Test 2 Flashcards
Philosophy: Behavior is learned.
Goal: Eliminate negative behaviors and learn healthier behaviors
Sample Techniques: relaxation training, desensitization, assertiveness training
Cognitive Behavioral
Philosophy: Irrational thoughts lead to maladaptive behaviors.
Goal: Eliminate irrational thoughts and replace them with rational ones.
Sample Techniques: cognitive homework, disputing irrational beliefs, mindfulness
Family Systems
Philosophy: All parts of the family system are interrelated and influence each other.
Goal: Change dysfunctional patterns within the family system.
Sample Techniques: genograms, family sculpture, reframing, communication training
Philosophy: Clients have the potential for growth, fulfillment, and self-determination.
Goal: Provide a safe setting to explore and find obstacles to growth.
Sample Techniques: active listening, reflection, clarification
Philosophy: Clients possess the skills and knowledge they need to create a better future.
Goal: Help clients to develop and achieve their envisioned solutions.
Sample Techniques: exception question, miracle question, scaling questions
Change Agent/System
the practitioner(s)
Client System
the person(s) receiving services
Target System
people who must be influenced to help the client
Action System
other professionals who are involved (Sturkie, Pertinent SW Systems)
Types of Clients
Non-voluntary clients
Legally mandated clients
Verbal Communication
clarity, conciseness, courtesy, and attentiveness
vocal qualities such as loudness, rate of speech, inflection, and pauses that indicate the emotion behind verbal communication
Nonverbal communication
accounts for approximately two-thirds of what is conveyed in a message and is often the most accurate indicator of a practitioner’s or client’s mental state
Minimal prompts
using Paralanguage prompts to encourage communications
making it clear what the client is talking about