Test 3 Flashcards
What are 3 reasons why the Thessalonian letters are often neglected?
a. The modest amount of discussion in the letters regarding salvation compared with works like Romans and Galatians.
b. Their brevity
c. Questions about the authorship of 2 Thessalonians.
When was 1 Thessalonians likely written, and how long after that was 2 Thessalonians likely written?
a. Anytime between midspring and midsummer 50
b. Several months after the earlier letter, perhaps in the winter of 50
List 6 reasons that Paul wrote the first letter to the Thessalonians?
a. Encourage the church in a time of prosecution
b. Defend the purity of Paul’s motives behind his mission to the Thessalonians
c. Urge the church to live holy lives characterized by sexual purity
d. Define a Christian work ethic
e. Correct confusion about the return of Christ
f. Prompt the church to respect its leaders
What was the cause of the Thessalonians’ deficient work ethic?
They had a confusing understanding of Christ’s return.
What is the most significant contribution of the Thessalonian letters to the canon?
Gives insights into the message of Paul as well as the missionary methods.
Why are the Corinthian letters especially helpful for the modern church?
Paul relates his theology to very practical issues.
How many letters did Paul write to the church at Corinth? How are they designated in this chapter, and which of the letters are contained in the New Testament?
a. 4 letters
b. Corinthians A,B,C,D
c. B and D we have in the New Testament
From where did Paul receive information about the Corinthian church?
What is the dual purpose of 1 Corinthians?
1 Corinthians was wrote to respond to reports and to answer questions asked in a letter.
What will be the nature of the believer’s resurrection body?
Incorruptible, glorious, powerful, and perfectly adapted for a Spirit controlled life.
Why is Paul’s authorship of Romans so certain among scholars?
It is so certain because of evidence of language, style, and theology.
Why are Paul’s travel plans so important in dating the book of Romans?
Paul was going to go to Spain and would be passing through Rome.
What are 3 reasons for why Paul wrote Romans?
a. To remind of fundamental truths about the gospel.
b. To address problems in the Roman church.
c. To introduce himself and ask for the support of the Romans in his Spanish mission.
When Paul says in Romans 3:23 that “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God,” who does he have in mind when he says “all?”
All individuals, jews and gentiles
How are individuals viewed as righteous in Romans?
On the basis of faith