then burn down the city
- Greeks are the winners of the Trojan war
Who won the trojan war
Which two people do end up living happily ever after in the iliad?
Helen and Menelaus
What did heinrich Schliemann do?
-Tries to find Troy to determine if it is historical or mythological
Rage—Goddess, sing the rage of Peleus’ son Achilles, murderous, doomed, that cost the Achaeans countless losses… Begin, Muse, when the two first broke and clashed, Agamemnon lord of men and brilliant Achilles” (1-8)
Beginning of the Illiad
What is the name for the first 4 books of the odyssey
The Telemachy
- Odysseus’ son goes to find information
- Telemachus grows up
What type of literature is the Odyssey
An epic poem
Generally, what happens in books 5-8
Odysseus on the move
Arrives in Phaeacia
End of Book 8 – begins to tell his story
Books 9-12
Odysseus’ backstory
Books 13-22
Odysseus at Ithaca
Books 23-24
Odysseus and the Ithacans
Who is Odysseus’ father
How is Zeus portrayed in art?
Lightning bolt, eagle
How is Poseidon portrayed in art?
How is Hermes portrayed in art
winged sandals
How does Athena disguise herself when going to Telemachus?
As Mentes an old war hero
First guy that Telemachus goes to to find out where his dad is
Nestor exhibits xenia, he is very wise, and very long winded, and a very good host
Point of Telemachy
To link Penelope, odysseus and penelope together as characteristics
The death of Agamemnon
- Agamemnon sacrifices his daughter to Artemis so that they can have wind to sail to Troy.
- —Other version - Artemis swoops in at the last minute freaked that he would actually kill his own daughter and switches the daughter out for a deer
- He doesn’t share this plan with is wife Clytemnestra (related to Helen and penelope)
- While Agamemnon is away, Clytemnestra decides to get her revenge and ends up with Agistoes
- Agamemnon returns with a princess of Troy - Cassandra (can predict the future but is cursed that no one will believe her)
- Clytemestra and Agisthos kill both cassandra and agamemnon
Where is Odysseus at the beginning of the Odyssey
- Odysseus is trapped on an island with nymph, calipso
- Odysseus has also blinded poseidon son, the cyclops which makes poseidon mad at him and is making it hard for him to get home
Which goddess is most directly associated with Odysseus
Athena because she thinks he is basically a human version of him
Who tells Telemachus to go to Nestor
Athena disguised as Mentes
Telemachus plan
Begin at Pylos, 1 year quest to search for Odysseus, if Odysseus is dead, he’ll return set up a burial for his dad and marry off his mom
How are Telemachus and the suitors different
*****Telemachus practices XENIA and the suitors DO NOT
who tells Telemachus where Odysseus is and what his problem is
Menelaus; stuck on the island of calypso
*clear that Menelaus probably doesn’t know where the island it
Descriptions of Odysseus in books 5 and 6
-known for being crafty but he can’t get off the island
Given up
-Living in his mind
-when someone wants to help him he says “are you really”
**way different than the way he is described in the first 4 books as a badass
What does Athena do to get Odysseus off the island
Sends Hermes to tell Calypso to let him go
Despite being on this island, Odysseus is still faithful to his wife…however he still has sex with him
What book do we see Odysseus
Once Odysseus is off the island what happens
- Poseidon ships his raft
- A goddess Leucothea ends up saving him but at first he is reluctant
the Phaeacians
- Next step after island of Calypso
- King = Alcinous who has a daughter called Nauccica
- Have an abundance of resources/are rich/everyone is beautiful/idealized
- Phaeacians welcomed odysseus without knowing who he was
- where Odysseus grows into a person who is not upset/hopeless anymore compared to how he was on the island of calypso
- Like Telemachus
- young, unmarried, daughter of a king
- gets push from the gods to act in a tool of odysseus coming home
Odysseus, Athena and Nausicaa story
- Athena gives her a push down to the beach to find odysseus
- Athena tells Nausicaa that she is gonna get married soon bc all the male phaecians wanna marry her and is basically saying what is standing in the way of her getting married is because she has dirty clothes
- She tells her father she wants to go to the beach because its her responsibility to do their laundry….but her dad saw through it all and knows whats actually going on
- Athena tells Nausicaa that she can do this and she offers to take him back to the palace, feed him, clothe him, introduce him to her dad
- *ultimately going to get him a ride back to Ithaca
What do the songs that the Bard sings promote?
