Test 2 Flashcards
to table an amendment
to present a small change or improvement to a discussion
to buttonhole someone
to make somebody stop and listen to you, especially when they do not want to
He buttonholed me just as I was going home.
to bed down
to sleep in a place where you do not usually sleep
You have my room and I’ll bed down in the living room
to mirror public opinion
to represent public opinion
mouth one’s words
to move your lips as if you were seeing something but without making a sound
ferret something out
to discover information or to find somebody/something by searching thoroughly, asking a lot of questions etc
toe the line
to say or do what somebody in authority tells you to say or do, even if you do not share the same opinions etc
to skewer a fish
to push a skewer or other thin pointed object through a fish
pot a plant
to put a plant into a flowerpot filled with soil
elbow one’s way
to force one’s way through a crowded place by pushing other people with one’s elbow
inch one’s way along something
to creep slowly on or along something
Sharon inched herself along the side of the bridge.
to corner someone
to get a person or an animal into a place or situation from which they cannot escape
The man was finally cornered by police in a garage.
foot the bill
to be responsible for paying the cost of something
Who will be footing the bill for the party?
prey on somebody’s mind
to make somebody think and worry about it all the time
The thought that he could have helped more preyed on his mind.
fork out
to spend a lot of money on something, especially unwillingly
Why fork out for taxi when there’s a perfectly good bus service?
to line a coat
to cover the inside of something with a layer of another material to keep it clean
to Fox somebody
to be too difficult for somebody to understand or solve; to trick or confuse somebody
The last question foxed even our panel of experts
to lace something with something
to add a small amount of alcohol, a drug, poison, etc. to a drink
to floor somebody
to surprise or confuse somebody so that they are not sure what to say or do
His reply completely floored me.
to corner the market
to sell or produce something so successfully as to overshadow all others in the same field
That company is so popular right now that they’ve really cornered the market on video games.
thumb/hitch a lift
stand by the side of the road with your thumb out because you want a driver to stop and take you somewhere
We tried to thumb a lift but nobody stopped to pick us up.
to shoulder responsibility
to accept the responsibility for something
to tiptoe in
to walk using the front parts of your feet only so that other people cannot hear you
to man a ship
to be in charge of a ship
to board up a window
to cover a window with wooden boards
to sponge on somebody
to get money, food etc. regularly from other people without doing anything for them or offering to pay
to house somebody
to provide a place for somebody to live
The government is committed to housing the refugees.
to referee a match
to act as the referee in a game
Who refereed the final?
to vacuum the carpet
to clean a carpet using a vacuum cleaner
to coat something with varnish
to cover something(a car) with varnish
to ship goods abroad
to transport good by ship or by another means of transport
to outline
to give a description of the main facts or points involved in something
cotton on (to something)
to begin to understand or realize something without being told
I suddenly cottoned on to what he was doing
to head for
to be likely to experience something bad
to dwarf something
to make something seem small or unimportant compared with something else
The old houses were dwarfed by the huge new tower blocks
dog somebody’s footsteps
to follow somebody closely
She had the impression that someone was dogging her steps
to peter out
to gradually become smaller, quieter and then end
The campaign petered out for lack of support.
map out a holiday
to plan or arrange a holiday in a careful or detailed way
to egg somebody on
to encourage somebody to do something, especially something that they should not do
He hit the other boy again and again as his friends egged him on.
to loaf about
to spend your time not doing anything, especially when you should be working
to beard the lion in his den
to go to see an important or power person to tell them that you disagree with them, that you want something, etc
to cash in on something
to gain an advantage for yourself from a situation, especially in a way that other people think is wrong or immoral
The film studio is being accused of cashing in on the singer’s death.
that must exist or happen before something else can happen or be done
advice, especially given by older people or experts; a piece of advice
Listen to the counsel of your elders.
to counsel
to listen to and give support or professional advice to somebody who needs help
Therapists were brought in to counsel the survivors.
the part of the church near the altar (a holy table) where the priests and the choir sit during services
a group of people who are elected to govern an area such as a city or country
She’s on the local council
a council member/meeting
showing care and effort in your work or duties
a diligent student/worker
very poor
feeling or showing anger and surprise because you think that you have been treated unfairly
She was indignant that she hadn’t been invited.
tending to allow somebody to have or do whatever they want
indulgent parents
Mothers tend to be less indulgent towards daughters.
to twinkle
to shine with a light that keeps changing from bright to faint to bright again
Starts twinkled in the sky
to tinkle
to make a series of light high ringing sounds; to make something produce this sound
A bel tinkled as the door opened
to tickle
to move your fingers on a sensitive part of somebody’s body in a way that makes them laugh
Stop tickling me!
to trickle
to flow or to make something flow, slowly in a thin steam
Tears were trickling down her cheeks.
that can be believed or trusted
It is just not credible that she would cheat.
too ready to believe things and therefore easy to trick
a large or special meal, especially for a lot of people and to celebrate something
a wedding feast
a hand when it is tightly closed with the fingers bent into the palm
He punched me with his fist
an action or a piece of work that needs skill, strength or courage
The tunnel is a brilliant feat of engineering
a sudden attack of an illness
a tail
the part that sticks out and can be moved at the back of the body of a bird, an animal or a fish
hind legs
those at the back
The horse rested up on its hind legs
a long narrow lines of colour
a zebra’s black and white stripes
small round areas that has a different colour
Which has spots, the leopard or the tiger?