Test 2 (Egypt) Flashcards
Djoser’s Step Pyramid Complex
2630-2611 BCE, 3rd Dynasty, Saqqara
Last Judgement of Hunefer
1300-1290 BCE, 19th Dynasty, Tomb of Hunefer, Thebes
Gizeh Pyramids
4th Dynasty, Gizeh, limestone
Seated Khafre
2520-2494 BCE, 4th Dynasty, Khafre’s Valley Temple, diorite
Rahotep and Nofret
2575-2550 BCE, 4th Dynasty, their mastaba at Maidum, limestone
Menkaure and Khamerernebty
2490-2472 BCE, 4th Dynasty, Menkaure’s Valley Temple, Gizeh, graywacke
Ti Watching a Hippo Hunt
2450-2350 BCE, 5th Dynasty, Ti’s Mastaba at Saqqara, limestone
Head of Senusret III
1860-1850 BCE, 12th Dynasty, red quartzite
Hatshepsut with Offering Jars
1473-1458 BCE, 18th Dynasty, Deir el-Bahri, Thebes, granite
Block statue of Senmut
1470-1460 BCE, 18th Dynasty, Thebes, granite
Temple of Amen-Re
15th c BCE, 19th Dynasty, Karnak at Thebes
Hypostyle Hall of Ramses II
1290-1224 BCE, 19th Dynasty, Karnak at Thebes
Temple of Ramses II
1290-1224 BCE, 19th Dynasty, Abu Simbel
Paintings of Nebamun’s Tomb
1400-1350 BCE, 18th Dynasty, Thebes
Statues of Amenhotep IV (Akhenaton)
1353-1335 BCE, 18th Dynasty, Temple of Aton at Karnak, sandstone
Stele of Akhenaton and Family Worshiping Aton
1353-1335 BCE, 18th Dynasty, Amarna, limestone
Head of Nefertiti
1353-1335 BCE, 18th Dynasty, workshop of Thutmose at Amarna, limestone