Test 2 Flashcards
Upon the return of Christ, those who life in Christ will shine, while those who love evil will be exposed and suffer eternal separation from God
Parable of the weeds
God will accept all people into heaven equally the moment they repent, whether it’s at the beginning, middle, or end of their lives
Parable of huge workers in the vineyards
The angels are described as gathering all of humanity and separating the wicked from the religious
Parable of the net
We are forgiven by God for our great amount of wrongdoing, therefore we are to forgive others for the wrongs that are done to us
Parable of the unmerciful servants
Showing that actions speak louder than words in iris playing who really repents of selfishness and lives by faith
Parable of the two sons
When given the opportunity to partake in the glory of life, many would rather choose the comfort of remaining in the limited conditions they are in
Parable of the wedding banquet
The recognition of the incredible value of knowing and applying gods wisdom, rather than spending our time and money in other pursuits
Parable of the hidden treasure/pearl
Wisdom or living in a manner being able to meet the daily call of loving God and loving others and eagerly anticipating that one day we will live in eternity with God, either by Jesus return or our physical death
Parable of the ten virgins
The amazing truth about how just a little bit of faith can produce wonders due to the power of God
Parable of the mustard seeds/yeast
The clear consequences of choosing to develop or waste the opportunities and abilities we’ve been given
Parable of the talents
How valuable we are to God, and how intensely he will seek after us
Parable of the lost sheep
The understanding that we are merely caretakers of the life God has provided us, not the owners of it
Parable of the tenants
How individuals receive and apply the word God into their lives
Parable of the sower
Why are we considered co heirs with Christ
Through the death if Jesus, we become sons the daughters of God
In Romans 8:12 it states that “we have an obligation” to do what
To love God by being all that he created us to be