Test 2 Flashcards
What are causes of fetal asphyxia?
- Maternal hypoxia
- Fetal disorders
- Insufficient placental blood flow
- Blockage of umbilical blood flow
Asphyxia is a combination of what?
- Acidosis
- Hypoxia
- Hypercapnia
Compare and contrast primary and seconday apnea.
Primary apnea may be corrected with stimulation.
With secondary apnea, PPV must be initiated.
What are the steps in preparing for neonatal resuscitation?
- Anticipation: basic knowledge of maternal history
- Preparation of equipment
- Trained personnel
How often should resuscitation equipment be check?
Every shift
At minimum, there should be how many skilled persons present whose sole focus is the resuscitation of the neonate?
According to the NRP guideleines, there are three questions that should be asked upon the delivery of the neonate:
- Is the neonate term?
- Is the neonate crying or breathing?
- Is there good muscle tone?
What are the steps to resuscitating a neonate?
- Thermoregulation
- Open the airway
- Evaluate RR
- Evaluate HR
- Evaluate color
- Evaluate oxygen saturation
What type of heat loss is this and how is prevented?
Transfer of heat from one object to another without their coming into contact.
Radiant heat loss - Immediately placing the neonate under the radiant warmer.
What type of heat loss is this and how is prevented?
The loss heat through direct contact of one object with a cooler surface.
Conductive heat loss - minimized by placing the neonate on warm blankets, towels or heated matresses.
What type of heat loss is this and how is prevented?
Loss of heat through the evaporation of liquids from a surface.
Evaporative heat loss - Thoroughly drying the neonate with a warmed towel as quickly as possible
What type of heat loss is this and how is prevented?
Loss of heat due to the movement of air past the skin and carrying away heat (also known as โblow-byโ)
Convective heat loss - Preventing cold drafts over the bed and keeping movement to a minimum.
________ are at a higher risk of heat loss.
Low-birth weight, preterm neonates
When youโre opening the airway, if no air movement is noted, what should you do?
Airway should be repositioned before further steps are taken to ensure that the lack of air movement is not due to poor head positioning.
Suctioning should be gentle and limited because stimulation of the vagal nerve in the oropharynx may induce a _____.
Severe bradycardia
What is a vigorous neonate?
Strong respiratory effort, good muscle tone, and a HR greater than 100 bpm
If there is meconium present and the infant is not vigorous, what should you do?
Suction the trachea
What are suction pressures for neonates?
-80 to -100 mmHg, suction is applied for no more than 3-5 seconds
If no meconium is present or there is meconium present and the neonate is vigorous, what should you do?
Clear the mouth and nose of secretions with a bulb syringe or suction catheter.
Which is suctioned first; mouth or nose?
What is the normal respiration range for neonates?
40-60 breaths/min
If the neonate presents with any gasping, apnea or a HR less than 100 bpm, what should happen?
Initiate PPV
If the neonate presents with a HR greater than 100 bpm and labored breathing, grunting, flaring, retractions, what should happen?
Ensure airway is clear and consider CPAP to decrease WOB
How do you assess the HR or neonate?
Grasping the base of the umbilical stump between the middle finger and the thumb.
How do you measure neonatesโ HR?
HR is measured for 6 seconds and multiplied by 10
How do you inform other clinicians of the neonateโs HR is you are measuring it?
Example: tap out the heart rate on the bed so providers can visually observe.
If HR below 100, what should happen?
Initiate PPV
If HR above 100 during neonatal resuscitation, what should happen?
Evaulate respiratory effort and color
What is the best way to evaulate the color of the neonate?
Directly observing the central portion or trunk of the body.
True or False.
It is common for neonates to have acrocyanosis, which is blueness of the hands and feet, for several hours after delivery.
Since neonates take several minutes to transition to adult circulation, it is possible for oxygen saturation to be as low ______ at time of delivery.
It may take up to ______ for a neonate to obtain an oxygenation saturation of >85%.
