test 2 Flashcards
radiographic sign assoc. with PVNS (pigmented villonodular synovitis)
apple core sign
-erosions on both sides of the articulation
Eggars cysts are found in which joint
Hip joint
-subchondral cysts
Gout in the big toe is aka
overhanging edge sign is assoc. with ____
gouty arthritis
a fractured, previously ankylosed segment
Andersson lesion
T/f uncinate hypertrophy may lead to IVF encroachment
“bag of bones” disease
hypertrophic neurotrophic arthritis
Romanus lesion, squaring of the ant. vertebral body is assoc. with _____
A typical L5 disc herniation would compromise which nerve root
the traversing S1 N root
DISH may be assoc. with what systemic disease
Diabetes mellitus
triangular fibrocartilage calcification TFC is most likely assoc. with what diagnosis
T/F a bulging disc is considered a herniation
ADI should not exceed ___mm in an adult
uniform jt space narrowing with acetabular protrusion in a 14 year old would point to what diagnosis
juvenile RA
facet fusion and decreased disc height in an individual younger than 16 yrs old may point to what diagnosis
Juvenile RA
SLE is positive/negative for RF
SLE is most prominent in the _____, and involves (increased/decreased/normal) joint spaces
normal jt spaces
Ulnar deviation in hands, jt spaces unaffected, malar rash = ______
non-erosive jts in hands with ulnar deviation …possible history of rheumatic fever
-reversible deformity
vertebral body squaring or ballooning may point to what diagnosis
early AS
CREST syndrome
Calcinosis Raynauds Esophageal dysmotility Sclerodactyly Telangiectasia (scleroderma)
Scleroderma is MC in males or females
females 3:1
scleroderma is RF positive or negative
acro-osteolysis occurs in which region of the body and what disease
acro- = hand
(osseous resorption)
calcinosis and acro-osteolysis of the DP would point to what diagnosis
seronegative spondyloarthropathies are positive for _____
-psoriatic, enteropathic, AS, reiters(reactive)
___% of sacroiliitis will develop into fusion
triangular shaped sclerosis at the inf. aspect of the SI joint with NO erosion may point to what condition
osteitis condensans ilii
shiny corner sign most likely points to what diagnosis
-pannus formation causes sclerosis
thin syndesmophytes point to what diagnosis
ant. aspect of vert. body
Si joint fusion + inflammatory bowel disease such as crohn’s may point you to what diagnosis
enteropathic arthritis
MC organism responsible for septic/infectious arthritis
staph. aureus
“cocktail sausage digit”, nail pitting, and psoriasis are clinical signs assoc. with what diagnosis
enteropathic arthritis
pseudo fracture sign is assoc. with ____________
uncinate hypertrophy
if a dagger sign is present do we need to do an HLA B27 test?
no- sign points to AS only so no test required
Mouse ear sign is assoc. with what diagnosis
periostitis erosions of psoriatic arthritis
can’t see, can’t pee, can’t dance with me =_______
reiter’s / reactive arthritis
urethritis, conjuctivitis, arthritis
Bamboo spine is assoc. with what diagnosis
olecranon erosions and soft tissue tophi point to what diagnosis
“pencil and cup” deformity is assoc. with what diagnosis
psoriatic arthritis
gull wing appearance at the DIP joints is a classic finding in which diagnosis
erosive arthritis
groove for the popliteal tendon is on the (lateral or medial) side of the femur
indent on the lateral aspect
juvenile discogenic disease is aka
scheuermann’s disease
- schmorl’s nodes
- endplate irregularity
- decreased ant. vertebral body height
nitrogen gas contained within the cracks and fissures of the desiccated disc, black radioluscent in disc space
knutson’s vacuum phenomenon
what is the disc appearance on a T2 weighted MR image for DDD
decreased signal intensity on T2
pathological osseous proliferation at tendon or ligament insertion
-due to degenerative or inflammatory changes
a focal lesion with complete disruption of the annulus
triangular calcification in the meniscus
T/F posterior osteophyte suggests canal stenosis
intercalary ossicle points to ____
Japanese disease = aka
-ossification of the post. long. lig
synovial cyst that extends into the soft tissue of the post. knee
bakers cyst
adult with extensive carpal fusion, erosive changes, and osteopenia may point to _____
an “old” case of juvenile RA