Test 2 Flashcards
Arterial Line (A-line)
Arterial line implications for PT
Pulmonary artery catheter (PA line or Swan Ganz)
Peripheral IV
Peripheral IV infection
Hot skin temp
Peripheral IV infiltration
Cool skin temp
Central line (central venous catheter)
Types of Central lines
Central line implications for PT
Peripherally inserted central venous catheter (PICC)
Arteriovenous graft or fistula (AV)
Nasogastric and Dubhoff tube
NG/Dobhoff tube implications for PT
PEG/PEJ tube
Yankauer suction
Chest tube
Chest tube implications for PT
Surgical drains
More on surgical drains
Supplemental oxygen implications prior to PT
Urinary catheter implications for PT
EKG/ECG telemetry electrode placement
Patient controlled analgesia (PCA)
Physical health domain
Sleep hygiene
Social wellness domain
Health and wellness with the aging adult.
Healthy people 2030
Stages of readiness for change
Aging in place
Baseline outcome measures
Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer’s Disease Global Deterioration Scale Part 1
Alzheimer’s Disease Global Deterioration Scale Part 2
3 Evidence Based Cognitive Screens
Motor learning normal vs dementia
constant and blocked dementia and mass
Interventions for Dementia
Major Depressive Episode
Adjustment Disorder with Depressed Mood
Difference between adjustment disorder and major depressive episode
Geriatric Depression Scale
Scope of Practice Nutrition