Test 2 Flashcards
Write the Sphinxman Prayer
Oh, Father, may we, as oncoming Alpha men, make full development so that we may uphold the high standards of Alpha Phi Alpha - Manly Deeds, Scholarship, and Love for All Mankind - throughout eternity. Amen.
Write the Sphinxman credo
As a Sphinxman, I will uphold high scholastic standards, high moral character, brotherly love, personal progress, loyalty, and the respect of womanhood to the best of my ability.
What are they lyrics to the Sphinman hymn?
The mystic sphinx, for us the name does signify. We love and guard its customs and ideals, Our task is hard, our vigil long and dutiful, Our hearts and ever mindful of our task. And should we cross those burning sands that guard our aims, We pledge ourselves as mandates to obey. To this one goal our concentrated efforts be, To be a worthy part of Noble A Phi A.
What is the title of Chapter 6 of the History Book?
Expansion and Internal Development
What is the title of Chapter 7 of the History Book?
The Leaven of Self-Examination
What is the official Fraternity flower?
Yellow Rose
Who is the present General President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.?
Everett B. Ward
What is the scope of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.?
From the early beginning, the Jewels of Alpha Phi Alpha, though unknowingly, had set the scope which the Fraternity enjoys today - limitless. It should be noted that the personality, versatility, and outlook of the Jewels themselves, helped to set the pace for the present versatile scope of the Fraternity.
What is the last SENTENCE of the poem “If”?
If you can fill the unforgiving minute, with sixty seconds worth of distance run -Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it, And which is more - you’ll be a Man, my son!
A chapter was not established simply because a group of students made petition for the creation of one.
It was the policy to establish chapters only where standards were met AND a sufficiently large number of students existed. (T/F)
During the Seventh General Convention, legislation was passed exclaiming that no organization should be permitted to be a Chapter of the Fraternity and the Chapter of another collegiate fraternity at the same time, and this same rule applied to individual members.
Conflict is inevitable in any interpersonal relationship or among members of any group and can be a very positive experience, if managed properly.
What is the title of Chapter 4 of the History Book?
Local and National Strivings
Your Sphinxhead represents or symbolizes the following thing(s):
A Sphinxman’s badge of honor and his identity has also been used as a representation of a Sphinxman’s “heart and soul” -No man exist without a heart and soul, as such, no Sphinxman can exist without his Sphinx head - A Sphinxman must tackle each task with tenacity; putting his heart and soul into it’s completion
What is the title of Chapter 5 of the History Book?
Permanent Foundations
According to Chapter 4, through the actions of Brothers following the convention, the purposes of Alpha Phi Alpha
the purposes of Alpha Phi Alpha were not only to provide for social occasions but also for mutual and co-operative endeavors. Scholarship was to be advanced, character to be built and no brother was to be allowed to fall by the way if his fraternity brothers could help him.
What is the name, year founded and seat of the Fraternity’s 5th Chapter to be chartered?
Chapter: Epsilon (5th) year chartered: April 10th, 1909 Seat: University of Michigan Location: Ann Arbor, MI
What is the name, year founded and seat of the Fraternity’s 6th Chapter to be chartered?
Chapter: Zeta (6th) year chartered: April 10th, 1909 Seat: Yale University/ Univ. of New Haven Location: New Haven, CT
What is the name, year founded and seat of the Fraternity’s 7th Chapter to be chartered?
Chapter: Eta (7th) year chartered: June 5th, 1909 Seat: Columbia University (now) Metropolitan/Northern Metropolitan Location: New York, NY
What is the name, year founded and seat of the Fraternity’s 8th Chapter to be chartered?
Chapter: Theta (8th) year chartered: Feb 21st, 1910 Seat: University of Chicago Location: Chicago, IL
What schools served as the seat of Theta Chapter?
University of Chicago, Northwestern University, University of Illinois
What is the name, year founded and seat of the Fraternity’s 9th Chapter to be chartered?
Chapter: Iota (9th) year chartered: March 28th, 1910 Seat: Syracuse University
Location: Syracuse, NY
What is the name, year founded and seat of the Fraternity’s 10th Chapter to be chartered?
Chapter: Kappa (10th) year chartered: Jan 13, 1911 Seat: The Ohio State University Location: Columbia, Ohio
What is the year, host Chapter, and host location of the 2nd General Convention?
Year: December 27, 28, 29, 1909 Chapter: Gamma (Virginia Union University) Location: Richmond, VA
Who was elected as the 2nd General President
Roscoe C. Giles
What city hosted the 3rd General Convention and what year did it take place?
Philadelphia 1910
Who was elected as the 3rd General President?
Frederick H. Miller
What is the name, year founded and seat of the Fraternity’s first Alumni chapter to be chartered?
Chapter: Alpha Lambda (1st) year chartered: April 11, 1911 Seat: Louisville, Kentucky
Who is credited with the establishment of the Fraternity’s first Alumni Chapter?
