Test 2 Flashcards
A syndicated service is a marketing research supplier that provides standardized information for many clients
in return for a fee
Qualitative research is objective
Implicit consent means that the individual understands what the researcher wants him or her to do and agrees
to be a participant in the research study
Laddering is an approach to probing, asking respondents to compare differences between brands at different
levels that produces distinctions at different levels
Confidentiality means that researchers will not share any individual’s information with others.
Comparing the sample demographics with the demographics of the target population provides one means of
checking for potential response bias
Quantitative research is interested more in qualities than quantities, often extending beyond the obvious
Managers should ask if the payoff will be worth the investment when deciding whether or not to make a
decision without research
An Institutional Review Board (IRB) is a committee that carefully reviews a proposed research design to try
to make sure the proposed research will satisfy the research objectives
When secrecy is a major concern, it is best to use an outside research agency
Phenomenology refers to the documented history of a particular person, group, organization, or event
A response bias occurs when respondents tend to answer questions with a certain slant
A custom research provider specializes in only one particular research activity, such as field interviewing,
data warehousing, or data processing
The presence of an interviewer typically decreases the response rate in comparison to what would be found
with a mail survey
Surveys used in telephone interviews should typically be written in a conversational style
In online focus group sessions, the moderator’s ability to probe is greater than it is in a face-to-face focus
group session
Concept testing is a type of exploratory research
The term survey is most often associated with quantitative research
A sample bias exists when the results of a sample show a persistent tendency to deviate in one direction
from the true value of the population parameter
When an interviewer is not able to write fast enough to record the respondent’s answers verbatim, the error
called interviewer cheating has occurred
Which process seeks to diagnose reasons for market outcomes and focuses specifically on the beliefs and
feelings consumers have about and toward competing products
Diagnostic analysis
Research that addresses research objectives through empirical assessments that involve numerical
measurement and analysis approaches is called ___
quantitative marketing research
The only distinction between an Internet survey and an e-mail survey hosted on a Web platform like Qualtrics
is the way the researcher ____
invites respondent participation
All of the following are advantages of Internet surveys EXCEPT ___
random sampling
When a research agency conducts all telephone interviews from a single location where they can hire a staff of
professional interviewers and supervise and control the quality of interviewing more effectively, ____ is being
central location interviewing
All of the following are typically advantages of Internet survey research EXCEPT that it is ___
representative of the population
Which term describes a subset of data and information that actually has some explanatory power to enable
effective decisions to be made
intellectual capital
company that develops a unique methodology for investigating a specific business specialty area is called a(n)
standardized research service
Which of the following is an approach to understanding phenomenology that relies on analysis of texts through
which a person tells a story about him- or herself
Which step comes last in developing a marketing strategy?
analyzing firm performance
All of the following are advantages of in-house research EXCEPT __
more objectivity
People who cannot be contacted or who refuse to participate are called ___
When a research company pulls a random sample of people from a phone book and that sample does not
include people with unlisted numbers or who do not have landline telephone service, we say that the sample
contains ___
sample selection error
Owen is a researcher who studies human experiences based on the idea that it is inherently subjective and
determined by the context in which people live. He focuses on how a person’s behavior is shaped by the
relationship he or she has with the physical environment, objects, people, and situation. Which qualitative
research orientation is Owen using?
Which survey research method is typically the most expensive?
door to door personal interview
The application of computation, summarizing, and reasoning to understand the information gathered is
research is called
A potential advantage of using an outside research supplier over an in-house research department is that it
may be possible for the outside supplier to conduct the project ___
more objectivity
Listening to conversations about a brand on Twitter or Facebook in order to gather data is an example of
social listening
Clark was asked to complete a self-administered questionnaire posted at MySurvey.com. What type of
survey did Clark complete?
internet survey
Qualitative research ____
as an unstructured approach to data collection