What is the proper placement of the pulse oximeter?
What happens if its placed anywhere else?
Right hand, wrist or forearm. This will allow assessment of preductal oxygen saturation.
The assessment may include blood flow through the ductus arteriosus, which has not participated in gas exchange.
Saturations of _________ on room air are acceptable for a neonate breathing room air.
Preterm neonates are even more susceptible to oxygen toxicity than term neonates, because of this, what is recommended?
Oxygen blender
When is PPV indicated?
Neonate is:
- Apneic
- Gasping
- When spontaneous breathing cannot maintain a HR above 100 bpm
When baggin, the bag is squeezed with the fingertips until chest expansion is observed, you should start with what pressures?
Around 20cmH2O and gradually increase if needed to achieved increased rate.
What should do you if youโre giving PPV, and the HR is more than 60 but less than 100?
Continue PPV and monitor oxygen saturation.
If a persistent HR of less than 60 bpm depsite stimulation and 30 seconds of adequate PPV does not provide adequate CO to meet the needs of the neonate, what is initiated?
Chest compressions
Which chest compression technique is preferred?
Thumb techqniue because it is easier to provide consistent depth and pressure.
If it becomes necessary to place an umbilical catheter for the adminsitration of medications, what chest compression technique must be done?
Two-finger technique as it allows greater access to the umbilical stump
Chest Compression - Neonates
The sternum is compressed one-third of the anterior-posterior diameter at a rate of ______.
The proper rate of compressions and ventilation is ___.
In order to maintain a compression rate of 90/min, three compressions and one ventilation must be given in a _____ time period.
It is recommended in the AAP/NRP guidelines that initial compressions continue for upwards of ________ seconds after well-established circulation before the first HR evaulation.
45-60 seconds
Compressions should be discontinued when the HR rises above _______ and PPV continues until the HR rises above 100bpm.
60 bpm
If the neonate does not improve despite assisted ventilation and chest compressions, what should you consider?
- Underlying causes
- Possible equipment failure
- Ineffective resuscitation techniques
Intubation is indicated during a resuscitation when:
- Thick meconium present in nonvigarous infant
- Bag and mask ventilation is difficult/ineffective
- Prolonged PPV is required due to lung disease
- Extreme prematurity and need for surfactant
- Chest compressions have become necessary
Intubation should be STOPPED ifโฆ
Severe bradycardia and/or desaturation occur, allowing time to HR and satuation to return to normal limits.
Equipment for intubation:
- Laryngoscope
- Blade with functioning light
- Several ET tube size
- Stylet (optional)
- End tidal CO2 monitor
- Suction equipment
- Securing device
- Scissors
- Stethoscope
- Bag and mask or T-piece
- Oxygen blender
- Pulse ox
Intubation of a term neonate will require which size blade?
Intubation of a premature neonate will require which size blade?
Which blade is the only one to be used in neonate and young children up to approximately 6-8 years old and why?
Miller, because the larynx is more superior and the epiglottis is more horizontal than in adults.
Easier to lift the epiglottis and visualize the trachea.
Why is it so easy to extubate a neonate?
The tube has no cuff.
Something to know :)
The upper gums are NEVER used as a fulcrum to pry the blade upward.
Youโre going to pass this test!
If youโre intubating a neonate and you canโt visualize the epiglottis, what should you do?
Withdraw the blade until you see it.
For neontates, the ideal placement of tube will have its tip _________.
between the carina and the vocal cords.
For neontates, following the verification of tube position, the end of the tube is cut (between 13-15 cm), leaving only _______ outside the mouth. Why?
4 cm. This helps reduce dead space and airway resistance. Also, its easier to manage the tube.
What is the recommended LMA size for neonates over 2 kg?
For neonates that are intubated via LMA, it is slid into place with the tip of the cuff resting in the esophagus. The cuff is inflated with no more than _____ of air.
4 mL
What is the ONLY medication administered during neonatal resuscitation?
Volume expander may be adminsitered in cases of shock due to significant blood loss.
