Test 2 Flashcards
Maximum capacity
The absolute limit of service availability.
Optimum Capacity
Resources are fully employed but not overused and customers are receiving timely service in a quality manner.
Low utilization ( may send bad signals)
Excess capacity (wasted resources)
Optimum capacity ( well balanced supply and demand)
Ideal use
Maximum capacity available
Demand exceeds optimum capacity (quality declines)
Capacity utilized
Demand excess capacity (Business is lost)
Ways to alter demand
- Pricing
- Developing non-peak demand
- Complementary services
- Reservation system
Ways to alter capacity
- Using part-time employees
- Maximizing efficiency
- Increase customer participation
- Sharing capacity
- Expansion ante
When you Alter demand
chase/level capacity
- High labor skill required
- High job discretion
- High training - High compensation
- Low turnover
- Low error rate
When you Alter capacity
chase demand
- Low labor skill required
- Low job discretion
- Low training - Low compensation
- High turnover
- High error rate
Maister’s Propositions
- Occupied time feels shorter than unoccupied time.
- People want to get started.
- Anxiety makes waits seem longer.
- Uncertain waits are longer than known, finite waits.
- Unexplained waits are longer than explained waits.
- Unfair waits are longer than fair waits.
- The more valuable the service, the longer the customer will wait.
- Solo waits feel longer than group waits.
Pricing: three common methods
Service capacity
the extent that you can house customers and demand
The _________ process is easier because you can forcast demand, and if you fall short you either can open more ___ or increase ______
Manufacturing, plants, efficency
What is the underlying issue with managing service capacity?
Inseparability you have to house the people in facility
sometimes it will be dead, not really efficient for the company because its not always filled
Maximum ex) classroom
Peak demand can regularly be met;
Large demand fluctuation
Police & fire emergencies
Peak demand can regularly be met;
Small demand fluctuation
Insurance / legal
Dry cleaning
Peak demand regularly exceeds capacity
Large demand fluctuation
Tax service Pass. transportation Hotels Restaurants ER
Two ways to meet service capacity
Trying to change demand or change capacity
Alter demand:
Offer lower prices at non- peak times
Alter demand:
Developing non- peak times
Offer incentive
Alter demand:
Complementary services
Offer something to by their time if they are coming during peak
ex) Gym classes
Amusement parks offer shows as a distraction so you aren’t just waiting in line
Altering demand:
Reservation system
offer a reservation
ex) Disney fast pass