Test 2 Flashcards
a function that calls itself
recursive function
depth of recursion
the number of times a recursive function will be called
stops a recursive function
base case
direct recursion
a function that calls itself
indirect recursion
2 functions that recursively call each other
used for file output
used for file input
used for both file I/O
a sequence from which data can be read
input stream
a sequence to which data can be written
output stream
used for reading/writing strings
flushing the buffer
file data is written to the disk upon closing the file
to continue file operations once it has been read through
defines how a file can be used
file open mode
file open modes
app, ate, binary, in, out, trunc
what is the vertical line ( | ) symbol?
binary or
what are the I/O manipulators
setw(), fixed, show point, setprecision(), left, right
file condition bit flags
eofbit, failbit, hardfail, badbit, goodbit
standard delimit char for»_space;
standard delimit char for get line()