Epinephrine and volume expanders can be administered via ____.
Catheter inserted in the umbilical vein.
Also, in the endotracheal tube, but it is not recommended.
If the endotracheal administration route for epinephrine is selected , the dose should be increased to ____.
0.5 to 1.0 mL/kg
When is the only time endotracheal administration of epinephrine should be used?
When venous access is not available or while venous access is being obtained in emergent situations.
After giving medications via endotracheal tube, what could assist in the disbursement of the medication to the lung fields for absorption?
Manual positive pressure breaths
What is the most easily accessible route for direct administration of medication and fluids during an acute resuscitation?
Umbilical vein
What are indications for the use of epinephrine during resuscitation?
- HR is zero
- HR remains below 60 bpm despite 30 seconds of effective PPV and 30 seconds of chest compresssions
Placement of a UVC and administration of epinephrine and/or volume expanders is indicated when:
Previous resuscitative efforts have not resulted in improvement of the infant.
Epinephrine causes peripheral _____.
What is the dosage of epinephrine?
One mL of a 1:10,000 solution is drawn up and delivered at a dosage of 0.1 to 0.3 mL/kg
After giving epinephrine via endotracheal tube, what can you do to aid delivery?
Dilute with 1-2 mL of normal saline
How often can epinephrine be readministered?
Every 3-5 minutes
Consider increasing the dose within suggested range if no response is noted after first dose.
When is the use of volume expanders indicated?
In infants showing signs of hypovalemic shock due to acute blood loss.
What are signs of hypovalemic shock?
- Low BP
- Pallor in the face of adequate oxygenation
- Poor capillary refill
- HR above 100bpm with weak pulses
- Failure to respond to resuscitation
What scale was developed as an objective way to evaluate the condition of the neonate?
APGAR scale
The Apgar scale examines what 5 areas?
- Respiratory effort
- Heart rate
- Muscle tone
- Reflex irritability
- Color
The first Apgar score is assesed at _______ after delivery.
1 minute. Second one performed at 5 minutes.
Apgars can be assessed every 5 minutes as needed for ______, or when resuscitation ends.
20 minutes
What drives a resuscitation?
Heart rate
During intrauterine life, the nutritional needs of the fetus are continously supplied by the maternal circulation and regulated by the _____.
The rate of glucose uptake by the fetus through the placenta is directly related to _______.
Maternal blood glucose level
What are the clinical signs of hypoglycemia?
- Tremors or jitteriness
- Irritability
- Exaggerated or decreased moro reflex
- Apnea/tachypnea
- Cyanosis
- Seizures
- Lethargy
- Hypothermia
- High-pitched or weak cry
- Poor feeding
- Vomiting
- Cardiovascular failure and/or collapse
Define hypogylcemia.
Plasma glucose level less than 30 mg/dL in the first 24 hours of life and less than 45 mg/dL thereafter.
A common cause of hypoglycemia is ___.
Causes of decreased glycogen stores:
- Prematurity
- Intrauterine growth retardation
- Starvation
- Sepsis
- Shock
- Asphyxia
- Hypothermia
- Glycogen storage disease
- Galactosemia
- Adrenal insufficiency
- Polycythemia
- Congenital cardiac malformations
- Iatrogenic causes
High risk for hypoglycemia.
- Infants of diabetic mothers
- Rh incompatibility
- Prematurity
- Neonates who are small for their gestational age
_____________ provides the most easily accessible route fo arterial blood sampling.
Umbilical stump
The usual site for insertion of a UAC is _____.
Near the umbilicus
What size catheter is used for UAC insertion for neonates weighing more than 1250g?
5 F
What size catheter is used for UAC insertion for neonates weighing less than 1250g?
3.5 F
What is the most common complication of UAC?
Thrombus formation on the catheter. tip, which may lead to a decreased circulation to one of the legs.
Additional thromboembolic complications:
- Hypertension
- Necrotizing enterocolitis
Complications of UAC:
- Perforation of the vessel is a direct complication of the procedure.
