Test 2 Flashcards
The open meeting space or marketplace in an ancient Greek city.
This is the most ornate order with a slender fluted column. It has an ornate capital decorated with two rows of leaves and 4 scrolls.
Corinthian Order
Is the capital and the largest city of Greece. One of the older inhabited cities in the world. It has been continuously inhabited for over 7000 years. It is the site of the Parthenon.
They were a banking family, political dynast, and royal house. They built the Medici Palazzo in Florence Italy and it was meant to look huge and intimidating.
Lead a lot of building projects as pope. Also was the one that said Catherine was able to marry Henry VIII after being married to his brother. Lived from 1443 to 1513
Pope Julius II

San Andrea

Gizah Cheops Pyramids
An Arabic word for table, signifying the ancient Egyptian flat-topped, rectangular tombs with sloping sides

Piazza del Popolo

French Garden

New St Peters
A row of columns
A ceremonial canopy of stone, metal, or fabric, typically over an altar throne or doorway.

Seven Pilgrimage churches in Rome

A suite of rooms with doorways in line with each other, or in file.
Open pavilion used as a meeting place to protect people from the sun or rain.
The type of garden that is very neat and ordered, with small fountains that don’t contain very much pressure. The plants were usually symmetrical and laid out on regular lines.
French Garden
Period from 1775 into the 20th century
Gothic Revival.

Notre Dame

Medici Chapel by Michelangelo

Vaux le Vicomte
Third Earl of Burlington, He brought Palladian architecture to British and Irish people. Lived from 1694 to 1753
Lord Burlington

Foundling Hospital

Villa foscari by Palladio
Period from 1525 to 1775
House in Italian
A very plain design column, with plain shaft, and a simple capital.
Tuscan Order
A room with a roof supported by many columns usually in rows.
Hypostyle Hall
A covered entranceway or porch with columns on one or more sides, or a continuous arcade.

Villa Rotonda by Palladio


St Pauls
The simplest of the orders, short, faceted heavy columns, with plain round capitals.
Doric Order

Ruler of Olympians at Mt Olympus. God of sky and thunder.
A granodiorite stele inscribed with a decree from King Ptolemy V. It was in three different languages, Egyptian, Demotic, and Greek.
Rosetta Stone
Had Versailles, which was originally built as a hunting lodge, expanded. He kept his royal court there to prevent them from revolting against him. Lived from 1638 to 1715
Louis XIV
A series of arches on columns or piers, either freestanding or attached to a wall. A covered walk lined with shops and offices

San Lorenz Plans
Large room in palace or public building reserved for royalty and their staff to use.
State rooms
A reception room in a large house.
The reaction of the Catholic Roman church to the Reformation
Counter Reformation

Syon House
Big figure in the Protestant Reformation. Lived from 1483 to 1546
Martin Luter
Transformed Rome from medieval to baroque. Lived from 1521 to 1590
Pope Sixtus V

Castle Howard

Trevi Fountain
A 16th century movement for the reform of abuses in the Roman Catholic Church ending in the establishment of the Reformed and Protestant churches

Queen’s House by Inigo Jones
Period from 1600 to 1725

Gothic Cathedral section.

New St Peters

Piazza Vaticano

Delphi Layout
A tall, square shaft, usually of one piece of stone, tapering upward and ending in a pyramidal tip. Placed in front of important churches along the pilgrimage route.
The monumental truncated pyramidal towers flanking an entrance to ancient Egyptian temples.
French military and political leader who rose to prominence during the French Revolution. Started Empire Style. It emphasized opulence. Lived from 1769 to 1821
An Italian public square.
The transition to new manufacturing processes in the period from about 1760 and sometime between 1820 to 1840
Industrial Revolution
A country house used as a getaway for urban elites and usually the seat of a working farm.

Pazzi Chapel

Parthenon Elgin Marbles in London
A vast ancient burial ground in Egypt. It served as the necropolis for the ancient Egyptian capital of memphis.
A ditch with its wall on its inner side below the ground level forming a boundary to a park or garden with out interrupting the view.
The chief magistrate of Venice or Genoa
Is another word for oracle
Shallow, vertical, concave grooves cut into a column shaft or pilaster.

