Test 2 Flashcards
What kind of factory did The Salvation Army own and what was its purpose?
A match factory, its purpose was to challenge the use of a toxic phosphorus used in the manufacturing of matches that caused “phossy jaw”
What did Eliza Haynes ride through town with?
a sign that said “Hapy Eliza”
What did Booth have reservations about?
The Army becoming too involved with social work to the neglect of the evangelistic work.
Was the “In Darkest England” plan successful?
Yes, through Darkest England the social work of the Army was firmly established.
What the expansion of the Army well organized?
No, it expanded without any real plan. Just people will to go to other countries and do a type of trial and error.
Who was the first convert for the Army in America?
James Kemp AKA Ash Barrel Jimmy
Who said “No one gets a blessing if they have cold feet and nobody ever got saved whilst they had a toothache”?
William Booth
Who thought social service was a poor idea for the Army?
Colonel Frank Smith who left as a result
Commissioner GS Railton who feared focus on evangelism would be less; still saluted and went on.
Who was William Booth’s bodyguard?
Converted boxer, Peter Monk
Who was Ash Barrel Jimmy?
James Kemp; an alcoholic who was later an Officer; nickname came because a policeman found him upside down in an ash barrel. A judge sent him to an Army meeting, where he was thrown out but Railton went to care for him and he was saved that night.
What was the age of consent in Victorian England and what was it raised to?
13 and raised to 16.
Who wrote the Maiden Tribute?
Journalist, WT Stead who wrote up his findings o an investigation done with Bramwell Booth to show how easy it was to procure a girl for immoral purposes.
Who became the head of the Army’s social reform?
Frank Smith
Who began the work of the Army in India?
Frederick deLatour Tucker who adopted Indian custom in dress and food and a simple lifestyle.
What did Booth mean when he said the Gospel must be for the “whole man”?
Booth recognized the importance of meeting physical and spiritual needs; material rehab and spiritual salvation.
What were the 3 parts of the “In Darkest England” plan and what did they do?
- City Colony- rehab in the cities themselves
- Farm Colony- young city men could be retrained in agriculture with hopes of employment away from pollution of the cities.
- Overseas Colony- after families were trained in agriculture they were sent to various countries to live there.
Describe the similarities or general patterns that were noticed when the Army moved into a new country?
- The work was generally started by young people, mostly in their teens. The laity would begin the work and Officers would be sent later
- New opening also shared the experience of persecution and misunderstanding in the early period.
- Despite the persecution and opposition, these openings were marked by rapid growth
- In establishing a worshipping community, the pioneers in these new opening sought to be of service to the people and new expressions of social services were introduced.
Know what happened with purchasing a young teen and the social/legal outcomes of this event.
- Bramwell and Stead worked together to carry out an investigation demonstration how easy it was to procure and young girl for immoral purposes.
- Stead would create a series of articles
- Arranged for Rebecca Jarrett to “buy” a 13 yr old whos mother agreed
- Girl’s father accused Stead and Booth of kidnapping
- Booth acquitted, Stead and Jarrett spent months in prison