test 2 Flashcards
What type of research are persuasive effects mostly based upon?
experimental research
What is the problem with relying on experimental research?
Defining variables can be problematic
What are 3 broad categories of persuasive effects?
Explain Primacy and Recency effects
Primacy put the most important argument first.
Recency put the most important argument last.
What is pyramidal order and which is most persuasive?
places the strongest argument in the middle of the message.
Explain the impact time delay on persuasive outcomes
refers to messages designed so that audiences can draw their own conclusions.
refers to messages designed so that conclusions are drawn for the audience.
Which is more effective?
Explicit Conclusions
Listeners aren’t knowledgeable
Complex message is complex or difficult to understand
Listeners have low involvement
Why is repetition thought to be so effective?
comprehend the message better.
Mere Exposure Theory
the more familiar we are with an item, the more we like it.
When is repetition most effective?
Is quality or quanity of arguments more important?
This effect may depend on personal preference
one-sided messages
present arguments in favor of the position, but ignore opposing arguments.
two-sided messages
discuss supporting and opposing arguments
Define one-sided non-refutational arguments and two-sided nonrefutational
How does fear affect persuasive outcomes?
the more fear, the more vulnerable the audience feels, and the more persuaded we are.
What factors might be relevant to the impact fear has on persuasive outcomes
The effectiveness of fear appeals (scare tactics, health risk messages) is influenced by a variety of factors.
Why do persuasive scholars say that humor has an indirect impact on persuasion
Jokes themselves do not persuade, but humor may assist in persuasion
What do we know about the use of self-deprecating humor and gender and humor?
Are examples or statistics more effective?
What is pre-giving?
the act of getting someone to comply by doing something nice for them in advance
why does pre-giving work?
We feel indebted so we repay (I’ll scratch your back if you’ll scratch mine).
when does pre-giving not work?
if I feel bribed
foot in the door
Give me an inch and I’ll take a mile.
door in the face
Ask for a really large request (to be rejected), then follow with a small request (to be accepted).
foot in the mouth
When asked how you are feeling (and replying favorably), you may be committing yourself to act in a consistent way.
Define credibility
judgments made by the perceiver concerning the believability of a communicator
What are 4 features of credibility
2 dimensions of credibility
Good character —- trustworthy
Rational/legal ideal— competence
How are each measured
make statements which are consistent with their interests.
Reluctant sources
make statements which go against their interests
Explain the problems with defining and assessing source credibility
The reaction of the audiences to high and low credibility sources are sometimes unpredictable
Explain the sleeper effect
Under the right conditions, the delayed impact of a message might “grow on” a receiver.
How does education, occupation, experience, non-fluencies, speaking rate, source citations, and position advocated affect persuasive outcomes?
Are liked or disliked sources more effective?
Generally, liked communicators are more effective than disliked ones.
When are disliked sources more effective?
How do similarity and physical attractiveness affect liking
Are women less influential than men? why?
women are less influential than men
Gender stereotypes portray men as more competent than women, and women as more communal, likeable.
What does it mean to say a woman’s influence is conditional?
the power to gain acceptance because of who you are
Use of special symbols and technical jargon to communicate authority
Sources can create the expectation of change, thereby producing it
References to authority may create effective persuasive appeals.
In what ways does nonverbal communication influence persuasion?
Nonverbal communication (NV) helps us create expressions of ourselves (as powerful, credible, authoritative).
warmth, closeness, friendliness, involvement
explain the direct effects model of immediacy.
How does kinesics, haptics, proxemics, chronemics, and artifacts affect persuasion?
“to move;” eye contact, facial expressions, body movements, posture, gestures
use of space
study of time
Clothing, physical features
why might touching “work; when doesn’t it
in a bar for more tips it doesnt work at certain jobs
expectancy violations theory
principle of scarcity
seen as big and loud
seen small and shy
seen as warm and funny
What are some problems with studying the audience?
Rarely are audience’s as homogenous as we assume.
Commercial television has made diverse audiences a given.
What impact does sex, self-esteem, and intelligence have on receiver persuasibility?
Explain inoculation theory. Does it work?
The biological metaphor
advocate’s conviction
bad faith
advocate and the audience share the same cultural beliefs
What are 5 cultural parables?
The Mob at the Gates Triumphant Individual Benevolent Community Rot at the Top The Man’s Man
Name 2 types of deception
Benign Fabrications
why do we lie?
To benefit others To affiliate To maintain privacy To avoid conflict To impress To protect self To benefit self To harm another
What behaviors give us away?
Blink more often Move hands more Make more speech errors Are more brief Pupils dilate Include less relevant material Shrug more Hesitate more Overgeneralize
Who is best at lying?
High self-monitors are better liars than low self-monitors.
What is the 4 factor model
People are anxious or aroused when they lie.
Because we don’t want to be caught we try to control our behaviors
stereptype we have about liars?
We think liars do not make direct eye contact, but in reality they make more eye contact than truth tellers.