Delphi Oracle
Large hall

Banqueting House by Inigo Jones
Separated England from the Catholic church. Destroyed catholic churches, and or converted them. Lived from 1491 - 1547
King Henry VIII
Ca D’Oro

Spanish Steps
The fortified institutional section of a Greek city. It contained the chief temples.
Goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, and civilization.
The slight convex bulge given to a column to offset the optical illusion that it is thinner in the middle.

Louis XIV
A wall painting made on wet plaster with water based colors.
King of the fourth dynasty of ancient Egypt. Lived from 2589 to 2566 BC
The region in central Italy, with a capital of Florence
Egyptian God, local deity of Thebes.
Period during 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries.
New Classic Revivals

San Andrea by Alberti
Noble Tuscan family. There were also a banking family. They built the Palazzo Pazzi. They used Brunelleschi to design the palazzo.

Gothic Cathedral plan.
Slender fluted pillars, with a large base and two opposed scrolls in the capital.
Ionic Order

St Peters Dome Model by Michelangelo
A roofed porch or gallery with an open arcade or colonnade.

Baldachino in St Peters
A long roofed portico with columns along the front an da wall at the back, used for public life in ancient Greece.

Florence Duomo


Parthenon in Athens

Piazza Navona
The site of the Temple of Apollo where the oracle provided her services.
The ancient Greece city where the olympics took place every four years. It was a sanctuary in Ancient Greece, on the Peloponnese Peninsula.
The type of garden that is below a water source and has a lot of fountains, very grand.
Italian garden

A young girl (virgin) who ate hallucinogens and created fumes coming from the ground to get into a trance and give advice. At Apollo’s temple in Delphi

Pharaoh of the 18th dynasty of ancient Egypt. Ruled from 1332 to 1323 BC
Tutankhamen or King Tut

Saqqara Zoser’s stepped pyramid
A suite of rooms forming one residence in a large building containing a number of these
A column embedded in the wall, and partly projecting from the face of the wall.
Engaged Column

The late medieval/Renaissance residence of a wealthy Italian family, built as a large block with an interior courtyard and sometimes an enclosed garden.
Period from 1725 to 1775


San Carlino
A summer or country house in Italy
A garden that was meant to look natural like a grassy park or something of the sorts.
English (Picturesque) Garden
Large french country house or castle.

San Carlino

Laurentian Vestibule
Period from 9th to 12th centuries
Designed the layout of the streets in Washington DC Lived from 1754 to 1825
Piere Charles L’Enfant

A shallow flattened rectangular column or pier attached to a wall and often modeled on an order.

St Paul’s Covent Garden by Inigo Jones
A small private room close to the state room
King of the third dynasty of ancient Egypt. He created the step pyramid in saqqara. Lived around 2670 BC
A bell tower, usually free standing
Campanile / Belfry

University of Virginia

Uffizi Gallery
The main floor of an Italian palace, usually one story above the ground floor.
Piano Nobile

Milan Duomo
An anteroom to a large hall.

Barn, where the animals were kept at the villa.

Blenheim Garden
The comparative measurements or size of different parts of a whole

Rucellai Palace
Period from 1150 to 1450
The is a cross shaped like an X
St Andrew’s Cross

Palazzo del Te by Giulio Romano
Visual illusion in art, used to trick the eye into believing a painted object to be three dimensional
Trompe l’oiel
One of the twenty regions of Italy, the region’s capital is Venice


A mixed order combining the Volutes of the ionic with the leaves of the Corinthian order.
Composite Order

Tempietto by Bermante
The main channel of water that snakes through Venice
Grand Canal
A winged monster of Thebes having a women’s head and a lion’s body.
The ground floor of a Villa

Sistine Chapel Frescos By Michelangelo


San Andrea by Bernini

He started democracy in Greece, and used to gather votes to build the Parthenon. It cost the equivalent as 400 war ships. Lived from 495 BC to 429 BC

Piazza St Ignazio
Period from 1425 to 1600

Villa d’Este Itallian Gardens