- affair by Aphrodite and Ares (is this symbolic of Penelope may or maybe not cheating on odysseus….
2.Trojan war - Trojan war about odysseus
Odysseus cries after hearing both songs about the trojan war and about him in the trojan war
“so don’t be crafty now, my friend, don’t hide the truth I’m after. Fair is fair, speak out! Come, tell us the name they call you there at home…. And tell me your land, your people, your city too…But come, my friend, tell us your own story now, and tell it truly. Where have your rovings forced you? What lands of men have you seen… who were wild, savage, lawless?”
-Alcinous may have a suspicion that the person in disguise is Odysseus
now let me begin by telling you my name…so you may know it well, and I in times to come, if I can escape the fatal day, will be your host, your sworn friend, though my home is far from here. I am Odysseus, son of Laertes, known to the world for every kind of craft—my fame has reached the skies. Sunny Ithaca is my home…Come, let me tell you about the voyage fraught with hardship Zeus inflicted on me, homeward bound from Troy…
- Odysseus’ reveal to Alcinous in response to Alcinous’ “so don’t be crafty now, my friend…” statement
- “know to the world for every kind of craft….”
- “already world famous for being clever…”
- —not him boasting just a reflection because the bard was singing about it
1st adventure…the Cicones
- Odysseus and his men leave troy and they immediately attack a group of people called the Cicones
- Not an enemy
- Not a creature
- Odysseus and his men attack because the Cicones have supplies and gold…they are attacking to get spoils and for no other reason
- Odysseus and his crew spread the spoils out equally (indicates he is fair…)
- Odysseus’ men hangout on the beach drinking wine and fooling around but Odysseus wants to leave
- Odysseus men don’t listen to him… prob (bc it gives the Cicones to call for back up)
Why do Odysseus’ men not want to leave?
Because they have been fighting a war and they want to catch a break and chill out on a beach for a while
The Lotus Eaters
- They aren’t bad people but they are dangerous bc if you take a bit of the Lotus you never want to leave
- Odysseus has to remember that he has to get home and that is what he is trying to do so he goes and gets his crew
The cyclops (polythemus)
- Bad host
- Odysseus and his friends are bad guests, though
- Odysseus and his men travel to this island and they go ashore because they wanna get off the ship and they wanna look for spoils
- Odysseus and his men invade the cyclops’ home when he is not there
- Odysseus gets the cyclops drunk and then his men and him hide under sheep and sneak out
Which Odyssean travels are the most important
cyclops, circe, underworld
How are odysseus and his men bad guests?
- invade this guys home
- eat the cyclops foods
How is polythemus (the cyclops) a bad host?
- asks who they are before welcoming them and offering them food
- he eats them
- Does not respect the gods (has hubris)
What name does Odysseus give himself on the island of the cyclops?
Cyclops—if any man on the face of the earth should ask you who blinded you, shamed you so—say Odysseus, raider of cities, he gouged out your eye, Laertes’ son who makes his home in Ithaca
Odysseus would have gotten off scot free if he didn’t say this to the cyclops when he was leaving..since he used the name “Nobody”
Polyphemus thus prays to Poseidon and asks him to keep him from never getting home
Come here, Odysseus, let me give you a guest-gift and urge Poseidon the earthquake god to speed you home. I am his son… Hear me, Poseidon….come, grant that Odysseus, raider of cities, Laertes’ son who makes his home in Ithaca, never reaches home. Or if he’s fated to see his people once again and reach his well-built house and his own native country, let him come home late and come a broken man… and let him find a world of pain at home!”
