Test 2 Flashcards
Selection is the process of choosing from a group of applicants the individual best suited for a particular position and organization.
Validity is the extent to which a selection test provides consistent results.
Objectivity refers to the uniformity of the procedures and conditions related to administering tests.
Situational interviews focus on how an individual handled job-related circumstances in the past.
Title VII requires the test to work without having an adverse impact on minorities, females, and individual with backgrounds or characteristics protected under the law.
An application form is a goal-oriented outline of a person’s experience, education, and training developed for use in the selection process.
Interviewers are valid predictors of success on the job, which is why they are commonly used to evaluate applicants.
Validity in testing occurs when everyone scoring a test obtains the same results.
During an unstructured interview, an interviewer will most likely ask open-ended questions to encourage the applicant to talk.
Preliminary screening attempts to eliminate unqualified candidates quickly.
Which of the following should NOT be requested on a job application form?
The extent to which a test measures what it claims to measure is known as ______
What is a goal-oriented conversation in which the interviewer and applicant exchange information called?
Employment interview
What selection method continues to be the primary method companies use to evaluate applicants?
Employment interview
What does the unstructured interview involve?
Asking candidates probing, open-ended questions