Test 2 - Chapters 4-6, Projects 2 and 5 Flashcards
Know the following locations
Egypt, Israel, Red Sea, Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Persian Gulf, Lebanon, Jordan, Athens, Thermopylae, Macedonia, Mount Olympus, Ionian Sea
Essay Question
Compare Israel’s theocracy to at least two other forms of government. Which is the best form? Why?
Who brought the Athenian democracy to its fullest measure?
On what mountain did God extend the covenant made with Abraham to the Israelites?
Mt. Sinai
Who was the aristocrat that introduced democratic principles to Athens?
What name did the Southern Kingdom take when the kingdom divided?
What is the name of the time period between Alexander’s conquest and the Roman Empire?
Hellenistic Age
This Macedonian king conquered most of Greece before he was murdered
Philip II
Israel carries the legacy of having what?
Complete written account of its history
Polishing and refining Greek mythology is credited to this poet
What peninsula is located in western Asia between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea?
Asia Minor
What was the name of the 16 cities that Alexander the Great named after himself?
Which king asked for wisdom to rule his kingdom?
Which king was killed on the battlefield for his disobedience?
Which king had Israel split after his reign?
Which king pushed Israel to its greatest extent?
Which king was the first human king of Israel?
In what year did the Peloponnesian War end?
404 BC
What prophet warned the city of Nineveh of God’s coming judgment?
What is a large group of foot soldiers armed with spears and shields, trained to charge the enemy as a group?
To whom did the Southern Kingdom of Israel fall?
Zeus is known as this
king of all the Greek gods
Socrates chose to do this instead of being exiled from Athens
drink poison
Where did the Minoans build a palace?
Who led the children of Israel into Canaan by crossing the Jordan River on dry ground?
Who led the brave Spartans at the Battle of Thermopylae?
What did the Phoenicians spread as they went on trading ventures?
the alphabet
Who interpreted Nebuchadnezzar’s dream concerning prophetic empires?
Who was the last great Assyrian king, he collected a library of cuneiform clay tablets.
Who allowed the Jews to return to their homeland - he was the king of Persia
Under the reign of Belshazzar, this Empire fell to the Medes and the Persians.
The Battle of the Salamis was a defeat for who?
the Persians
Alexander the Great was tortured by who? He was a famous Greek philosopher
This city controlled the Peloponnesian League
City of Persians
The Hittities were aided in battle by strong weapons made of this metal
What year were the first Olympic games held?
776 BC
How many ways was Alexander’s empire divided?
After Nabopolassar conquered all of Mesopotamia, what empire did he establish?
New Babylonian
What structure was reflected in the first Greek city government?
What Persian ruler built the Royal Road?
What king deported the 10 tribes of the Northern Kingdom?
Shalmaneser V
In the Greek cities, what hilltop fortress was the seat of government and religion?
Under what leader did the Assyrian Empire begin in earnest?
Tiglath-pileser III