Test 2 Flashcards
That religions are Monotheistic
Appropriate divine attributes found in the bible that tell us what it means to be God
- Eternal
- omnipotent
- forever present
- creator ex nihilo (out of nothing)
What religion says that God brought the world into existence, but ceased His involvement with the world?
Early church fathers found the divinity of Jesus supported by 3 basic arguments. What are the arguments?
Drama/story of salvation - or “Great Controversy”
The first Bible of the early Christians, should you typically find in the Hellenistic culture
Gods have a beginning
Jesus was taken down from the cross before he died
New Age
Jesus did not die because souls cannot die
Concerned with the guilt of sin, Jesus died to uphold the law
Concerned with the consequences of sin, Jesus died to conquer death
Concerned with the power of sin in our lives, Jesus died to provide an example to inspire us