Polyphemus’ curse
- let him come home late
- a broken man
- find a world of pain when he gets home
**all things that actually end up happening
Bag of Aoelus
- Odysseus goes to the wind god who gives him a sack of wind
- Odysseus brings this bag to his ship and tells his men to not open it
- They open it anyway
**trust and communication are broken down
- One of the few named crew members of odysseus
- Kind of the speaker of the crew
- “Only Eurylochus stayed behind—he sensed a trap…” (10.255) *referring to the island of Circe – he is right…
Odysseus & the Laestrygonia
-Giant man eating monsters that throw rocks at Odysseus and his men
Island of Circe
- Related to Medea - Medea is her niece
- Circe like Medea practices potions
- Her land is described as, “a magical paradise”
- Circe lives on the island with “tame” animals that were once men
- She tries to do this with Odysseus and actually succeeded with some of his crew members
- Odysseus’ first lover and Calypso is the second
- Circe is so entranced in staying on the island kinda like on the island of the lotus flower
Mountain wolves and lions were roaming the grounds—she’d bewitched them herself, she gave them magic drugs. But they wouldn’t attack my men…deep inside [the house] they heard her singing, lifting her spellbinding voice as she glided back and forth at her great immortal loom, her enchanting web a shimmering glory only goddesses can weave
Description of Circe and her island
Who helps Odysseus on this island of Circe?
Why does Odysseus override his “I think this may be a trap feeling…”
- He likes the way circe looks
- He is curious
Hermes and Odysseus’ plan to get his men back
- Take the drug and become immune to Circe’s magic (circe can’t turn him into an animal)
- Threaten her with a sword
- “seduce her” and have sex with her
- Make her swear in oath not to hurt him
**This plan actually works
Characters that have recognized Odysseus without Odysseus revealing himself to them
- Circe
- They take a liking to each other
- Keeps his men from being enslaved by Circe and gives them some shelter for awhile….a whole year
- Argos - Odysseus’ old dog
- Eurycleia - maid who recognizes a boar’s scar on odysseus when she is cleaning his feet
Only Eurylochus tried to hold my shipmates back, his mutinous outburst aimed at one and all: ‘Poor fools, where are we running now? Why are we tempting fate?—why stumble blindly down to Circe’s halls? She’ll turn us all into pigs or wolves or lions made to guard that palace of hers… just as the Cyclops trapped our comrades in his lair with hotheaded Odysseus right beside them all— thanks to this man’s rashness they died too!’ So he declared and I had half a mind to draw the sharp sword from beside my hip and slice his head off
- Hotheaded Odysseus
- First time he isn’t described as “clever” etc…
- Odysseus response is to pull out his sword and cut his head off
What does Circe at the end of their stay tell Odysseus to do?
-Go to the underworld and there is where he will find out what he needs to do
Odysseus and the Underworld
The underworld (general)
- Ruled by hades and persephone
- Home to “dead” people as well as people who are enduring eternal punishments (damnations)
-Forced to spend his time in the underworld “tantalized” i.e. every time he wants something is just disappears
Spends entire life in the underworld pushing a rock up a hill just to have it roll back down
Important people in the underworld
- Tiresias “the seer” eventually going to tell Odysseus how to get home
- Agamemnon - continues through with his story of what might happen to Odysseus
- Achilles
- Anticlea - Odysseus mom’
“Triple A and T”
- Seen in the underworld
- Gets abandoned on the island of circe
- ASks odysseus to go back to Circe’s island to get Elpenor’s body and bury it
What do we learn from Odysseus speaking to tiresias in the underworld
- Find out what is happening on Ithaca (penelope hasn’t remarried)
- How Odysseus needs to make nice with posideon
- Still happening before he ends up on the island of calypso
How can Odysseus get posideon to forgive him
Has to walk around with an Oar far from the sea and ask people if they know what it is and when someone finally says no right at that spot he has to found a temple to poseidon
*not actually seen in the odyssey
Odysseus and Anticlea in the underworld
-Didnt know his mother died
Agamemnon and Achilles in the underworld
-important that they talk
-Serves as a warning to Odysseus
Agamemnon killed by his wife’s lover (Aegisthus) at a banquet…possible parallel to Penelope
-says don’t trust penelope
“Nothing more deadly..beastial than a woman set on…..”
