test 2 Flashcards
partial pressure of o2
Normal level is 80-100
partial pressure of CO 2
normal level is 35-45
lower is basic, higher is acidic
hypoxemic failure
problem with oxygenation. o2 is low
hypercapnic failure
problem with ventilation, leads to acidosis. CO2 will be high, pH will be low
pulmonary causes of hypoxemia
collapsed alveolus
blood clot
interstitial fluid
occurs when alveoli don’t receive O2, and cannot participate in gas exchange. Air movement lacks but bloodflow is fine
clinical presentations- OD/sedation, shallow respirations, decreased rest rate, pain on inspiration
intrapulmonary shunting
alveoli not open, gas exchange can’t occur
maybe from pneumonia, atelactis
VQ mismatch
problem with o2 or perfusion. if O2 can’t get in, CO2 can’t get out
may be from pulm embolism
normal VQ ratio
rate at which O2 move in and out of the alveoli compared to rate of perfusion of blood through pulmonary capillaries
diffusion defect
diffusion of gas is slow due to increased space between alveolar membrane and cap beds
caused by COPD, and interstitial fluid
how does cardiac output and hgb affect tissue oxygenation
decreased cardio output leads to decreased hgb causing lower tissue oxygenation
what is resp failure
lack of O2 or increase In CO2
Neuro assessment findings in resp failure
first sign- confusion, restlessness, agitation
Resp assessment findings in resp failure
tachypnea at first - trying to blow off CO2 and bring in O2.
Later on we will see decreased shallow respirations,
auscultation will show coarse, wheezes
edema in alveoli will cause increased peak inspiratory pressure
Cardio assessment findings in resp failure
tachycardia initially as its trying to increase cardiac output.
Later we will see decreased BP, HR, chest pain, and dysthymia’s
goals for ARF
- maintain patent airway (bronchodilators, suction, sitting up)
- optimize o2 delivery (limit secretions, right o2 mask)
- minimize o2 demand (rest periods, meds)
acute resp failure patho
lung injury characterized by inflammation, edema, and loss of compliance. Damage to alv-cap membrane
2 phases: acute exudation and fibroproliferation
NONCARDIOGENIC pulmonary edema
caused by flu, pneumonia, aspiration of gastric contents chest trauma
criteria for ARDS
acute onset - within a week of insult
bilateral pulmonary opacities
altered PaO2/FiO2 ratio- O2 continuously goes down no matter how much o2 we give them
ARDS acute exudation
systemic inflammation. alveoli fill with exudate, protein and blood. Pulmonary Htn occurs
Can lead to platelet aggregation and thrombus formation
Ultimately leads to VQ mismatch
ARDS Fibroproliferation
fibrin matrix begins forming after 48 hours, fibrosis destroys alveoli and bronchioles
leads to decreased function and inflammation
ARDS interventions/treatments
we want a low tidal volume and low end inspiratory pressure because pressure is already high.
we want the FiO2 at about 60% or lower (<.60)
PEEP of 5 or less to recruit more alveoli to participate in oxygenation.
sedation- so they don’t exert energy
prone positioning
be conservative with fluids
nutrition and psychosocial support
we need to correct hypoxemia with supplemental o2. Ventilator is last resort for these patients. Try NPPV first (a mask)
COPD is chronic obstruction of airways. poor gas exchange and decreased ability to clear airway
ARF in asthma
Chronic inflammatory disorder of airways – causes bronchoconstriction, edema, increased mucous production, prolonged exhalation
Status asthmaticus – fails to respond to bronchodilators
try Bronchodilators/anticholinergics, and Steroids. Intubation may be needed if they don’t work.
Ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) bundle- prevention
HOB 30-45
Sedation vacation to assess readiness to wean
DVT prophylaxis
PUD prophylaxis
Daily oral care
ARF with PE
Etiology – venous stasis, altered coagulability, damage to vessel walls
Pathophysiology – clot reaches pulmonary vasculatoure – leads to VQ mismatch because it stops perfusion = no gas exchange
Diagnostics – D dimer (positive means possible PE, negative means no PE), VQ scan, CT
Normal pH
7.35 - 7.45
lower is acidic, higher is basic
normal level is 22-26
lower is acidic, higher is basic
blood pH level that is deadly
acidic is 6.90 or below
basic is 7.80 and above
causes of resp acidosis- retention of co2
CNS depression
restrictive lung issue
causes of resp alkalosis- loss of co2
causes of metabolic acidosis- increased blood acid
renal failure
Lactic acidosis
OD (salicylates)
causes of metabolic acidosis- too much acid loss or too much base
ingestion of antacids
admin of HCO3
blood transfusion
NG suction
Tidal Volume
volume of normal breath
inspiratory reserve volume (IRV)
Max amount of gas that can be inspired at the end of a normal breath - deep breath - over and above the tidal volume
expiratory volume reserve (ERV)
Max amount of gas that can be forcefully expired at the end of a normal breath - extra pushed out
residual volume (RV)
Amount of air remaining in the lungs after max expiration - the air in luns at all times
inspiratory capacity (IC)
max volume of gas that can be inspired at normal resting expiration. this distends the lungs to the max amount
functional residual capacity (FRC)
volume of gas remaining in the lungs at normal resting expiration
vital capacity (VC)
Max volume of gas that can be forcefully expired after max inspiration
total lung capacity (TLC)
volume of gas in the lungs at the end of max inspiration
when to treat PaO2
if the value is less than 60
hypoxemia vs hypoxia
hypoxemia- decreased o2 of arterial blood
hypoxia- decreased o2 at tissue level
oxyhemoglobin dissociation left curve
Hgb clings to oxygen. o2 sat increases. we want this if pt is hyperthermic
oxyhemoglobin dissociation right curve
releases o2 from hgb to tissues. o2 sat decreases.
we want this for burn patients so they can heal their tissues
how does oxyhemoglobin dissociation occur
when the PaO2 falls below 60 mmhg, changes reflect in the oxygen saturation
intubation position
sniffing position- high shoulders, head back
airway management position
high fowlers
devices for airway management
oral airway
nasopharyngeal airway
endotracheal intubation
endotracheal suction uses
maintain a airway
remove secretions
prevent aspirations (cuff pressure 20-30)
provide mechanical ventilation
steps to verify placement of endotracheal intubation
- Auscultate the lungs- bilateral equal breath sounds
- Auscultate stomach
- ETCOx detector
- Chest x-ray
record cm ay lip line
secure tube once verified
what to do if pt desats with endotracheal intubation
**Immediately notify RT to obtain a vent
**Bedside suction
**Vitals signs
**Hyperoxygenating client with 100% oxygen
**Ensuring bedside access to a rigid tonsil tip suction cathether
how to tell if ET tube is in the right mainstream bronchus
we would only hear right breath sounds
this placement is wrong, it should be in the middle 2-3 inches above carina
what to do if ET tube is in the esophagus
take it out and redo it