It was set aside through the efforts of Brother Eugene Kinckle Jones who was teaching at that time in the Louisville High School
Who was elected as the 4th General President?
Charles H. Garvin
Who is credited with the design of the FIRST Fraternity shield?
Brother James A. Dunn of the Kappa Chapter. This design had been approved by Kappa Chapter and was now approved by the convention. Several designs had been made by Brother Dunn.
The designer of the FIRST Fraternity shield came from what Chapter?
Kappa Chapter
What is the Chapter designating for the Chapter of deceased Brothers?
Omega Chapter
With the exception of 3 Chapters, what is the Greek Letter used as the suffix to an Alumni Chapter’s name to denote it is an Alumni Chapter?
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity’s national project/signature education program is called:
Go-To-High School, Go-To-College established in 1922, concentrates on the importance of completing secondary and collegiate education as a road to advancement.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity’s signature cooperative program with the March of Dimes where Brothers engage young men about sexual responsibility and abstinence is called:
Project Alpha
This special project was created to develop the human resources of Alpha Phi Alpha and cultivate mutually beneficial relationships with corporate partners which would result in rewarding career opportunities for the Fraternity membership while increasing the critical mass of diverse talent for its corporate partners:
College Life to Corporate Life Initiative (C2C)
This special project aims to develop the next generation of leaders. It starts with youth who demonstrate the potential to comprehend and apply the fundamental principles needed by leaders and provides them with resources and role models to enhance their leadership abilities:
Leadership Development Institutes
What is the name of the College Chapter chartered on the campus of University of Minnesota?
Mu Chapter
What is the year founded and seat (campus and city) of Nu Chapter?
Lincoln University; Lincoln, PA; November 22, 1912
What is the name, year founded and seat (campus and city) of the Fraternity’s 13th College Chapter to be chartered?
Xi Chapter; Wilberforce University; Wilberforce, OH; December 14, 1912
What is the date and location of the second incorporation?
April 3rd, 1912 in Washington, D.C.
Who wrote Esprit de Fraternite’?
Charles H. Garvin
On the third day of the 5th Annual Convention, Bro. George B. Kelley moved, and seconded by Bro. James A. Dunn, that all graduate Chapters be named in alphabetical order and end in this letter to signify it was a graduate Chapter. What was that letter?
Following the 5th Annual Convention, General President Garvin made a new Chapter. What is the name, year founding date and seat (campus and city) of this, the Fraternity’s 14th College Chapter to be chartered?
Omicron Chapter; University of Pittsburgh; Pittsburgh, PA; January 30, 1913
One of the permanent achievements of the 6th Annual Convention was the establishment of a Fraternity journal. What would be the name of this journal?
The Sphinx
Who was named as the first editor of the Fraternity journal?
Raymond W. Cannon
During the Sixth Annual Convention, this Brother was elected General President?
Henry L. Dickason
At the Sixth Annual Convention, it was declared that the seven founders of the Fraternity be known by what term?
Seven Jewels
During the Sixth Annual Convention, seven founders were identified as?
Henry A. Callis, Charles H. Chapman, George B. Kelley, Nathaniel A. Murray, Robert H. Ogle, Vertner W. Tandy, and James H. Morton
What grouping of words correctly fills in the blanks: Following the 6th Annual Convention, the General President encouraged Brothers to ______ Alpha Phi Alpha, ______ Alpha Phi Alpha, ______, Alpha Phi Alpha, and ______ for the broad principles of idealism for which Alpha Phi Alpha was created, so that humanity shall look on us as a body worthwhile.
Think, Talk, Promote and Labor
During the 7th Annual Convention, this Brother was elected General President
Jewel Henry Arthur Callis
During the 9th Annual Convention, this Brother was elected General President?
William A. Pollard
Finish this inspirational phrase coined by Bro. E.B. Smith at the 9th Annual Convention to encourage alumni participation in the Fraternity: ALPHA PHI ALPHA FOR….
At the 8th Annual Convention request was approved to establish this Chapter in the Northeast which would pull from Boston University, Tufts College, MIT, Suffolk Law School, Northeastern University and Harvard University for its membership:
Sigma Chapter
What are the elements that constitute proper “Alpha Attire”?
A dark suit, a long sleeved dress shirt, a conservative tie (preferably black, gold or a combination of both), dark socks, and black dress shoes.
What is the name of the non-profit, non-partisan think tank established in 1996 that expanded the Fraternity’s involvement in politics that encompass important global issues, as well as social and current policies?
World Policy Council
Who is the official spokesperson of the Fraternity?
General President
Who was the last founder to enter our chapter for deceased Brothers?
Henry Arthur Callis
Who was the first founder to enter our Chapter for deceased Brothers
Charles Henry Chapman