Test 2 Flashcards
Who was Aeneas?
Bedridden for 8 years, paralyzed. Healed by Peter in Lydda. “Get up and roll up your mat.”
Who was Tabitha?
Also known as Dorcas. Lived in Joppa. Peter brought her back to life with prayer.
Who was Cornelius?
Centurion, known as the Italian Regiment. He and his family were devout and God-fearing. An angel told him to send for Peter. He was a gentile, but God told Peter it was not right to think of him as unclean.
Where were disciples called Christians first?
Antioch (after Paul and Barnabas ministered there for a year)
Who was Agabus?
Prophet from Jerusalem. Came to Antioch and predicted a famine that would spread over the entire Roman world.
How did James, brother of John, die?
King Herod had him put to death by the sword.
How did King Herod die?
While giving a speech, the people declared he was a god. He did not renounce it, so an angel of the Lord struck him down.
Who was Elymas the Sorcerer? (Acts 13)
Opposed Paul and Barnabas at Paphos while they were trying to convert the proconsul to the faith. Paul struck him blind for interfering and the proconsul believed.
What happened to Paul and Barnabas in Pisidian Antioch?
They were invited to speak a word from the Lord in the synagogue. However, when the Jewish leaders saw how the whole city listened to them, they became jealous. They stirred up persecution against them. Paul and Barnabas left and shook the dust off of their sandals.
What happened to Paul and Barnabas at Iconium?
They converted many Jews and Gentiles, but the jealous Jewish leaders started poisoning the minds of the Gentiles against them. The city became divided. They found out there was a plot to stone them so they fled.
What happened to Paul and Barnabas in Lystra?
Paul healed a lame man. People saw what they had done and though they were Zeus and Hermes. Then Jews from Iconium and Antioch came and convinced the people to stone Paul. They dragged him out of the city because they believed he was dead. Then Paul and Barnabas left for Derbe.
What did Paul and Barnabas disagree over, causing them to part ways?
Barnabas wanted to take John Mark, but Paul did not want to because he had deserted them in Pamphylia.
Where did Paul meet Timothy?
In Lystra, on his second missionary journey.
What two provinces did the Holy Spirit/Spirit of Jesus prevent Paul and his followers from entering?
Asia and Mysia.
Where did Luke join Paul on his second missionary journey?
Troas (text changes to we)
Where was Lydia converted?
By the river in Philippi
What happened to Paul in Thessalonica? (17)
Once again, converted many Jews and Greeks. But the higher ups became jealous and stirred up the people. When they could not find Paul and Silas, they seized Jason and accused him of harboring them. They forced him and other followers to pay bail and let them go.
What happened in Berea? (17)
Much more open to the word, and were excited to find that it was true. However, Jews came over from Thessalonica to stir up trouble. Paul left for Athens, and Silas and Timothy stayed behind to preach more in Berea.
Who were Dionysius and Damaris? (17)
Members of the Areopagus, converted after Paul spoke to the council criticizing them of worshiping “unknown gods”
Who was Aquila? (18)
Married to Priscilla. Native of Pontus. Tentmaker. Paul stayed with them.
Who was Apollos?
A very learned man. Brought into the home of Priscilla and Aquila to learn more about the scriptures. Able to publicly prove Jesus was the Messiah.