Test 2 Flashcards
Nucleus is multilobed; functions as a phagocyte; contains fine indistinct granules
Contains a U- or an S-shaped nucleus; granules stain very dark; releases histamine and heparin
Nucleus has two lobes; lysosomal enzymes; parasitic worms and role inflammation
Largest of the WBCs; crucial in defense against viruses; associated with chronic infections.
Nucleus is multilobed; functions as a phagocyte; contains fine indistinct granules.
Thrombon catalyzes the activation of thes in plasma
- Forms the structural framework of a blood clot
Major cntributor to plasma osmotic pressure.
Material absorbed from the digestive tract
Organic nutrients
Ions in the plasma like sodium, potassium and chloride ions.
Makes up most of plasma protein
Antibodies released by plasma cells during immune response.
Gamma globulins
Transport proteins like transferrin or others that bind to lipids or fat-soluble vitamins.
Main contributor to osmotic pressure.
Necessary for coagulation.
Protein capable of changing shape and color in the presence of O2.
Polymorphonuclear leukocyte.
White blood cell without cytoplasmic granules.
Lacking in hemophilia type A.
Factor VIII
Adverse reaction of donor blood cells with recipient plasma.
Platelet deficiency resulting in spontaneous bleeding from small blood vessels
Condition in which blood has abnormally low oxygen-carrying capacity
Cancerous condition involving white blood cells.
Abnormal excess of erythrocytes resulting in an increase in blood viscosity.
Free-floating thrombus in the bloodstream.
The immediate response to blood vessel injury is clotting.
- Myeloid stem cells give rise to all leukocytes.
Diapedesis is red blood cells move into tissue spaces from the interior of blood capillaries.
Leukopenia is an abnormally low number of leukocytes.
A person with type B blood could receive blood with either type B or type O blood.
Fetal hemoglobin has a higher affinity for oxygen than does adult hemoglobin.
With a patient that is administered an injection of EPO you would see ________.
Increased Hematocrit
Viscosity of blood is highest when ________.
Hematocrit is highest
Which of the following would you expect to have the least effect on hematocrit percentage?
Prolonged or excessive fever
A mismatch of blood types during a transfusion is dangerous because ________.
Recipients antibodies will bind and clump donated cells
Buffy coat is much thinner than the packed red blood, because ________.
White blood cells are fewer in number than red blood cells
Which two factors below make rapid and substantial blood loss life threatening?
Loss of blood pressure and loss of oxygen carrying capacity
What is the average normal pH range of blood
The special type of hemoglobin present in fetal red blood cells is ________.
Hemoglobin F
Which of the choices below is the parent cell for all formed elements of blood?
Which of the following might trigger erythropoiesis?
Hypoxia of EPO-producing cells
An individual who is blood type AB negative can ________
Receive any blood type except that with the Rh antigen
All of the following can be expected with polycythemia except ________.
Low blood viscosity
A lack of intrinsic factor, leading to a deficiency of vitamin B12 is characteristic of _____.
Pernicious anemia
All of the following conditions impair coagulation except ________.
Vascular spasm
Hemolytic disease of the newborn will not be possible in which of the following situations
If the father is Rh-
What organ in the body regulates erythrocyte production?
Blood disorders - blood oxygen levels are inadequate are called ________.
How many polypeptide chains make up hemoglobin?
Which platelet count would be diagnosis of thrombocytopenia? 17-118
Which of the following is most dangerous? 17-116
The intrinsic and extrinsic pathways cascade to form Factor __. 17-100
The very first step in hemostasis is __ 17-91
Vascular spasm
A normal platelet would be _____/ml. 17-85
Which immune cell matures in the thymus? 17-78
T lymphocytes precursors
Which is associated with histamine? 17-68
Which platelet count would be diagnosis of thrombocytopenia? 17-118
Which of the following is most dangerous? 17-116
The intrinsic and extrinsic pathways cascade to form Factor __. 17-100
The very first step in hemostasis is __ 17-91
Vascular spasm
A normal platelet count would be
Which immune cell matures in the thymus? 17-78
T lymphocytes
Which is associated with histamine? 17-68
A white blood cell count of 15,000 would be __ 17-59
Which is a normal white blood cell count per micro liter? 17-58
Thalassemias are typically found in people of ____ ancestry. 17-51
Which anemia is due to lack of intrinsic factor? 17-47