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4 Canons of TCM :
- Huangdi Internal Classic (Huangdi Nei Jing) 《黃帝內經》
- Classic on Medical Problems (Nan Jing) 《難經》 (又名《八十一難》)
- Treatise on Cold-Attack and Miscellaneous Diseases
(Shang Han Za Bing Lun) 《傷寒雜病論》 - Shen Nong’s Herbal Classic (Sheng Nong Ben Cao Jing)《神農本草經》
Huangdi Internal Classic (Huangdi Nei Jing) 《黃帝內經》’s author
Classic on Medical Problems (Nan Jing) 《難經》’s author
Bian Que (扁鵲)/ Qin Yueren (秦越人)
Cunkou is?
the radial artery at the wrist
____ developed the theories of mingmen (命門) (gate of life) and
sanjiao (三焦) (triple energizer)
Classic on Medical Problems (Nan Jing) 《難經》/
Bian Que (扁鵲)/ Qin Yueren (秦越人)
Treatise on Cold-Attack and Miscellaneous Diseases
(Shang Han Za Bing Lun) 《傷寒雜病論》’s author
Zhang Zhong Jing (張仲景)
For Treatise on Cold-Attack and Miscellaneous Diseases
(Shang Han Za Bing Lun) 《傷寒雜病論》, the part about Cold disease was collected by _________
Wang Shuhe (王叔和)
For Treatise on Cold-Attack and Miscellaneous Diseases
(Shang Han Za Bing Lun) 《傷寒雜病論》, the part about Miscellaneous diseases in the original book was later compiled into
book known as __________
Synopsis of Golden Cabinet (Jin Kui Yao Lue) 《金匱要略》
_________ summarized 365 kinds of Chinese herbs and according to their properties, classified them into three grades: superior, mediocre, and inferior
Shen Nong’s Herbal Classic (Sheng Nong Ben Cao Jing)
365 kinds of Chinese herbs are classified into three grades: superior, mediocre, and inferior
- Superior :
- Mediocre :
- Inferior :
Superior : Not poisonous and invigorating qi 可益氣
Mediocre : Poisonous / Not poisonous and cure deficiency 醫虛症
Inferior : Poisonous and eliminate evil diseases and removing accumulation 驅邪
______ introduced the four properties and five flavors (四氣五味) of the Chinese herbs.
Shen Nong’s Herbal Classic (Sheng Nong Ben Cao Jing)《神農本草經》
The four properties and five flavors (四氣五味) of the Chinese
herbs :
Four Properties –
Five Flavors –
Four Properties – Cold, Hot, Warm and Cool (寒、熱、溫、涼)
Five Flavors – Peppery Hotness, Sweetness, Sourness, Bitterness and Saltiness (辛、甘、酸、苦、鹹)
Dynasty: Song (宋朝)
Author/Compiled: Chen Wuze (陳無擇 又名陳言)
Literary Work: Treatise on Three Categories of Pathogenic Factors
三因 is?
The three categories of pathogenic factors are :
1. Internal causes
2. External causes
3. Non-internal and non-external causes 不內外 (e.g.外傷傷埋內臟)
“Fire-Heat“ theory 心火
* Asserted that most diseases
resulted from injury by the Fire evil
* Treatment based principally on _______
inducing cooling by using cold and cool herbs
4 Great Schools of Jin and Yuan dynasties (金元四大家):
Which 4 schools?
Cold and Cool (寒涼派)
Purgation (攻邪派)
Reinforcing of Earth (Spleen and Stomach) (補土派)
Nourishing Yin (滋陰派)
Cold and Cool (寒涼派) -
Cold and Cool (寒涼派) - Propounded “Fire-Heat“ theory
Purgation (攻邪派) -
Purgation (攻邪派) - Eliminate the Evil Qi and the Healthy Qi will be strengthened ( Driven out those pathogenic factors out of the body by means of sweating)
Reinforcing of Earth (Spleen and Stomach) (補土派) -
Reinforcing of Earth (Spleen and Stomach) (補土派) - Diseases ensued when spleen and stomach impaired internally
(Clinical treatment should be warming and invigorating spleen and stomach)
Nourishing Yin (滋陰派) -
Nourishing Yin (滋陰派) - Yang is redundant and Yin is deficient 陰不足 要滋陰先可降火, based on Ministerial Fire (Kidney fire 相火 - 因外在飲食or生活習慣)
Representative: Zhu Zhengheng (朱震亨 又名朱丹溪)
The five elements:
Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water
_____ illustrates as the ability to grow, flourish and disperse
_____ illustratess the hotness, warmth and ascent
_____ illustrates the ability to generate, nourish, support and to receive
_____ illustrates the purification, sinking and astringing (收斂)
_____ illustrates to moisten, move downward, to cool and conceal
Wood’s Zang organs, Fu organ, Sense organ and its passions:
Zang organs: Liver
Fu organ: Gall bladder
Sense organ: Eyes
passions: Rage/anger
Fire’s Zang organs, Fu organ, Sense organ and its passions:
Zang organs: Heart
Fu organ: Small intestine
Sense organ: Tongue
passions: Joy
Earth’s Zang organs, Fu organ, Sense organ and its passions:
Zang organs: Spleen
Fu organ: Stomach
Sense organ: Lips
passions: Brooding(沉思)
Metal’s Zang organs, Fu organ, Sense organ and its passions:
Zang organs: Lung
Fu organ: Large intestine
Sense organ: Nose
passions: Grief
Water’s Zang organs, Fu organ, Sense organ and its passions:
Zang organs: Kidney
Fu organ: Urinary bladder
Sense organ: Ears
passions: Fear/Flight
Zang organs belong to Yin or Yang?
Fu organs belong to Yin or Yang?
Zang organs include:
Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lung, Kidney
Fu organs include:
Gall bladder, Small intestine, Stomach, Large intestine, Urinary bladder
The Theory of Visceral Manifestation
The Functional Characteristics of 5 Zang Viscera
The Heart opens into _____
The Theory of Visceral Manifestation
The Functional Characteristics of 5 Zang Viscera
The Lung communicates with _____, opens into _____
throat, nose
The Theory of Visceral Manifestation
The Functional Characteristics of 5 Zang Viscera
The Spleen opens into ____
The Theory of Visceral Manifestation
The Functional Characteristics of 5 Zang Viscera
The Liver opens into ____
The Theory of Visceral Manifestation
The Functional Characteristics of 5 Zang Viscera
The Kidney opens into ____