Test 2 Flashcards
Tests that occur below onset blood lactate accumulation
Submaximal Tests
Typical OBLA %HRmax
85% HRmax
What is the gold standard for determining VO2max?
Direct spirometry and gas analysis during GXT
On average, how many METs are increased per stage during a multistage test
How many BPM increase per MET
8-12 bpm
What happens to systolic BP during exercise?
It increased (8-12bpm)
Indirect measure of myocardial workload
Rate pressure product RPP
HR x SBP/ 100
Where should someone be on the RPE scale during a GXT?
Between 12-16
When should you stop GXT?
When SBP > 10mmHg from baseline
What is the ideal speed for the Ebbeling Test?
3.4-4 mph
reflects linearity and strength of associa7on with true value
provides measure of precision in units of tes