Test #2 Flashcards
What are the Main terms that explain Sex discrimination?
Wage gap, Inequality within markets, cultural sexism, Hegemonic masculinity
What are the Main terms that describe Racial inequality?
Marginilization, Diffuse discrimination, Inequality witin labor markets, Assumption of Black criminality.
What are the Main terms that describe Poverty?
Social wage, Public good, Welfare, Social Gradation of health. Poverty line, Inequality within labor markets
What are the Main terms that describe Income Inequality?
Trickle down economics, the vicious cycle, Domination v exploitation, Class sesseciaon,, Oppurtunity hoarding, Finacialiazation of the economy.
What are the Main terms that describe Health care problem?
Moral hazard, Public good, Medicare, Medicad, Financialization of economy, Social Gradtion of health, social stressors/cortisol. Pribate insureance
What isWage Gap?
Structures of disadvantages in pay scale
What is Inequality within markets?
Dramatic increase in inequality has occured at the top of the pay scale among managers and proffesionals. Many jobs in the american economy pay only povert level wages problem of working poor
What is Cultural sexism?
Unjustified negative behavior against women as a part of a social category
What is Hegemonic masculinity?
The concept that society is based and founded on masclinity, devalues any opresence of femone traits at all.
What is Mariniliztion?
A situation in which a person in one way or another, unable to get access to the necesarry means to acquire a basic livelihood
What is Diffuse discrimination?
Discriinatory acgtion that is not directlly backed by legal powers of the state Includes a wide range of specic practices such as, employers not hiring or promoting certain racial groups, banks not gvining loans to minorities, etc
What is Asumption of black criminality?
The assumption that a person coming from tghe black commuity has a crominal record or is at higher risk t do something deviant
What is the War on Drugs?
Policy implemented by noxon along with other presidents to get tough on crime and incracerate those who illegally use drugs. Shown not to work, and disproportiately affgects the black community
In relation to Poverty what is the Social Wage?
The services provided by social institutions. The amenities provided witin a social from public funds. IE park, communitie centers, healthcare, in state university tuition.
In relation to Poverty what is Welfare?
The provision of a minimal level of well being and social support for all citizens, sometimes refered to as public aid. (this is mostly used by midle class americans, poor welfare programs targert poor people, unconditional basic income should solve this)
In relation to Poverty what is Poverty Line?
Standard family income threshold set by each state, officially classifying a family as poor and entitled to welfare assistance.
What is stratification?
State of being divided innto categories such as class, race or gender
What is Domination V exploitation?
Domination- Ability to control activities of others
Exploitation- The aquisation of economic benefits from the laboring activitiy of those who are dominated
In relation to Domination what does this mean more extensivly?
There is an advantaged group whose material advantage depends on the deprivation of a disadvantaged group and the exclusion of that disadvantadged group from access to resources
What is Trickle down economics?
The idea that giving preferintial economic treatment to the wealthy instead of the government will encourage more money to move in the economy. If wealthy have money it will trickle down
What is class secession?
when wealthier people remove themselves from using public services and there by weakening their desire to contribute to such services
What is Cultural sexism?
Unjustified negative behaviors against women as part of a social category
What is Driving while black?
Racial profiling done by nefarious police officers which result in the unecesarry charges being placed on black men.
What is Moral Hazard?
Fear people will over use, A situation in which there is no incentive to worry about the costs since someone else is paying the bill
What is Medicare?
Government aid that provides medical services to people 65 and over. In special cases can serve people under 65
What is medicad?
A joint federal and state program that helps low income individials or families pay the costs for associated long term medical and custodial care, provided they qualify. State costs may vary
What is Hegemonic Masculinity?
The concept that society is based and founded on masculinity. Devalues and presence of femine traits at all.
What is Deindustrialization?
Process of social a nd economic change caused by the removal or reduction of industrial capacity or activity in a country or region.
What is the Vicious cycle?
Wage stagnation- workers buy less- companies downsize- tax revenues decrease- gov cuts programs- workers less Educ- Unemployment increae- Growth decrease
What is the Virtuous cycle?
Productivity grows- workers buy more- companies hire more- tax revenues increase- gov invests more- workers better educated-
What is Oppurtunity Hoarding?
Specilzation that gives people advantages that are only in that type of work. EX: a college graduate having the skill needed to fill a job by a college graduate.
What is another problem with Healthcare in relation to Power?
Power and Opposition of Insurance and big pharma companies.
In relation to the Us what are our health care ranks in 1. infant deaths per 1,000 live births 2. life expectancy
- 35th
2. 34th in life expectancy at birth for both sexes
In relation to healthcare, what is the problem with Private insurance?
Insurance companies make more money by selling insurance to people who are healthy
Insurance companies make more money by selling insurance to people who are healthy, What does this mean?
They increase their profit by refusing in sure people with exsisting health problem and by refusing to renew insurance once a person gets sick
What hbas to be done to gauretee universal healthcare?
Require all people to buy insurance. This is called a mandate
The market for health v market for treatment is what?
The healthcare market is a market where competition leads to HIGHER prices instead of lower.
What is Financialization of the economy?
-Financial markets dominate over traditional markets. IE big insurance markets and pharma markets dominate.
In relation to poverty why is Social wage the right answer?
Because if healthcare is provided they need less income to live above poverty. If public transportation is proided less need for cars, If community centers and parks are built, less money spent on recreation. Education provided= job security
What does capitalism inherently do?
capitalism, inherently generates high concentrations of income and wealth at the top of the economic structure and high levels of serious economic deprivation at the bottom.
in relation to caitalism whar do marjkets do?
rewards the winners. punishes the losers