Test #3 Flashcards
How many main points should be in a speech?
2-5 but 2-3 is okay
Strategic Organization
Organizing speech to achieve particular result with particular audience
Suggestions for preparing main points
- keep points separate
- Try to use same pattern of wording
- balance time devoted to each
Main points that follow a time pattern
Follow a directional pattern (how everything fits together)
Show the cause-effect relationship
First main point - The problem
Second main point - The solution
Divide topic into logical, consistent subtopics
Word or phrase connecting ideas
Connective - Transition
Indicates speaker has finished one thought and is moving to another
Connective - Internal Summary
Statement in body of speech summarizing preceding point/s (tell me what your going to tell me (introduction)) (tell me (body)) (tell me what you’ve already told me (conclusion))
Connective - Internal Preview
Statement in body’s speech indicating what the speaker will discuss next
Connective - Signposts
Brief statement showing where the speaker is or focusing attention on key ideas
Goals for an introduction in speech
- Get attention
- Reveal the topic
- Credibility
- Goodwill
- Preview statement
Tips for Introduction
- Keep it brief
- Be creative
- Work out in detail
- Don’t worry about the exact wording until body is done
- Don’t start talking to soon