Test 3 Flashcards
target wt to achieve certain % body fat:
Step 1: wt of fat = total BW x % current body fat
Step 2: fat-free wt = total BW - wt of current fat
Step 3: target wt = current fat-free wt / (100 - desired % body fat) x 100
°C =
5 / 9 (°F - 32)
°F =
(9 / 5 x °C) +32
REE adj. for fever =
(current temp – 98.6°F) x 7
for every °F above normal body temp., energy needs ↑ by 7%
stystole pressure
1st contraction of heart–is peak pressure in arteries occurring near end of cardiac cycle when ventricles are contracting–is 1st part of heartbeat
diastole pressure
2nd contraction of heart–is min pressure in arteries occurring near beg. of next cardiac cycle when ventricles are filled w/ blood–is 2nd part of heartbeat
normal BP (adult) =
120 / 80
hypotension (adult) =
<95 / <60
high-normal / pre-HTN (adult) =
120-139 / 85-89
Stage 1 HTN (adult) =
140-159 (s) OR 90-99 (d)
Stage 2 HTN (adult) =
160-179 (s) OR 100-109 (d)
Stage 3 HTN – severe (adult) =
180-209 (s) OR 110-119 (d)
Stage 4 HTN – very severe (adult) =
> 210 (s) OR >120 (d)
systolic & / or diastolic pressure for sex, age, & ht ≥90th %ile but <95th %ile
adolescents w/ ≥120 / 80 have pre-HTN
normal oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) blood glucose when fasting (adult) =
70-115 mg / dL
normal HgbA1C value (adult) =
normal triglyceride when fasting (adult) =
40-150 mg / dL
desirable total cholesterol (adult) =
<200 mg / dL
total cholesterol - [HDL + (TG / 5)]
optimal LDL cholesterol (adult) =
<100 mg / dL
desirable (↑) HDL cholesterol (adult) =
male: >40 mg / dL
female: >60 mg / dL
ideal HDL : cholesterol
1 : 3
low CHD risk c-reactive protein (adult)
<1 mg / L
criteria for met. syndrome
need 3 of 5:
- central obesity | waist circ. male: >42” & female: >35”
- ↑ triglycerides: ≥150 mg / dL
- ↓ HDL (male: 100 mg / dL)
- ↑ BP (≥ 130 / 85)
- insulin resistance
normal protein level in blood (adult) =
6-8.9 g / dL
normal albumin level in blood (adult) =
3.5-5 g / dL