Test 2 Flashcards
Under which of the following circumstances do errors in model physics have the highest impact?
A. When dynamic forcing is strong
B. When physical processes are strong
C. When dynamic forcing is weak
D. When physical processes are weak
B and C
Which of the following elements help forecasters add value over NWP?
A. Continuous MetWatch
B. Use of MOS for rare events
C. Regular use of verification
D. Forecaster experince
A, C, and D
Which of the following tools help forecasters perform the continuous meteorological watch (MetWatch)?
A. Radar reflectivity and velocity
B. Medium-range NWP forecasts
C. Satellite depictions
D. Surface analyses
A, C, and D
True or False.
Model analysis and forecaster experience have a direct impact on the final forecast issued by meteorologists.
The following statement is about MOS guidance.
True or False.
Data sets are seasonally stratified.
The following statement is about MOS guidance.
True or False.
Model guidance will lead to a good forecast if environmental conditions are typical for the event.
The following statement is about MOS guidance.
True or False.
Model guidance is skillful in forecasting atypical events.
The following statement is about MOS guidance.
True or False.
Regional parametrization affects MOS guidance.
The following statement is about MOS guidance.
True or False.
Model guidance corrects for the systematic errors in the NWP models.
A major snowstorm is to occur on the 10th of October at a station in Nebraska. Snow is rarely observed in early October at this location, and the air mass accompanying and following the storm is unusually cold. Forecast 850-mb temperatures are expected to be at least 3 standard deviations below normal, which is statistically present only 1% of the time. Based on this, how would you adjust the temperatures for October 12 (day 4)?
A. I would use them as presented because MOS removes statistical bias.
B. I would use them as presented because MOS predicts extreme events well.
C. I would lower them because of the unusual snow cover and the cold air mass.
D. I would raise them because of the unusual snow cover and the cold air mass.
Which of the following situations present opportunities to improve on the NWP forecast?
A. Forecasting temperature in the medium range when your area is in a stable block
B. Forecasting severe weather in the short range when convection is initiating.
C. Forecasting temperatures is areas of rugged terrain.
D. Forecasting precipitation for a landfalling hurricane
B, C, and D
Limited area models (LAMs) have ___________ and _________ boundaries.
lateral (horizontal)
Global models have only __________ boundaries.
Where do limited area models get their boundary information?
Three sources
From global models they are nested in.
Data assimilation.
Some type of climatological or fixed value.
What are some key issues related to model domain to consider when using model guidance, specifically in limited area models (LAMs)?
- proximity of local forecast area to model boundaries
- the quality and resolution of the forecast of the larger-domain model used to supply boundary conditions for the limited-area model
- the accuracy in which the physical processes are depicted
Errors in the larger-domain model are (amplified/subdued) when incorporated in the limited-area model.
LAMs are generally higher-resolution than their global counterparts.