- Vasospasm of arterial supply to a toe, foot or leg
- Hemorrhage
What does STABLE stand for?
- Sugar
- Temperature
- Airway
- Blood pressure
- Lab work
- Emotional support
A program that was intiated to educate those who work with newborns to stabilize infant post-resuscitation.
To help in the assessment of sexual maturity that accompanies puberty, this scale utilizes changes in the male genitalia, pubic hair presence and distribution and female breast development and pubic hair growth.
Tanner scale
Infants require around ________ to meet their basal metabolic needs along with the energy needed for growth.
120 kcal/kg/day
Developmental delays can occur in any one or any combination of areas and ar estimated to have a prevalence of around ____.
When there is a significant delay in two or more of the examined areas it is termed _____.
Global developmental delay
Developmental disabilities that cause significant social, communication, and behavioral challenges are termed ____.
Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs)
One of the most common neurobehravioral disorders of childhood is ____.
ADHD - attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Children with ____ have trouble paying attention, controlling their impulsive behaviors and are also overactive.
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder - ADHD
How is Asperger different from autism?
Children with Asperger syndrome typically function better than those with autism. Generally have normal intelligence and near-normal language development although when they get older, they may communication issues.
The term ________ refers to children who have problems with communication, play and some difficulty interacting with others but are too social to be considered autistic.
PDD-NOS - milder form of autism
What are some vaccines for persons aged 0-18?
- Hepatitis A/B
- Roravirus
- Diptheria
- Tetanus
- Pertussis
- Haemophilus influenza
- Pnemococcus
- Polio
- Influenza
- Measles
- Mumps
- Rubella
- Varicella
- Megingococcus
How much sleep does a adolescent need a day?
8-9 hours
Infants less than 6 month typically spend how much of their sleep time in active REM sleep?
Half of their sleep time
Childhood sleep patterns approach those of adults after _____ of age.
6 months
These type of children exhibit oppositional and defiant behavior chronically.
- Frequent temper tantrum
- Excessive arguing
- Deliberate attempts tp upset ppl
- Mean/hateful talking
- Revenge seeking
ODD - Oppositional defiant disorder
Up to ______% of children diagnosed with ADHD may also have symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea.
_________ is a group of behavioral and/or emotional problems that lead to disregard for rules and socaially unacceptable behaviors.
- Displays aggression toward ppl or animals.
Conduct disoder
Intake of non-foods such as hair, dirt, animal dropping and paint.
The symptoms of __________ are manifest as a refusal to eat in a relentless pursuit to become thin.
Anorexia nervosa
Binging on large quantities of high-caloric food, which then may be followed by self-induced vomiting or use of laxatives to โpurgeโ the body.
Bulimia nervosa
Symptoms of eating disroders in adolescence:
- Insomnia
- Skipping a majority of meals
- Dental caries and erosion of tooth enamel
- Loss of hair or nail dystrophy
- Constipation
- Frequent weight taking
- Usual eating habits
- Extreme exercise habits
- Unusual hyperactivity
The traditional definition of fever is a rectal temperature above ____.
100.4 F or 38. C
Fever is a response to endogenous proteins that raise the temperature set-point in the ___.
In most instances, pediatric fever is caused by _________ that are mostly self-limiting.
Viral infections
One method proposed to help identify febrile infants at low risk for serious bacterial infections is the __.
โRochester Criteriaโ
__________ follows only upper respiratory infections as the most common disease of childhood.
Acute Otitis Media
AOM occurs when ____.
Fluid accumulates in th middle ear, leading to inflammation secondary to bacterial infection.
What is the leading cause of AOM?
Eustachian tube dysfucntion
Acute Otitis Media
In children, the eustachian tube is more __________ than adults, making it difficult for fluid to drain out the middle ear.
Smaller and more level
AOM typically occurs recurrently throughout childhood with _______ of children having 6 or more episodes by age 7.