Test 2 Flashcards
Communications theorist. Believed printed word has changed the way we think. It can make us think more logically and critically. It can make us think more logically and critically.
Marshall McLeun
Manuscript book of individually bound pages. Began replacing the scroll, establishing the modern book form.
German printer credited with creating the first mechanical printing press in 1455. Also known, as the “Gutenberg Bible.” The 42 lines of type (print), which started what we have today; it allowed for mass literacy, which brought the Renaissance about. Considered one of the first mechanically printed works.
Johannes Gutenberg
irst paperback form whose cost of ten cents made it accessible even to the poor. Lead to the printing of paperback books. Mass marketed, inexpensive books.
Dime Books
Inexpensive, softcover books small enough for a back pocket and sold in bookstores, supermarkets, drugstores, and other public places.
Mass marketed Paperback
Publisher of the “New York Sun”, who originated the penny press in 1833 by offering his paper on the streets for a penny.
Benjamin Day
Newspapers that sold for a penny, making them accessible to everyone. Supported by advertising rather than subscriptions, they attract as large an audience as possible.
Penny press
Legal agreement permitting newspapers in the same market or city to merge their business operations for economic reasons while maintaining independent editorial operations.
Joint Operated Agreement (JOA)
First patented by Thomas Edison in 1877 as a “talking machine,” it used a tinfoil cylinder to record voices from telephone conservations.
It used beeswax to record sound rather than tinfoil. Developed by Alexander Graham Bell and inventor Charles Tainter.
Developed by inventor Emile Berliner, it used a flat disc rather than a cylinder to record sound.
The biggest recording companies, Universal music group, Sony music, and the Warner Music Company. Which control much of the music industry partly through their powerful distribution channels and ability to market music to mass audiences.
Major labels
Small companies that produce and distribute records. Not part of the three major corporations, they include those producing only one or two albums a year as well as larger independents such as Disney.
Independent labels
Technologies that let copyright owners control the level of access or use allowed for a copyrighted work, such as limiting the number of times a song can be copied.
Digital Rights Management (DRM)
Demonstrated the existence of radio waves in 1885, setting in the stage for the development of modern wireless communications. The measurement frequencies were named after him.
Heinrich Hertz