test 2 Flashcards
The Hebrew Bible is divided into three main parts. Which one does Wisdom literature belong to?
The ketuvim, or writings
Biblical wisdom books
Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, song of songs, Wisdom, Ben Sirach
Indicators of the earlier stages of biblical mythology in Job
Talks of satan (definite article)
Reference to final destination for everyone (shayal)
When was Sirach composed
late 3rd century BCE
When was Wisdom of Solomon composed
1st century BCE
Latest addition to the hebrew bible
Who/what is Behemoth
Demon that resembles a round-bellied humanoid elephant
In Job
Fantastic land creature created by god to show to Job what he can do
Who/what is Leviathan
Sea serpent symbolizing Israel’s enemies
Fantastic sea creature created by God
According to Sirach, where can Wisdom be found
In Israel, Jerusalem
What types of Psalms are there in the Psalter
Prayer and lament
How many sections is the Psalter divided into; why; how does each one conclude
5 (imitating the Torah)
Each end in Praise of god
What is the Talmud
Compilation of ancient teachings regarding as sacred and normative by jews
Supplement to Torah, containing Rabinic discussion
What types of material do we find in Proverbs
Instructions from father to son, mother to son,\
Poem where wisdom speaks (words of wisdom)
What are some of the main ideas found in Ecclesiastes
4 things
Wisdom could not achieve its goal
A remote god rules against crooked world
Death does not take virtue or vice into consideration
Enjoying life is best thing to do while young
When were the Dead Sea Scrolls discovered
Late 1940s, early 1950s
What types of literature were discovered
Copies of biblical texts
Commentaries, etc. on biblical texts
New Jewish religious documents