- said by agamemnon
- Madea
- bsically saying that clytemnestra has proved that women are evil and can’t be trusted
When odysseus has his fake stores what are general similarities
- related to trojan war
- weaves truth and lie
- tends to be related to a king in some way
Odysseus and the sirens
- Sirens have the bodies of birds and and smell like rotting flesh
- Sing a song a coax people towards rock and their deaths
- Odysseus and men plug their ears with wax and odysseus wants to listen because he is curious `
Scylla and carybids
Can sail past a giant whirpool (charybdis) *would risk safety of whole crew
or sail past a monster (scylla) *that will eat a few crewmebers with
-gotta pick one or the other….picks to sail past Scylla that monster with animal heads
Cattle of the sun god
- Last obstacle before odysseus has before the shipwreck that ends him up on the island of calypso
- In underworld odysseus is warned not to eat the cattle of the sun god (helios)
- If they eat the cattle they will be punished
- Odysseus tells his men not to do it but they don’t listen to him and end up eating the cattle
- Odysseus goes to take a nap which allows his crew to act up (similar to what happened with the wind god)
Listen to me, my comrades, brothers in hardship. All ways of dying are hateful to us poor mortals, true, but to die of hunger, starve to death—that’s the worst of all. So up with you now, let’s drive off the pick of Helios’ sleek herds, slaughter them to the gods who rule the skies up there
-Eurylochus convinces them to break their oath to odysseus to not kill the cattle
Who does Odysseus test when he returns to Ithaca
- Eumaeus
- Telemachus
- The suitors
- various other people
Who brought Odysseus to Ithaca
The phaecians
Odysseus on Ithaca
- Really confused right when he gets there
- Athena tells him where he is but she is in disguise again
What does Athena do to Odysseus when he’s first washed up on the island
She transforms him into someone unrecognizable (doesn’t look like himself)
- swinheard - does whatever he can to protect Odysseus’ pigs
- passes odysseus’ test with flying colors
- very in love with odysseus
- “That fine loyal man…”
- Hard working - he built the walls of his farmstead on his own initiative to protect the pigs
- Protective of odysseus’ property
- Overall good guy - and great host…he doesn’t have very much but shares as much as possible with odysseus (xenia)
- Odysseus tells Eumaeus that he will come home within the month *but he’s in disguise
- Ring leader of the suitors
- Jerk
- Athena says test the suitors and tells him to go in disguise as a beggar and ask for food
- (Bad host) Antinous - only one who doesn’t give odysseus food when he is disguised as a beggar…instead he throws a chair at him and yells at him
- Makes odysseus and another beggar fight each other for sausages
- Pretty good guy
- nice to odysseus
- Odysseus tries to warn amphinomous away from the situation
Dog of of Odysseus
Cretan tale
- Tale that Odysseus tells involves elements that are true and false
- Cretan tale bc he says he is from crete
- Well people from Crete are stereotyped as thieves, liars, and pirates
Odysseus reveals himself to Telemachus
- Telemachus immediately says, “you must be a god”
- Odysseus says, nope I’m yo dad
- Telemachus is actually skeptical
- Odysseus and Telemachus sit and hug and are crying together
End of the Odyssey
- All suitors die (go to the underworld)
- maids die
- Melanthius dies
- Odysseus reunites with his father, Laertes
How is Athena portrayed in art
Helmet & shield
T/F Penelope tests odysseus
Odysseus and the maids
Odysseus asks Eurycleia which maids betrayed penelope and slept with the suitors
He forces these maids to clean the hall where he killed the suitors
Then he had them all get crammed into a small closest and tells Telemachus to deal with their deaths
What does Penelope ask Odysseus/ what does he respond with
In Odysseus’ disguise he said that he had seen Odysseus and so she asks what he was wearing and what his body cut looked like
He says Odysseus was wearing a broach and cape which penelope conveniently gave him and put on him before he left for troy