Test 2 Flashcards
Nutrition: (1)
Process involved in taking in nutrients and assimilating and utilizing
What do molecules do:(4)
Repair damage
Form new cells
Provide energy
Conduct all biochemical reactions that run body systems
What are the 6 classes of nutrients the body needs:
Needed for energy to run every function within the body
Required for many body functions to occur
Normal metabolism
Aiding and healing
Fight disease
Maintaining skin, hair and nails
Fats: (4)
Needed for many body functions
sedum production
absorption of fat soluble vitamins A,D,E and K
Used by cells to produce important biochemicals that have many body functions
Proteins: (4)
Important for:
building muscles
Blood tissue
Cell repair and replacement
Water (2)
Necessary for virtually every function of cells and body
Makes up 50-70% of bodies weight
What are the 5 basic food groups
Protein foods – meat, poultry, seafood, beans, eggs)
how many essential vitamins are there and what are they(2)
A, C, D, E, K , and 8 complexes of B
What are Vitamins A,D,E,K (2)
Fat soluble vitamins
Found in foods and can be stored in the body
What are Vitamin C and B-complex(2)
Body uses them and loses them quickly
What’s the difference between fat soluble and water soluble(2)
Fat stores in body
Water are used quickly and must be replenished regularly
Vitamins that have significant effects on skin:(4)
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
What does vitamin A do for skin:(3)
Supports the overall health of skin
Aids in health, function, repair of skin cells
Improves elasticity and thickness
What does Vitamin C do for skin :(6)
Needed for proper repair of skin and tissue
Aids and accelerates the skin healing processes
Boosting immune system
Fighting aging process
Promotes production of collagen
Keeps skin healthy and firm
What does vitamin D do for the skin :(2)
Enables body to absorb and use calcium for bone development and maintenance
Promotes rapid healing for skin
What does vitamin E do for skin (2)
Protects skin form harmful effects of suns UV
Helps heal damage of skins tissue when taken by mouth
What does water do for the body:(5)
Sustains cell health
Aids in elimination of toxins and waste
Regulates body temp
Aids in proper digestion
This all allows skin, hair and nails to stay healthy
Facts about water:(4)
Mild dehydration will slow metabolism as much as 3%
Lots of water can help stop hunger pangs
Lack of water is #1 cause of daytime fatigue
2% drop in body water can cause fuzzy, short-term memory, trouble with math difficulty focusing on computers or pages
How much water is required everyday (2)
Approximately 2L (8 8oz glasses)
Recommended is 9-12 (2-3L)
What is the formula to determine how much water is required (3)
Body weight divided by 2, then divide by 8
Result in number of 8oz glasses required.
Add 2 If you are extra active that day
What is Immunity and what does it do (2):
Ability of the body to resist and destroy pathogens and respond to infection
Identify potential threats and protect the body
What are the 2 types of immunity;
Key choices for the immune system to function properly (3) :
Proper nutrition- foods that provide variety of nutrients
Sleep- 8-9 hours a night
Not smoking- use of tabaco products significantly damages all systems of the body
Antibiotics (1)
Substances that kill or slow the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms
When did antibiotics become widely prescribed:(1)
What happens if you overuse/misuse antibiotics (1)
Can lead to the development of new stronger strains of bacteria that are often resistant to drugs
When should you stay home from work and for how long (4)
Running a fever
Until physician has cleared you or symptoms disappear
If you go into work sick remember… (6)
Avoid shaking hands
Wash hands frequently and prior to each client
Sneeze into elbow
Increase fluids
See doctor if it persists
Allergies (2)
Hypersensitivity disorders of immune system
When system reacts negatively to harmless substances in environment
What are common allergies of a beauty professional (4)
Preservatives in products
Chemicals used in service
Excessive exposure to moisture
Things you can do to avoid and reduce pain associated with profession (2)
Proper Footwear; shoe with support of all parts of the foot especially the arch
Support hose/ compression socks to avoid varicose veins
Escalated symptoms of dehydration (3)
Increased heart rate
Why are hair splinters important to remove asap (1)
Present opportunity for infection
How can a hair splinter be removed and what is the aftercare (3)
Soften skin with warm water
Remove with tweezers
Wash area with soap, apply anti-septic, bandage; same with a cut
Ergonomics (1)
Science of designing the workplace as well as its equipment and tools to make specific body movements more comfortable, efficient and safe
What can cause carpal tunnel syndrome (1)
Repetitive movements of the wrists causing wrist strain/injury
