TEST 2 Flashcards
what are the beliefs of CMM?
- Coms is based on rule-guided and rule following
2. behavior is based on rules learned through social interaction
extends premises of symbolic interactionism…
coordinated management of meaning
what are the hierarchies of meaning?
content-lowest level of meanng relationsip speech act-coms in action life scripts-autobiography episodes-recurring routine of interaction cultural patterns-understanding of above
Defines what counts as universal signs (i.e. hugs and kisses)
Constituitive rules
tells us when its appropriate to certain things /what we should do next
regulative rules
what is logical force?
extent to which we feel acts are logical, appropriate, or required in certain situations
according to coordinated management of meaning, we use coms rules to…
coordinate meanings, through interaction with others we co-create meaning in conversations
Crits of CMM say its…
lacking in unity and coherence
too broad in scope
somewhat ambiguous
praise of CMM
broadly applicable to a variety of situations
coms based
strange loop
Creators of CMM
W Barnett Pearce and Vernon Croenen
how does the idea of building blocks factor into constructivism?
our interpretations build upon our behaviors. everything builds off one another (relationships among self, mind, and behaviors.
How did Susan Shimanoff extend the principles of CMM?
she emphasized more on the rules, as well as brought symbols into the theory as well
how did Shimanoff operationalize the definition of a rule?
as a followable prescription that indicates what behavior is obligated, preferred or prohibited in certain contexts
what are the four elements critical to Shimanoff’s definition?
rules must be followable
rules are prescriptive
rules are contexual
rules specify appropriate behaviors
how does shimanoff describe our reaction to rules?
We are either rule-fulfilling or rule ignorant
shimanoff’s rules based on…
action and principle (free will)
social behavior is?
organized and structured
what are three approaches to rules according to shimanoff?
What type of format does shimanoff use?
if-then format
what are the types of communication data we use according to constructivism?
Cognitive Schema: prototypes, stereotypes, scripts, personal construts
individuals interpret and act accordingly to conceptual categories in the cognitive systems
theory of social cognition
what are the characteristics of cognitive complexity?
differentation, abstraction, organization
how is cognitive complexity measured?
role category questionaire
what is cognitive complexity?
one’s construt system is a direct result of the history interactions in social groups
what are some assumptions of cognitive complexity?
actions is guided by intentions
how we interpret is guided by our interpretive schemes
individuals vary in complexity within their organizing and interpreting schemes
people with highly developed schemes see the world in a more complex way
what is the greatest criticism of the RCQ?
it has questionable validity
What is person-centerdness
ability to tailor communication to those with whom we interact
shows what we interpret
symbolic interactionism
shows how we interpret
kelly’s pct
what is the base premise of narrative theory?
use of a good story can be more compelling and persuasive than all of the logic stats and testimony one can establish
what are the elements of cohernece?
internal consistency of a story:material, characters, structures
what are elements of fidelity?
truthfulness or reliability of a story
narrative paradigm is most used bcausee?
is states tht communication is story telling
narrative theory attempts to bridge the gap between ____ and ___
mythos and logos
narrative paradigm was created by
walter fisher
critics of narrative paradigm say:
incomplete description
too broad
conservative bias
praise for narrative paradigm
intuitively makes sense
easy to use
generated much research
what is a system?
a group of interrelated and interacting parts that function as a whole
how did the Palo Alto group use general systems theory
via family therapy
what is equinfinality?
the ability to achieve goals through various means
describe openess
boundary control
what is synergy
whole is more than sum of its parts
what is wholeness
organized interrelated
what is the main focus of GST
the process of coms that assists in explaining the outcomes. input»throughout»output
all systems embedded with others
crits says about GST
does not explain why things occur
praise for GST
generated research
simple to understand
open vs. closedness
autonomy vs connection
independence nd interdependence
predictability vs. novelty
what did leslie baxter believe of relational dialectics?
change is constant, no ultimate resolution or end point. fleeting moments of equilibrium
what is the focus in relational dialectics
in any relationship inherent envisions exist. process coms in context of relationships
most common of RD
least common repsonse of RD
what did mikhail bakhin believe
believed in a potential to end tensions
crit of RD
may not be comprehensive
praise of RD
alll areas given praise to extent
what was uncertain reduction theory originally called?
theory of interpersonal knowledge
in the beginning what was uncertain reduction theory used for?
a means for explaining relationship development
why was uncertain reduction theory initially rejected
its basic principle was not supported by research
what did uncertain reduction theory later used for
to reduce as a way to explain reduction of uncertainty in cross-cultural situations
what do we use to reduce uncertainty
what are 3 key concepts of URT
others behavior is deviant
we anticipate future interactions
there exists a probability of having a award/punishment power over us
what are two types of uncertainty
cognitive and behavioral
observing verbal/nonverbal behavior
asking questions
praise for URT
only theory to specifically examine intial interaction
crit of URT
narrow in scope