Test 2 Flashcards
A “Cold Night in Erfurt” described what?
Shootdown of USAF T-39 by Soviet. All 3 men died
When did the cold night in Erfurt occur?
Jan 28, 1964
What was the Special Operations Executive?
Ordered by Churchill- to undermine German’s in countries they occupied.
When was the Special Operations Executive employed?
July 22, 1940
What is meant by the term “special operations forces”?
small elite military units with special training and equipment that can infiltrate into hostile equipment, on land, sea or air.
What is the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center?
Fort Bragg NC. Established during Kennedy administration, JFK was 1st to assign high priority to SPECOPS
What was the primary task of the US Military Liaison Mission?
Helping US citizens in Soviet Occupation Zone, including repatriation of defectors
Define psychological operations, the basic PSYOP function, and the PSYOP radio network.
- Involves deception
- Force multiplier
- Demoralize population, military, or government
- Determine US objectives translate them
What did US Military Liaison Mission involve?
Soviets concerned logistic support for Potsdam House, exchange of diplomatic notes, social gatherings
What is the US Army’s active duty PSYOP unit?
4th POG unit at Fort Bragg
What is a Biblical account of special operations?
Joshua sent 2 spies to look at weaponry, guards (number and post change) supplies, enemies of king, height and weight of wall
What factors are likely to produce an intelligence failure?
- Subordination of intel to policy
- Lack of necessary info
- Mirror imaging
- Received opinion
- Missed opportunities
- Misunderstanding the enemy
What is the national intelligence estimate (NIE)? *
The most authorized documents on a subject
During the 1982 Able Archer crisis, the KGB in London set what as their indications and warnings index?
-pattern of work at Prime Minister’s office
-travels of couriers going between key
-comings and goings of the Prime Minister
and other key officials
-any unusual civil defense measures.
What are indicators?
- Basic intell
- Periodic reports
- Intelligence Estimates
What is Cryptanalysis?
Breaking of enemy codes and ciphers. The process of solving or breaking codes and ciphers.
What is a code?
A word or phrase is replaced by the group of digits or letters found opposite that word or phrase in a codebook
What is Ground resolution distance?
the key for measuring quality of a photographic reconnaissance system.
What are Crateology?
A reference to signatures. can be productive or misleading.
What were some specific USMLM operations?
- Statsi operation
- Operation Sand Dune
- Operation mincemeat
What were some specific BRIXMIS operations?
What was the significance of the Zimmerman telegraph?
- Create Military alliance so mexico could distract US to go to Europe.
- Promised land from US.
- Between Germany and Mexico
- Caused Woodrow Wilson to arm US merchant ships against German submarines
What was the Soviet interest in maintaining the MLM system after US extended diplomatic relations to East Germany
They wanted to remain in Frankfurt
What is an example finished intelligence?
Scientific and technical intelligence
What is scientific and technical intelligence?
To predict the emergence of new weapons.
Define Military Intelligence
information about foreign military
What is essential during wartime?
determining your own military requirements in peacetime and for planning military operations
What is the most basic military finished intelligence?
The “order of battle” study
What is the “order of battle” study
basic information about an adversary’s
What is finished intelligence?
documents that go to decision-makers.
What drives intelligence into destruction?
What are ciphers?
the rule that each letter be replaced by the letter following it in the alphabet.
What were key features of the periods of the history of cryptology?
-1st messages had to be encrypted by hand.
-2nd mechanical or electromechanical devices for breaking codes.
-3rd computers are used
to encipher and to decipher messages.
What is basic intelligence?
“all source” function and is used to plan for future operations. It is encyclopedic.
What are periodic reports?
Deal with special, specific issues that arise without warning or not on a schedule.
What are intelligence estimates?
The NIE is the most authoritative documents
on a subject. The CIA NIE on Iraq in the fall of 2002 has been the subject of great debate.
What is the President’s Daily Brief?
Agencies act a lot like news media except their audience is governmental decision makers. Best known product. This only goes to president.
What is the Senior Executive Intelligence Brief?
Less restricted that President’s Daily Brief. Goes out to SES(?).
How does the USMLM differ from the OSS
- USMLM was not covert
- Wore uniforms
- Drove marked cars
- they were a recognized entity
- They did not recruit agents
Who did not run agents in the west.
The Soviets
Who was Philippe Marriotti?
Adjutant-Chief who was killed when an NVA URAL 375 truck hit his tour car.
Who was Art Nicholson?
was unarmed was denied medical assistance when shot by Soviet sentry at Ludwigslust
How did the US react to the death of Arthur Nicholson?
Nicholson’s body was returned to the States with full military honors met by VP Bush.
How did East Germany and the Soviets respond to Arthur Nicholson’s death?
After GDR collapse, Mission veterans
placed wreath at incident site.
What was the guidance on uniforms and vehicles for the USMLM?
They wore uniforms drove marked cars
What was the guidance on uniforms and vehicles for the USMLM?
They wore uniforms drove marked cars
The intelligence priorities of the USMLM?
- Imminence of Hostilities
- Equipment details and unit ID
- Soviet and E. German military activities.