Test 2 Chapters 4-5 Flashcards
What is Acts 4 titled?
Characteristics of the Early Church
Why were the Sudducees upset with Peter and John?
Because they were preaching the resurrection from the dead as proven by Jesus
How many people came to know Jesus after Peter and John were arrested?
5000 heard and believed
Who was the Council?
In a sense, the Jewish supreme court, made up of the Chief priets , elders, and scribes. It’s normal size was 71 members
Who were the Sanhedrin?
the Council
Who were the Sadducees?
The priestly line of Jews involved in the governing of the temple (high priests and chief priests). They were concerned with politics and the power of their position. Sadducees did not believe in any kind of resurrection, angels, or spirits. They are often referred to as the Jewish aristocrats.
Who are the Pharisees?
They were Separatists. A group who followed the Jewish laws and traditions strictly. They prided themselves on separating from the Gentiles and were noted for their extreme legalism. This attitude has made the word Pharisee almost synonymous with the word hypocrite.
Spirit-filled Peter explained to the questioning Sandedrin that the lame man was healed by what?
The name of Jesus, who was raised from the dead
Who receives salvation?
Those who call on his NAME. Salvation is in no one other than the NAME of JESUS
What did the religious leaders call Peter and John?
Uneducated untrained men
How did Peter and John respond to the religious leaders when they were questioned about the lame man?
They were compelled to speak in the NAME of Jesus what they had seen and heard from the resurrection to the healed lame man.
Why was the Council impressed with apostles?
By the boldness of the apostles when they realized they had been with Jesus.
What did Peter and John do when they were released from the religious leaders.
They returned and reported to the church who responded in prayer, acknowledging the sovereignty of God and praying for boldness to speak the Word accompanied by signs and wonders done in Jesus’ NAME.
What is the Believer’s Prayer?
acknowledging sovereignty of God praying for BOLDNESS and receiving BOLDNESS from being filled with the Holy Spirit
What happened to believers as the apostles testified of the resurrection of Jesus?
Multitudes of believers united, prayed and shared with one another
How did the apostles testify of the resurrection of Jesus.
with great power
Who shared by selling land and giving proceeds to the church?
Encourager Barnabas from Cyprus
A governing class considered (usually by themselves) to be better than others
A situation in which a person finds that no solution is ideal
The belief that God owes me something if I do certain things, often accompained by the attitude that you must do it “my way” to be right with God.
What is Acts 5 called?
Punishment and Persecution
Why did fear grip the church?
Because Ananias and Sapphira were struck dead
Why were Ananias and Sapphira struck dead?
They sold land and presented part, while implying the whole, to Peter
Ananias and Sapphira lied to who through what?
The Holy Spirit through hypocrisy
Were Ananias and Sapphira required to give to the church?
no. They lied about giving all when they gave part.
What is the death of Ananias and Sapphira an example of?
The purity God desires in His church. The Church responded in great fear.
What were some of the signs and wonders preformed from the apostles?
Casting out unclean spirits, wonders, such as Peter’s shadow bringing about healing, unity, and growth characterized the early Church.
Indignant Sadducees toss Peter and John into prison. What happens next?
An angel of the Lord opened the doors and brought them to the temple to speak words of life.
What can’t stop Peter and the apostles?
Threatening religious leaders cannot quiet the obedient Spirit-filled Peter and other apostles as they preach the repentance and forgiveness of sins through the resurrected Prince and Savior Jesus.
What did Peter mean when he said we ought to obey God rather than men?
Peter essentially said that the religious leaders killed God when they hung Jesus on the tree.
What was Councilman and Pharisee Gamaliel’s advice to the council?
He stated that if the plan is of men it will not succeed, but if of God it cannot be stopped.
Who was Gamaliel?
A Pharisee, teacher of the law, respected by all, and Paul’s teacher
Why did the apostles rejoice?
Because they were counted worthy to suffer shame for the Name of Christ
A form of punishment used among the Hebrew consisting of blows to the back with a rod
As used in verse 15, mats that are used to lie down on
The things that are taught and are believed as the truths of God’s Word.
Anger or jealousy