What body part injuries are beauty professionals more susceptible to (7)
What can bad posture do (1)
Create stress on neck, shoulders, back and legs
Correct STANDING posture (5)
Head up and chin parallel to floor
Neck elongated and balanced directly above shoulders
Lift upper body so chest is up and out—not slouched
Shoulders leveled and relaxed
Spine straight
Correct SITTING posture (6)
Hips level and horizontal not tilted forward or back
Flex knees slightly, positioned over feet
Lower body smoothly into chair , keeping back straight
Soles of feet on floor directly under knees
Seat of chair even with knees- forming 90degree angle
Body weight even on both hips
Bad ergonomic habits (6)
Gripping/squeezing implements to tight
Bending wrists up or down repeatedly
contorting wrists when using tools
Holding arms too far away
Holding elbows at more than 60degree angle for extended times
Bending forward or twisting body to get closer to client
Guidelines to follow ergonomic related injuries (5)
Ergonomically designed implements
Keep back and neck straight
Anti-fatigue mat
When standing position legs hip-width apart, bend knees slightly, align pelvis with abdomen
Stretch and walk around
Guidelines for lifting (10)
Feet about shoulder length apart
Chin and back straight
Bend at knees not back
Objects close to body
Do not twist body
Exhale when lifting
Lift with legs not back
Push or pull very heavy objects instead of lifting
Never reach more than 18inches away
Avoid fast jerky movements
Pregnancy precautions: (4)
Extend arm at full length when using a spray directing away- spray with container below waistline if possible
Wear gloves during chemical process – ensure gloves are appropriate for chemicals
Avoid sitting at pedicure bowl when one next to it is being disinfected – airborne chemicals
Wash hands frequently
Meeting and greeting new clients (4)
Be polite and genuine
Communicate professionally
Use proper terminology
Explain features and benefits of products and services
How to gain clients trust and loyalty (5)
Be consistent by always having positive attitude
Introduce yourself
Use clients name throughout visit
Take clients on tour
Introduce to people they may interact with
Effective communication (1)
Act of successfully sharing information between people so it is understood
Client intake form – what is disclosed on it (10)
Aka questionnaire, consultation card, health history form
Contact info
Products used
Hair/nail/skin needs
Medications- topical and oral
Known medical issues
Skin disorders
Service record card (4)
Clients permanents progress record of services received, results, formulations, products used or purchased
highlights allergies and sensitivities
Completed by beauty professional
Technicians responsible to update or note changes with each visit
When to do client intake form (4)
The moment a new client calls
Let client know shop requires information before service can begin
Important to arrive 15 minutes early
Allow time for consultation in your scheduling times
Client consultation (4)
Discussion with client that determines needs and how to achieve results
Done before service begins
Performed every visit
Keeps clientele current, feeling good and satisfied
Preparing for client consultation (5)
Pen and intake form
Selection of styling books, pamphlets, literature, digital images
Material showcasing variety of service options
Portfolio of your work
Additional material to help visualize potential; brochures, nail rings, swatches
Consultation area (3)
Cleaned and uncluttered work space
Product bottles, cans and jars are cleaned
Aesthetically pleasing and organized
10 step consultation method with explanations (10)
- Review – intake form, make notes, add service details afterwards
- Assess – discover what client wants and needs
- Preferences – discover and rate clients preferences – when was the last time you loved your nails 1-10
- Analyze – assess state of clients hair, nails, skin etc; thickness, texture, condition, state
- Lifestyle – review clients career and lifestyle- work with hands? outdoors? Sun exposure? Skincare? Etc
- Show and tell – encourage client to describe what they like – and make sure it is feasible with their nail/skin/hair. Aswell as their expectations to makes ure on same page
- Recommend – ask if you can make recommendations, don’t if they don’t want it. Base off their needs and desires keeping in mind lifestyle, and hair/nail/skin type
- Upsell – unless client does not want any extra service, upsell another add-on
- Maintenance – discuss upkeep, maintenance services, limitations after service, at home maintenance- educate on various product and techniques
- Repeat – review consultation, reiterate everything agreed upon, visual tools to help , slow and confirmed by client
Reflective listening (1)
Listening to client then repeating in your own words what you think client is telling you
Concluding service
Record results on service record card
Note process
Final results
Retail purchased